No connection shall be made to the sewer system unless the manner in which the connection is made and the materials and workmanship employed in effecting such connection shall comply with the requirements of the Township's standard construction specifications. It shall also be necessary for all connections to comply with any special requirements imposed by these rules and regulations.
Each improved property shall be connected separately and independently to the sewer system through a building sewer. Grouping of more than one improved property on one building sewer shall not be permitted except under special circumstances and for good sanitary reasons or other good cause shown and then only after special permission by the Township, in writing, shall have been secured, and subject to such rules, regulations, and conditions as may be prescribed by the Township. The installation of such separate building sewers and laterals shall be made at the expense of the property owners.
No person shall make or cause to be made a connection of any improved property or premises to the sewer system until such person shall have given the Township at least five business days' notice of the time when such connection will be made so that the Township may inspect the work, connection and perform necessary testing.
No connection shall be made to the sewer system or the pipe trench covered or trench backfilled unless and until the building sewer installation has been inspected and approved, in writing, by the Township's representative and all permits, approvals, and inspection forms, if any are required, have been received and provided to the Township.
It is the intention of the rules and regulations that the entire connection be inspected at one time; however, if the owner feels that specials conditions warrant more than one inspection, the owner may request the same, subject to such additional inspection fees as the Township shall determine.
All costs and expenses of construction and connection of a building sewer to a sewer system shall be borne solely by the owner. Every owner connecting to the sewer system shall agree to indemnify and save harmless the Township from and against any and all loss or damage that may be occasioned to the sewer system or any other property of the Township or any other third-party property, directly or indirectly, as well as from an action, cause of action, claim or judgment, including any costs and reasonable attorney fees incurred in defending such action, cause of action, claim or judgment, as a result of construction of a building sewer or of connection of a building sewer to the sewer system.
Every building sewer shall be maintained at all times in a sanitary and safe operating condition by the owner of an improved property. The owner shall comply with all maintenance and discharge rules imposed by the Township, including those which may be set forth, in writing, separately from these rules from time to time. It shall be the owner's responsibility to ensure that occupants of the premises or tenants, if any, comply with all maintenance and discharge rules imposed by the Township. Further, in the event the Township determines that the owner or customer was responsible for causing blockage or damage in an area which would ordinarily be the responsibility of the Township, by placing inappropriate material into the building sewer, as determined by the Township, the owner shall be responsible to reimburse the Township for all costs incurred, including labor and materials, to correct the blockage or repair the damage.
In the event it becomes necessary to replace a building sewer, the owner shall notify the Township and such a replacement shall be subject to the specifications and inspection provisions of these rules and regulations. The owner shall be responsible for all costs of replacement of the building sewer.
Any person who discharges or permits to be discharged any material to the sewer system except through approved connections will be subject to such charges as the Township may establish and shall hold harmless and indemnify the Township from any costs and charges imposed by an governmental agency with jurisdiction, in addition to being subject to any penal provisions imposed by the Township, PADEP or the Environmental Protection Agency.
In addition, such person shall also indemnify the Township and hold it harmless from any action or cause of action that, in writing, shall have been secured, and subject to such rules, regulations, and conditions as may be prescribed by the Township.
All costs and expenses for the construction of a building sewer, including testing, shall be borne by the owner of an improved property to be connected; and such owner shall indemnify and save harmless the Township from all loss or damage which may be occasioned, directly or indirectly, as a result of construction of a building sewer. If required for service to a property, the Township, at the expense of the owner, may construct the building sewer. The Township shall have the right to repair a damaged building sewer at the owner's expense; and such owner shall indemnify and save harmless the Township from all loss or damage which may be occasioned, directly or indirectly, as a result of the repair of a building sewer.
Whenever, in the opinion of the Township, special conditions require additional safeguards or more stringent specifications to be observed, then the Township specifically reserves the right to refuse to permit a connection to be made to its sewer system until such special requirements or specifications as may be stipulated by the Township have been satisfied.