The facilities owned and operated by the City of Walhalla shall be open for public use from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on weekdays unless otherwise established. Any City activity shall have priority over any request from an individual for the use of a facility.
Any individual using the public facilities of the City of Walhalla shall abide by all of the laws of the State of South Carolina and ordinances of the City of Walhalla.
The uses and activities at each of the public facilities shall be established by the City of Walhalla and shall be compatible with the design and intent of the facility.
A facility may be rented or leased to an individual for use at a time, set fee and any other conditions as set by the City of Walhalla. The Walhalla Police Department shall have a copy of such scheduled uses as provided by the Clerk/Treasurer or the Walhalla Recreation Department.
The following uses and activities are explicitly prohibited at all public facilities unless otherwise provided for:
Smoking or the use of any tobacco product within the confines of any building. Smoking may be allowed in areas out of doors other than the swimming pool area; however, no littering of cigarette or cigar butts shall occur on the premises.
In addition to Chapter 223, Offenses, § 223-4 and § 223-10, use or possession of firearms, pellet guns or any other implement which propels an object or substance that might cause personal injury or property damage, or might cause a person to believe his personal safety is in jeopardy. Exception: law enforcement officers and others authorize by the City, state or federal government; organized activities and sports in designated areas as approved by the City of Walhalla.
Use or possession of vehicles other than in designated areas. This includes motor vehicles, bicycles, all-terrain vehicles, mopeds, coasters (skates, skateboards and similar toy vehicles), and so forth. Exception: official vehicles of the City, state, county or federal governments; utilities, EMS and any other vehicles authorized in writing by the City of Walhalla.
In addition to the provisions of Chapter 223, Offenses, §§ 223-7, 223-8 and 223-13, no rough play will be tolerated at any public facility.
Use or possession of pets, horses and all forms of livestock is explicitly prohibited. Exception: activities as authorized by the City of Walhalla; or service animals for the disabled, such as Seeing Eye dogs.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
In addition to the provisions of Chapter 223, Offenses, § 223-5, any individual who, without legal cause or good excuse, enters into a public facility or on the premises thereof, or fails, without good cause or good excuse, to leave immediately upon being ordered or requested to do so by a representative or employee of the City of Walhalla.
Golf practice at any public facility unless authorized by the City of Walhalla.
Alcoholic beverages, such as but not limited to wine, beer, liquor, champagne, except as permitted by the City of Walhalla.
Camping (tents, vehicles, sleeping bags or mats, etc.) and fires for warming, cooking or other uses unless authorized by the City of Walhalla.
The liability of any public facility or premises shall be as described:
The City of Walhalla. The City of Walhalla, its agents and employees specifically disclaim any and all liability or responsibility for any loss or damage to personal property or personal injury arising out of or incurred in connection with any activities conducted on or engaged in a public facility.
The individual.
When a facility is to be rented for private use, the individual making the reservations for the use will be held responsible for the building, all equipment in the building, facilities in the building and the premises. The individual making the reservation shall make payment for the repair or replacement of any damages within 10 days of receipt of the statement of cost.
Upon expiration of the time period for which the facility is used, rented or leased, the facility, including the building and premises, must be left in a clean condition and in good working order.
The City of Walhalla is not responsible for nor does it endorse implicitly or explicitly the activities held in the building or on the premises. The individual specifically agrees to and does hold the City of Walhalla, its agents and employees harmless for any use, damage or accident which occurs within the use period.
All injury to individuals, property or damage to the building or premises shall immediately be reported to the City.
Depot. The following stipulations shall apply to the use of the Depot:
The use of alcoholic beverages, including but not limited to beer, wine and liquor, shall be confined to private parties with restricted guest lists. Any individual or group serving alcoholic beverages shall agree in writing to the following:
No alcoholic beverages may be consumed on the premises by any minor; and
The individual serving alcoholic beverages shall ensure that no person attending the function shall leave the premises operating any motor vehicle under the influence of any alcoholic beverages.
Properly supervised dances and parties will be permitted inside and on the decks. No loud noise or music shall be permitted which shall constitute a nuisance as determined by the Walhalla Police Department.
No taps or tap shoes shall be used in the building or on the decks.
City Gym. No taps or tap shoes shall be used in the building.
Sertoma Field. The walking trail shall be open continuously to the public explicitly for the purpose of walking, running or jogging.