This Township hereby does impose fees against owners who desire to or are required to connect to the sewer system. The fees shall be based on the duly adopted rate schedule which is in effect at the time of payment and shall be made payable at the time set by the Township or at a time to which the property owner and Township agree.
The property owner, in all instances, rather than tenant(s), shall be liable for the payment of all sewer charges and fees for services provided by the Township, and all costs and fees incurred in the collection thereof. All accounts shall be in the name of the owner only; provided, however, that a written agreement by and between the Township and owner to bill the tenant for service may be negotiated.
No officer or employee of the Township is authorized to reduce, vary or exempt charges imposed herein or other provisions without official action by the Board of Supervisors.
The owner of any improved property discharging sanitary sewage and/or industrial wastes into the sewer system shall furnish to the Township, including by way of the application for permit, all information deemed essential or appropriate by the Township for the determination of all applicable user charges and surcharges. The costs of obtaining such information shall be borne by such owner of the improved property.
In the event of the failure of the owner to provide adequate information, the Township shall estimate the applicable user charges and surcharges based upon available information until such time as adequate information is received. There shall be no rebate of past payments if the owner's refusal to provide such information results in overpayment.
All such fees payable by the owner shall be calculated by multiplying the amounts of the various fees times the number of equivalent dwelling units (EDUs) assigned for the property's use. The Township, in its sole discretion, shall determine the appropriate number of equivalent dwelling units to be assigned to a particular property, taking into consideration data supplied by the owner, all Department of Environmental Protection regulations, industry reference publications and its own experience.
Each EDU located in a multiple-use property shall be billed as a separate entity as though such EDU was in a separate structure and had a direct and separate building sewer to the sewer system.
A tapping fee is hereby imposed upon the owner of any improved property to be served by the sewer system which actually connects or is required to be connected pursuant to the connection ordinance then in effect requiring such connection.
The fees charged by the Township include charges for connection to the sewer system, including connection fees, consumer facilities fees and tapping fees and such other fees as may be authorized by Act 57 of 2003, as amended, or such other act of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or its agencies and adopted by the Township.
Calculation and itemization of the maximum allowable tapping fee is attached hereto in Appendix C and made a part hereof.[1]
Editor's Note: Appendix C is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The actual tapping fee payable by the owner of an improved property shall be the product of the number of EDUs constituting such improved property, times the adopted tapping fee, as noted within the rate schedule of the Township then in effect.
In the event an improved property, or use thereof (including number of occupants), changes in a manner that causes the number of EDUs applicable to such improved property calculated hereunder to increase, an additional tapping fee based on such additional EDUs shall be immediately due and payable.
The Township reserves the right to update the tapping fee report and adopt a revised tapping fee as may be authorized by Act 57 of 2003, as amended, or such other act of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or its agencies and adopted by the Township.
A user charge is hereby imposed upon the owner of any improved property which is or shall be connected to the sewer system, for use of the sewer system, whether such use is direct or indirect, and for services rendered by the Township in connection therewith, and shall be payable as provided herein.
At the discretion of the Township, such user charges may be imposed upon the owner of an improved property who fails or refuses improperly to connect such improved property to the sewer system, as compensation for the availability of service by the Township in connection with the sewer system.
User charges for service applicable to any improved property, premises, or connection unit constituting a residential establishment, a commercial establishment, an educational establishment, an industrial establishment, an institutional establishment or any combination thereof shall be calculated, imposed and collected on the basis of one of the following methods, in the sole discretion of the Township:
Flat-rate basis.
Each property billed on a flat-rate basis shall be charged based on the number of billing units represented by the property using a specific charge per EDU applicable to such property, which specific amount shall be determined, from time to time, by the Township.
If the use or classification of any improved property changes during a billing period, the user charge shall be prorated by the Township. The appropriate credit or charge shall appear on the statement for the next succeeding billing period. The annual flat rate user charge payable per billing unit shall be determined by resolution of the Township from time to time and reflected in the rate schedule.
The Township reserves the right, from time to time, to establish additional flat-rate classifications and to establish quarter annum rates therefor; and the Township further reserves the right, from time to time, to alter, modify, revise and/or amend flat-rate classifications and the quarter annum.
The number of EDUs applicable to commercial and industrial establishments shall be computed on the basis of the average daily number of full and part-time employees [including the owner(s) or employee(s) for the calendar month following the date of the quarterly billing]. The owners of such facilities shall be responsible for advising the Township, in writing, of the number of employees upon connection to the sewer system, a change in the number of employees, and upon request of the Township.
