No person shall uncover, connect with, make any opening into or use, alter or disturb in any manner any part of the sewer system without first making application for and obtaining a permit, in writing, from the Township. Application to the Township for a sewer permit required hereunder shall be made by the owner of the improved property to be served, in such form as may be prescribed from time to time by the Township. The application shall be accompanied by such tapping and/or connection fee as may be required by the Township from time to time.
Copies of the sewer connection application shall be made available at the Foster Township Municipal Building. The application is subject to change at the discretion of the Township. Therefore, the applicant shall ensure that they have the latest revision of the application. The application is to be submitted to the Township by the owner requiring or desiring connection to the sewer system.
The application and its acceptance by the Township shall constitute, from the date of acceptance by the Township, a contract obligating the owner to pay rates and charges as established by the Township from time to time and to comply with the rules and regulations which shall be established from time to time.
Each sewer connection permit validly issued shall, upon conveyance of title to the real estate for which the connection was permitted, pass automatically to the record title owner of such property. Bills for sewer rental shall continue to the title owner of record with the Township, until such time as the Township shall receive written notice of the transfer and the name and address of the new record title owner. No sewer connection permit may be transferred to another person other than a new record title owner of the property for which such permit was issued. The holder of any valid sewer permit for a vacant lot, a structure that is unoccupiable, or a separate use no longer separate may terminate such permit by written notice to the Township. Upon receipt of such notice, the sewer connection represented by such permit shall revert to and become the sole property of the Township, free and clear of any claim or interest of the former holder. No termination of a permit servicing an occupied or occupiable structure shall be permitted until proof satisfactory to the Township is supplied that the premises has been vacated and that steps have been taken, satisfactory to the Township, to render it unoccupiable or, in the case of multiple uses in the same structure, that the separateness of the use has been permanently eliminated.
Any holder of a validly issued sewer connection permit for a vacant lot from which a structure was demolished, a structure that is unoccupiable, or a separate use that is no longer separate may request that such permit be placed in escrow for a period of up to one year. If accepted by the Township for escrow, the sewer rent during such period shall be reduced to 50% of the original rent, provided that the building sewer is physically capped with concrete or other Township-approved methods. The holder may at any time during that year return the permit to active status, whereupon the sewer rent shall immediately revert to the full amount. If the holder does not withdraw the permit from escrow by the first anniversary of placement in it, the permit shall automatically revert to the Township, which shall have the right to deal with such permit free and clear of any claim or interest of the holder. No permit may be placed in escrow more than one time. This procedure shall only be available for previously issued permits; no newly issued permit may be placed directly into escrow. Billing for sewer rental shall continue, once commenced, until the permit for which the billing is issued shall be terminated as aforesaid.