[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Avondale 1-21-1997 by Ord. No. 174. Amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter applies to all principal buildings within the Borough of Avondale, Chester County, and each tract, lot or parcel of land.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A subordinate building, the use of which is customarily incidental to that of the principal building and is used for an accessory use and is located on the same lot.
Any building or structure, except an accessory building, erected on a tract, lot or parcel of land on which any use is carried out, a dwelling, place of business or industry, or any other use requiring a location identity.
Street address numbers shall be assigned to each building, tract, lot or parcel of land, placed on file in the Borough office and assigned to the owners or occupants of such buildings, tract, lot or parcel of land by the 911 Coordinator or by such other person as may be designated by resolution of the Borough Council. Once assigned, all such properties shall be designated for all purposes by the number assigned, and thereafter all persons shall take due notice thereof and comply with the provisions of this chapter, when applicable.
The 911 Coordinator, or such other person as may be designated, shall have the power and duty to correct any errors with respect to assignment of street address numbers, as and when such errors are discovered. The Borough Council may change numbers assigned to any property whenever it may deem such a change necessary and desirable, and require the owner or the occupant thereof to comply with the provisions of the chapter with respect to such change.
The owner or occupant of each tract, lot or parcel of land to which no street address number has previously been assigned shall, upon purchase, acquisition or occupancy thereof or within seven days of discovery that no such number has been assigned, make application to the 911 Coordinator or his designated agent for assignment of such number, and thereon the 911 Coordinator shall assign a correct street address number to the property.
The 911 Coordinator shall be responsible for assigning proper street address number sequences to each lot which is created as a result of a subdivision or resubdivision; said number shall be in proper municipal sequence in relation to the number assigned to other lots fronting on the same street and shall be properly recorded on the subdivision plan and Borough file.
When the assignments required under Subsection A hereof have been completed and signed by the 911 Coordinator, they shall be appended to the final subdivision plan and thereby incorporated therein by reference. No subdivider shall sell or convey any lot or dwelling unit or other building or structure upon said lot or lease or otherwise permit the use and occupancy thereof without first complying with all of the terms of this chapter.
The requirements for application for street address number and display thereof shall be a condition precedent to the submission of any applications for certificate of occupancy.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
In order to comply with this chapter, street address numbers shall be Arabic in design, shall have a minimum heights of four inches and shall be mounted in a secure fashion by one or more of the approved manners. The numbers shall be sufficiently legible as to contrasting background, arrangement, spacing, size and uniformity of numerals so that the numbers may read with ease during daylight hours by a person possessing normal vision if he views the number from center line of the facing street. The numbers shall be so placed that trees, shrubs and other obstructions do not block the line of sight of the numbers from the center of the street to any appreciable degree. Auxiliary numbers shall be mounted at a height between four feet and 10 feet upon the adjacent grade or exterior landing beneath, but never higher than 15 feet above adjoining grade.
Occupancies with mailboxes at the ends of driveways shall display numbers on both sides of the mailbox or support post. When mailboxes are placed on the opposite side of the facing street from the occupancy, auxiliary numbers shall be provided in addition to the mailbox numbers. When two or more mailboxes are placed side by side together in a row, then numbers shall be placed on the fronts of mailboxes.
Occupancies without mailboxes at the end of driveways shall place numbers in the general vicinity of the main entrance or path of travel which leads to the main entrance and shall be visible from the center line of the facing street.
Those occupancies with no mailboxes which are built down long driveways or occupancies not visible from the street shall have a marker or post of noticeable size placed at the driveway entrance. If more than one occupancy shares the driveway, then each occupancy shall be so numbered. Occupancies with shared driveways shall also display auxiliary numbers at or near the main entrance of the structure according to specifications herein.
The absence of street numbers, or the insecure fastening or absence of any numeral thereof, or the use of any street address number not assigned by the 911 Coordinator, or the failure of a street address number to meet the elevation requirements or the visibility requirements shall be a violation of the chapter. Upon discovery of such violation, a notice of violation shall be sent by certified mail to the property owner or occupant, or shall be posted in a prominent place upon the property by the 911 Coordinator or his agent, or shall be personally served on the property owner or occupant or his agent. Such notice shall require compliance with the provision of this chapter within 15 days from the service or posting of the notice of violation.
Any person who shall fail to comply with the notice of violation and who shall be convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter before any Magisterial District Justice of the county shall be guilty of a summary offense and shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000, plus court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the Borough in the enforcement proceedings. Upon judgment against any person by summary conviction, or by proceedings by summons on default of the payment of the fine or penalty imposed and the costs, the defendant may be sentenced and committed to the county correctional facility for a period not exceeding 30 days. Each section of this chapter that is violated shall constitute a separate offense. In addition to or in lieu of enforcement under this section, the Borough may enforce this chapter in equity in the Court of Common Pleas of Chester County.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Every violator of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day such violation shall continue and shall be subject to the penalty imposed by this section for each and every such offense.
After the issuance by the 911 Coordinator of a notice of violation of the provisions of the chapter and the posting of such notice of violation on the premises, each day such violation shall continue shall be deemed a separate offense subject to a like fine and penalty.
The final authority for determining and assigning the street number or numbers to be used upon any particular property, as well as the enforcement of this chapter, shall be in the office of the 911 Coordinator, his agent or such other person as provided for in § 288-3 of this chapter.