The number of EDUs applicable to educational and institutional establishments shall be computed on the highest monthly average daily attendance of occupants, pupils, faculty, administrators and staff for the 12 months preceding the date of the billing. The owners of such facilities shall be responsible for advising the Township, in writing, of the number of pupils, faculty, administrators and staff in attendance as an average daily figure upon connection to the sewer system; a change in the number of occupants, pupils, faculty, administrators and staff; and upon request of the Township.
If the use or classification of any improved property changes, the owner of the improved property shall be responsible for advising the Township, in writing, of any such change affecting the user charge payable. The appropriate credit or additional charge shall appear on the statement for the next succeeding billing period.
Metered-rate basis.
User charges for any property, in the discretion of the Township, may be determined on a metered-rate basis calculated according to:
Metered volume of potable water usage by the nonresidential improved property, adjusted, if appropriate, by the Township; or
Actual metered volume of wastewater discharged by the nonresidential improved property into the sewer system.
In either of the foregoing cases, such user charges on a metered basis shall be computed on the basis of one EDU per each 60,000 gallons or portion thereof of water consumed or sewage discharged annually. In no case shall the Township utilize a meter-based user charge for any user which shall result in a rate below the minimum rates established for billing units in this section.
The meters or other measuring devices which shall be required or permitted for use in determining volume of discharge or water consumed shall be furnished and installed by the owner of the improved property at their expense, shall be under the control of the Township and may be tested, inspected, or repaired by the Township whenever it deems necessary. The owner of the improved property upon which such meter or other measuring device shall be installed shall be responsible for its maintenance and safekeeping, and all repairs thereto shall be made at the expense of the owner, whether such repairs shall be necessary by ordinary wear and tear or other causes. Bills for such repair, if made by the Township, shall be due and payable immediately upon completion of such repairs and shall be collected in the same manner as quarterly bills for sewer rentals or charges.
Estimated-rate basis. User charges may also be based upon the Township's estimate of potable water consumed by any improved property per billing period and billed in accordance with the metered rate schedule adopted by resolution of the Township from time to time.
Surcharges shall be paid in addition to all user charges computed in accordance with the rules and regulations, as amended, and shall be computed on such basis, and payable at such times, as the Township may from time to time adopt, including provisions of any agreements to which this Township is a party governing the treatment of domestic sanitary sewage or industrial wastes.
Surcharges will be calculated independently on a case-by-case basis on the duration and degree of severity of the discharge, the actual cost to remedy and/or treat the discharge and shall be assessed separately.
In the event that the Township shall consent, in writing, under separate agreement to accept domestic sanitary sewage and/or industrial wastes for discharge into the sewer system from any establishment having concentrations higher than that described in the prohibited waste, the Township shall at its discretion impose additional charges for such waste.
The strength of domestic sanitary sewage and/or industrial wastes to be used for establishing the amount of surcharge shall be determined at intervals at the discretion of the Township or as may be required by a particular establishment. The collection and analysis of waste samples for determination shall be made or under the direct supervision of a registered professional engineer approved by the Township.
For establishing waste strengths for surcharge purposes, sampling and analysis shall be made in accordance with the latest approved edition of "Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater," published by the American Public Health Association, Inc. All costs for waste sampling and collection shall be paid by the owner of improved property, which entered into separate agreement with Township to accept such domestic sanitary sewage and/or industrial wastes.
The owner of any improved property which shall discharge domestic sanitary sewage and/or industrial wastes to the sewer system having a BOD content greater than 250 mg/l, a suspended solids content greater than 300 mg/l, a total phosphorus as P content greater than 7 mg/l, or a total nitrogen as N content greater that 35 mg/l shall, in the discretion of the Township, pay a strength-of waste-surcharge, in addition to applicable user charges, according to the following formulas:
Surcharge calculation = (mg/l over normal concentration) × (million gallons water usage for month) × (8.34 pounds per gallon of water) × (fee per pound)
Nothing contained herein shall be construed as prohibiting any special agreement or arrangement between the Township and the owner of an improved property with respect to terms and conditions upon which sanitary sewage and/or industrial wastes may be discharged into the sewer system and with respect to payments to be made to the Township in connection therewith. In such event, such service and payments with respect thereto shall be governed by terms and conditions of such special agreement.