[Added 8-13-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-17]
The purpose and intent of the AH District is to provide for the development of a 100% affordable project not to exceed 65 multifamily units.
Multifamily dwellings, townhouses, stacked townhouses. Multiple buildings are permitted within the AH District.
Recreational facilities, including clubhouse and outdoor recreation.
Off-street parking facilities.
Utility structures.
The total amount of multifamily residential units shall not exceed 65 units.
Ownership and control. The tract shall be under one ownership or control by the applicant for purposes of obtaining all required development approvals and committing the tract to the regulations of the AH District.
Minimum tract area: three acres.
Minimum tract frontage: 100 linear feet.
Setback requirements:
Front yard setback (Rancocas Street): 20 feet.
Side yard setback: 25 feet.
Rear yard setback: 25 feet.
Minimum buffer width of 20 feet within the setback area shall be maintained only along residential zoned or used properties.
Maximum number of units per building: maximum of 10 units per building.
Maximum height: three stories, but not to exceed 45 feet.
Maximum impervious coverage: 80% of the entire tract area.
Minimum open space requirement: A minimum of 20% of gross tract shall be open space; this may include, but not limited to, passive recreation areas, active recreation areas, natural or planted buffer and any other similar pervious areas. Open space on the tract may be maintained by the owner, a tenant association, or condominium association.
Minimum parking requirements. Parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS). Garden apartment ratios shall be utilized in determining the minimum required number of off-street parking spaces. Off-street parking spaces may be provided in surface parking lots or as garages.
Relationships to other sections of this chapter. Where the regulations of the AH Zone conflict with any other regulations of this chapter, the regulations contained in this section for the AH Zone shall apply.
Lighting. No light fixture, whether pole- or wall-mounted, shall be greater than 18 feet in height.
Landscaping. All public street frontages and project entrance drives shall be planted with approved street trees spaced a maximum of 50 feet apart.
Design standards:
The primary building elevation shall consist of wall materials including brick, stone, wood, stucco, metal, vinyl siding or similar quality materials.
Blank or featureless walls shall be avoided.
Buildings which have a horizontal width of greater than 100 feet on any facade shall be designed to be visually separated into vertical segments rather than long horizontal walls.
Building walls shall be consistent in quality and finish materials on all elevations visible from the public street.
Openings for windows or window panes shall have vertical dimensions greater than or equal to the horizontal dimensions.
Pitched roofs shall have eaves that overhang the building face by a minimum of 18 inches.
Buildings with flat roofs shall have a cornice which projects a minimum of six inches from the building face.
Signage. A sign identifying a multifamily residential development shall not exceed 32 square feet and shall be limited to one sign per street frontage.
Laundry facilities. Adequate laundering and drying facilities for clothing shall be provided within each structure sufficient to serve its occupants, unless such facilities are individually provided for each dwelling unit.
Pedestrian circulation. A pedestrian circulation system shall be provided which connects parking areas, dwellings and recreational facilities in a coherent and comprehensive pattern. The pedestrian walkway shall be adequately illuminated at night and be surfaced with a durable, dustless, all-weather material a minimum width of five feet.
Trash enclosures. Trash enclosures shall be provided such that no disposal area is greater than 500 feet from the entrance of any dwelling unit unless individual trash storage areas are provided for each dwelling unit. Trash and recycling pickup may only occur between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. unless otherwise regulated by any state or federal regulations.
Utilities. All utilities servicing the development shall be located underground.
Mechanical screening. All mechanical equipment, whether placed on the ground, roof or other location, shall be screened from ground-level view with an acceptable material compatible with the architectural scheme of the development and/or landscaping.