[Amended 8-13-2021 by Acts of 2021, Ch. 40]
[Amended 2-29-2024 by Acts of 2024, Ch. 36]
Seven members shall be elected by and from the voters of the city at large for a term of 4 years, so arranged that all members are not elected at the same time. Whenever a vacancy occurs on the board of trustees under the will of Charles E. Forbes, the president of the board shall declare a vacancy and, within 30 days following the date of the vacancy, call a meeting of the trustees to fill the vacancy. The board of trustees shall choose a person to fill the vacancy from among the voters entitled to vote for the office. Persons appointed by the trustees to fill a vacancy shall serve only until a candidate is elected to the office at the next regular city election and is sworn to the office. The candidate elected to an office filled prior to the election shall be sworn to the office immediately upon certification of the results of the election and shall serve for the unexpired term of the seat to which the candidate was elected. If the seat to which the candidate was elected would have been on the ballot for the next regular city election notwithstanding the vacancy, the candidate shall also be elected for a full 4-year term. No vacancy shall be filled pursuant to this section if a regular city election is to be held within 120 days following the date the vacancy is declared to exist.
One member shall be elected by and from the voters of the city at large for a term of 2 years. Whenever a vacancy occurs in the office of elector under the Oliver Smith Will, the city council shall, within 30 days following the date of that vacancy, act to fill the vacancy. A person appointed to fill a vacancy by the city council shall serve only until a candidate is elected to the office at the next regular city election and is sworn to the office. The person elected at the regular city election shall take office immediately upon certification of the results of the election. No vacancy shall be filled pursuant to this section if a regular city election is to be held within 120 days following the date of the vacancy. The process and procedure by which the city council shall fill vacancies shall be established by ordinance.
Three members shall be elected by and from the voters of the city at large for a term of 2 years. Vacancies shall be filled in a like manner as a school committee vacancy.
Two members shall be elected by and from the voters of the city at large for a term of 4 years. Whenever a vacancy occurs on the Community Preservation Committee, the city council shall, within 30 days following the date of that vacancy, act to fill the vacancy. A person appointed to fill a vacancy by the city council shall serve only until a person is elected at the next regular city election and is sworn to the office. The person elected at the regular city election shall take office immediately upon certification of the results of the election. No vacancy shall be filled pursuant to this section if a regular city election is to be held within 120 days following the date of the vacancy. The process and procedure by which the city council shall fill vacancies shall be established by ordinance.