All contracts of the Municipality involving sums in excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00) shall be in writing.
Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, no contract for supplies, material, labor, franchise, or other valuable consideration, to be furnished to or by the Municipality, shall be authorized on behalf of the Municipality except with the lowest responsible bidder after competitive bidding.
The Municipality shall, by ordinance, establish a system of competitive bidding, including such definitions, publication requirements, deposit and bond requirements, conditions, terms, rules, regulations, waivers and exceptions, as it shall from time to time deem advisable.
All contracts or purchases in excess of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00), except those hereinafter mentioned, shall not be made except with and from the lowest responsible bidder after due publication. In awarding bids, Council may take into consideration such other factors as the availability, cost and quality of service. The limit of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) may be increased by Council to the extent of the maximum permitted to any non-charter Municipality in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as that limit is from time to time established by the General Assembly.
Competitive bidding shall not be required under this Charter for:
Labor or services rendered by any Municipal officer or employee in payment for his/her services;
Contracts for labor, material, supplies or services available from only one vendor;
Contracts for labor, material, supplies or services aggregating less than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) for the item in the year supplied.
Contracts relating to the acquisition or use of real property;
Contracts for professional or unique services;
Contracts for emergency repair of public works of the Municipality;
Contracts with other governmental entities, authorities, agencies or political subdivisions.
Real property cannot be acquired until two (2) appraisals by certified real estate appraisers have been received.
The term of contracts for the purchase of supplies shall not exceed two (2) years.
The Municipality shall have no authority to grant to others, by franchise, contract, or otherwise, its power and right of eminent domain.
No liability shall be enforceable against the Municipality by any action at law, in equity, or otherwise, upon any unauthorized or illegal contract.
Provided, however, that Council may by ordinance authorize payment for materials furnished or services rendered in reliance on contracts made by Municipal officers and agents without authority or in excess of authority when the contract is one which the Municipality could have authorized.
In any case where a Municipal officer or official elected or appointed knows or by the exercise of reasonable diligence could know that such person is interested to any appreciable degree, either directly or indirectly, in any contract for the sale or furnishing of any personal property for the use of the Municipality, or for any services to be rendered for such Municipality involving the expenditure by the Municipality of more than three hundred dollars ($300.00) in any year, such person shall notify Council thereof, and any such contract shall not be passed and approved by Council except by an affirmative vote of at least three-fourths (3/4) of the members thereof. In case the interested officer is a member of Council, such person shall refrain from voting upon such contract. The provisions of this section shall not apply to cases where such officer or official is an employee of the person, firm or corporation to which money is to be paid in a capacity with no possible influence on the transaction and in which such person cannot possibly be benefited thereby, either financially or in any other material manner. Any officer or officials who shall knowingly violate the provisions of this Section shall be liable to the Municipality, and to forfeiture of office.