Editor's Note: Ord. No. 2020-15 relocated the R-1/AH AND R-2/AH Zoning Districts from Article XII, Division 7, § T10B-355T10B-358 to Article XI, Division 2, Subdivision 2.24, § T10B-272.70 – § T10B-272.73.
[Ord. No. 87-31, § 3.]
There are hereby established the R-1/AH and R-2/AH zoning districts, made up of such land area as shown on the zoning map on file in the office of the township clerk.
[Ord. No. 87-31, § 3.]
Residential clusters meeting the requirements of this article and of Division 9 (Residential Clusters) of Article IX, except as modified herein, shall be permitted and shall contain no more units than the maximum number determined in the manner provided in paragraph (b) below.
The maximum number of units permitted on any parcel in a R-1/AH or R-2/AH zoning district, exclusive of the number that may be permitted on that part of the parcel designated RH-8, shall be determined by multiplying the base density by 1.25 times the number of acres in the entire parcel. For purposes of this computation, the parcel shall be deemed to include that part, if any, designated RH-8. The base density for any parcel zoned R-1/AH shall be 0.5 units per acre. The base density for any parcel zoned R-2/AH shall be 0.67 units per acre.
[Ord. No. 87-31, § 3; Ord. No. 88-8, § 2.]
Within each parcel in the R-1/AH and R-2/AH zoning districts, a part of the parcel has been designated RH-8 and is so shown on the zoning map of the Township of Princeton. Upon final subdivision or site plan approval for any development other than improvements to agricultural operations, any applicant for development approval of a parcel in the R-1/AH or R-2/AH district shall convey that part of the parcel designated RH-8 to Princeton Township or to a nonprofit or public entity either designated by the Princeton Township Housing Board or acceptable to the board for use for affordable housing or shall enter into a development agreement pursuant to paragraph (b) with respect to that part of the parcel, unless this requirement is waived and a contribution required as set for in paragraph (c).
In the event that the applicant chooses not to convey that part of the parcel designated RH-8, he shall execute a development agreement with the township to ensure that that part of the parcel is developed for affordable housing pursuant to Article XII, Affordable Housing, but only at such time as the township committee in its sole discretion determines that such units are needed in Princeton Township. He shall in addition post a bond in the same amount as the contribution alternative set forth in paragraph (c) and prepare such documents as will ensure that, should the township take possession of the R-H portion of the parcel pursuant to the following, his ownership interest will be conveyed to the township and such additional legal documents as the township may determine to be necessary to ensure production of affordable housing on the site. In the event that, at such time as the township committee determines it is desirable to construct such housing, the developer is unavailable or unwilling to construct such housing, the bond shall be forfeited and the township or its designee shall take possession of the R-H portion of the parcel for the purpose of developing affordable housing pursuant to Article XII, Affordable Housing; provided, however, that upon completion of said development, the township shall return to the developer any part of the bond that it has determined is not needed to ensure the affordability of the lower income units and the long-term economic viability of the development.
Township committee in its sole discretion may, upon recommendation by the housing board and planning board, require that the applicant in lieu of conveyance or development of the R-H portion of the tract pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b) make a contribution to the township for use in its affordable housing program. Such discretion shall be exercised on the basis of evaluation by township committee of the relative effect of a financial contribution or the donation of land on the success of the affordable housing program. In such event, the amount of the contribution shall be the lesser of the following:
The product of multiplying the acreage in that part of the parcel designated RH-8 by 4, or the number of units permitted on the balance of the parcel by .37, whichever is less, and multiplying the product rounded up to the next whole number by the average subsidy to create a lower income housing unit as most recently determined by the Princeton Township Housing Board.
15% of the average selling price of the units in the development multiplied by the number of bonus units permitted on the site as determined pursuant to section T10B-272.71(b) but in no event less than 75% of the amount required under subsection (c) (1) above.
25% of the contribution required under paragraph (c) (1) above shall be paid upon receipt of final subdivision or site plan approval on all or any part of the tract, 50% upon receipt of the first building permit for development on any part of the tract, and 25% upon receipt of the first certificate of occupancy. If, upon completion of sale of all units on the tract, the applicant can demonstrate that the required contribution under paragraph (c) (2) would have less than the amount actually paid, the township shall refund to the applicant the difference on the basis of adequate documentation provided by the applicant.
Each R-1/AH and R-2/AH zoning district, including the portion thereof designated RH-8 unless the applicant conveys such portion pursuant to paragraph (a) or enters into a developer's agreement pursuant to paragraph (b), shall be developed pursuant to a comprehensive development plan, and no approval shall be granted for any preliminary development application for less than such area.
No lot within a R-1/AH or R-2/AH zoning district may be subdivided even if no improvements are proposed thereto, unless a declaration of convenants and restrictions showing how the entire district will be developed in compliance with the requirements of Article XII, Affordable Housing, is approved by the planning board and filed with the county clerk. All owners of the subdivided lots shall be bound by such declaration unless they jointly submit a development application covering the entire district and complying with the requirements of Article XII, Affordable Housing.
[Ord. No. 87-31, § 3.]
All of the provisions of Division 9 of Article IX of this chapter applicable to residential clusters shall apply to residential clusters permitted in the R-1/AH and R-2/AH districts pursuant to section T10B-272.71 with the following modifications:
In lieu of the requirements for common open space set forth in the first sentence of section T10B-194(a), 50% of any tract in a R-1/AH or R-2/AH zoning district exclusive of that part designated RH on the zoning map shall be devoted to common open space for the benefit of the residents of the residential cluster. In the event that the township committee elects to substitute a financial contribution as provided in section T10B-272.72(c), 50% of the entire tract shall be devoted to common open space. The area to be devoted to common open space shall include all those lands designated "Natural Resource and Other Areas for Open Space Preservation" on the Zoning Map of the Township of Princeton.
In lieu of the lot standards for single-family and two-family structures, set forth in section T10B-192(a) and (b) respectively, the following shall apply:
R-1/AH and R-2/AH
Required Lot Area (Min. Acre)
5,000 (single-family)
(Min. Sq. Ft.)
8,500 (two-family)
Required Lot Width
40 (single-family)
(Min. Ft.)
50 (two-family)
Required Lot Depth
80 (single-family)
(Min. Ft.)
120 (two-family)
Required Lot Frontage (Min. Ft.)
30 (both)
Required Bldg. Setback
Front (Min. Ft.)
15 (both)
Side (Min. Ft.)
5 (both)
Combined Side (Min. Ft.)
Rear (Min. Ft.)
15 (both)
Permitted Bldg. Height (Max. Ft.)
30 (both)
Building Setback-Height Ratio
Permitted Bldg. F.A.R.
30 (single-family)
(Max. %)
40 (two-family)
Required Parking Setback
Front (Min. Ft.)
25 (both)
Side (Min. Ft.)
25 (both)
Rear (Min. Ft.)
25 (both)