Chapter 16A adopted February 20, 2007, and as revised by the Borough through February 27, 2017. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.
An ordinance re-establishing a planning board and a zoning board of adjustment pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 291, P.L. 1975 (C. 40:55D-1 et seq.); providing for the powers and duties of said boards: fixing procedures governing applications to said boards, review and action on such applications and appeals therefrom, and providing for the adoption of development regulations.
This chapter shall hereafter be cited or referred to for purposes of amendment or otherwise as: "Chapter 16A, Land Use and Development Regulations of the Revised General Ordinances of the Borough of Little Silver, Monmouth County, New Jersey."
The purposes of this chapter are to establish a pattern for the uses of land and of buildings and structures thereon based on the land use element of the master plan, as adopted and as may be amended from time to time, to effectuate the master plan, and to encourage municipal action to guide the appropriate and orderly development of land in a manner which will promote the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people. This chapter is intended to regulate the use of land within zoning districts; prohibit incompatible uses; secure safety from fire, flood, panic, and other natural and man-made disasters; provide adequate light, air, and open space, limit and restrict buildings and structures to specified districts and regulate buildings and structures according to their type and the nature and extent of their use; and regulate the nature, intensity and extent of the use of land for trade, industry, residence, open space or other purposes; regulate the bulk, height, number of stories, and size of buildings and other structures; avoid conflict with the development and general welfare of neighboring municipalities, the County and the State; establish appropriate population densities and concentrations contributing to the well being of persons., neighborhoods, communities and the region and the preservation of the environment; provide sufficient space for agricultural, residential, recreational, commercial and industrial uses and open space; encourage the location and design of transportation routes which will promote the free flow of traffic; promote a desirable visual environment; promote the conservation of open space and valuable and sensitive natural resources; prevent encroachment of unsuitable uses and buildings into floodplain areas and areas subject to high water tables; prevent degradation of the environment through improper use of land; and conserve the taxable and economic value of lands.