The Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Council, shall appoint a Municipal Attorney for an indefinite term, and the Council shall fix the compensation. The Municipal Attorney shall be an official of the Municipality and shall be appointed on a full-time basis, part-time basis, or on a retainer basis. The Municipal Attorney shall be admitted to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania and shall have at least five (5) years experience in active legal practice in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The Council may remove the Municipal Attorney at any time, with or without cause.
The Municipal Attorney may delegate duties to co-counsel admitted to practice law in Pennsylvania.
The Municipal Attorney shall be the chief legal officer of the Municipality, and perform such other duties as the Council may from time to time dictate. The Municipal Attorney shall furnish legal advice to the Council, the Manager, and to officers, boards and commissions as designated by Council, concerning any matter or thing arising in connection with the exercise of their official powers or performance of their official duties and, except as otherwise expressly provided by the Council or this Charter, shall supervise, direct and control all of the law work of the Municipality, and represent the Municipality in all legal proceedings.
The Municipal Attorney shall have the right of access to the records of any officer, department, board or commission of the Municipality as necessary in the performance of the duties of the Municipal Attorney.