All bills for services furnished by the Township will be based on the rate schedule of the Township then in effect.
Each owner of an improved property which is connected to the sewer system initially shall provide the Township with and thereafter shall keep the Township advised of their correct address. Failure of any person to receive any bill for sewer rates shall not be considered an excuse for nonpayment or an abatement of penalties, nor shall such failure result in an extension of the period of time during which the net bill shall be payable.
Every owner of improved property shall remain liable for the payment of all bills, including but not limited to user charges and surcharges, until the later of:
The receipt by the Township of written notice by such owner that the property has been sold, containing the correct name and mailing address of the new owner; or
The date on which title to the improved property is transferred to a new owner. Failure to provide notice renders an owner continuously liable for any charges that may accrue until such time as the Township has been properly notified of any change in ownership.
Tapping fee.
The tapping fee shall be due and payable the earlier of:
The time application is made by an owner of an improved property to make connection to the sewer system or if applicable the date when the Township shall connect any such improved property to the sewer system, at the costs and expense of the owner, when such owner shall have failed to make such connection as required by the connection ordinance in effect requiring such connection.
In the case of improved properties required to be connected following initial construction of the sewer system, the date which is 60 days after the date of issuance by the Township of a written notice to connect.
Owners of an improved property which is attributed an additional number of EDUs as defined by the Township rate structure herein shall pay a corresponding additional tapping fee at the time of being attributed with the new EDU computation.
All tapping fees shall be payable to the officer or employee of the Township as shall be authorized, from time to time, by the Township to accept payment therefor.
No tapping fees shall be reimbursed by the Township for subsequent reductions in the number of EDUs constituting a particular improved property.
User charges and applicable surcharges.
User charges shall be due and payable the earlier of:
Thirty days from the date of actual, physical connection of an improved property to the sewer system.
Sixty days from the date of issuance of the notice to connect described in the connection ordinance or such other date established by the township for commencement of the payment of the user charge.
One year from the date of issuance of a sewer connection permit.
All bills for sewer rates shall be rendered quarterly on the first day of each quarter, starting with January 1 in each year, or on such other dates as the Township shall specify and shall cover a quarterly billing period consisting of the immediately preceding calendar quarter. All bills for sewer rates, which shall be based on estimates of the Township, shall be rendered for each quarterly billing period promptly after the estimates are made. Owners of an improved property that shall first be connected to the sewer system during any monthly period shall pay a pro rata user charge for service for the balance of the quarter and shall be billed in conjunction with the next regular quarterly billing or by a special billing, as the Township may determine.
Sewer rates shall be due and payable upon the applicable billing date, at the office of the Township, in the appropriate amount computed in accordance with the attached Schedule of Rates,[1] and shall constitute the net bill.
Editor's Note: The Schedule of Rates is included as an attachment to this chapter as Appendix B.
If any user charge or applicable surcharge is not paid within 30 calendar days after the applicable billing date, an additional sum of 10% penalty shall be added to such net bill, which net bill, plus such additional sum, shall constitute the gross bill.
In addition to the net bill and the penalty, an interest rate of 1% per month shall be charged on any gross bill not paid within 30 calendar days of the date due.
Payment made or mailed and postmarked on or before the last day of such 30 calendar days period shall constitute payment within such period. If the end of such 30 calendar days period shall fall on a legal holiday or a Sunday, then payment made on or mailed and postmarked on the next succeeding business day which is not a legal holiday shall constitute payment within such period.
Any and all payments received on delinquent accounts shall be applied first to any penalty and interest and then to the oldest outstanding gross bill.
Payment of any user charge or applicable surcharge not paid within a timely manner, as determined by the Township, may be referred to an attorney for collection of delinquent accounts. Attorney fees shall be paid in accordance with 53 P.S. § 7106.
The Township reserves to itself the following remedies in the event of nonpayment, which it may exercise separately or in any combination, in its sole discretion:
If any owner shall fail to pay any assessment due pursuant to these rules and regulations within 30 calendar days of mailing of a bill or invoice, the Township, to the extent authorized by law, may file a municipal lien with respect to such connection to the sewer system or related construction.
After any bill or assessment remains unpaid 30 calendar days after mailing, and after an additional 10 days after mailing a warning notice to the owner and posting a copy of it on the main entrance of the property, the water service to the property, if applicable, shall be shut off as per shutoff agreement by and between the Township of Foster and the Freeland Municipal Authority, dated the eighth day of June, 2011.
Exercise any other legal remedy to collect past due amounts by appropriate action and/or to pursue equitable relief to prohibit further introduction of sewage or any other objectionable material into the sewer system by the owner.
All charges and fees shall be collected in the manner of a municipal lien filed against the property or by any other process authorized by law by the Township, together with any costs of collection, including reasonable attorney fees.
[Added 7-10-2019 by Ord. No. 1-2019]
Procedure for disconnection of sewer service.
All customers of Foster Township who are provided sewer services and have no public water shall have 30 days from invoice date to pay any service charges, fees, or costs due on account to the Township.
A late fee will be charged and a past due notice shall be sent to the customer on day 31. The customer(s) shall have seven days to pay all services charges, fees, or costs due on the account.
If payment in full is not received within those seven days (day 38 from invoice date), a notice shall be posted on the customer's structure at the delinquent address. The notice shall detail the account owed and provide that the customer(s) shall have two days to pay all service charges, fees, or costs due on account to the Township or the sewer line shall be disconnected on day 41 from invoice date).
All customers of Foster Township who are past due as of the date of adoption of this Part shall have 30 days from a date to be established by the Township to pay their past due amount in its entirely. On day 31, if the past due amount has not been paid, a notice shall be posted on the customer's structure at the delinquent address. The notice shall detail the amounts owed and provide that the customer(s) shall have two days to pay all service charges, fees, or costs due on account to the Township or the sewer line shall be disconnected on day 33.
Costs of disconnection.
The delinquent customer(s) shall be responsible for all costs associated with the disconnection of the sewer line through the installation of a sewer backwater valve (plug) at the lateral that connects to the main. The approximate cost range to disconnect any sewer line shall be $850 to $3,500 (amount will vary depending on the excavation costs), which shall include the costs of a valve, fittings, riser pipe, and cap; installation of a backwater valve or sewer lug; and a disconnect fee. These costs shall be payable to Foster Township. The customer(s) shall be responsible for said costs if the installation process has begun. The payment of all past due service charges, fees, or costs shall not prohibit the Township from collecting the fee for disconnecting the delinquent customer's sewer line and installing a sewer backwater valve (plug).
Reconnection of sewer services.
Upon payment in full of all past due service charges, fees, or costs due on account to the Township, the sewer service shall be reconnected within two days. There shall be a fee of $75 charged by the Township to reconnect any sewer service. The customer(s) shall be responsible to remove any blockages that may have occurred in their sewer lateral at their own cost.
Installation of sewer plug.
A sewer backwater valve (plug) shall be installed on every lateral closet to the main service line on all new laterals. The Township shall supply the sewer backwater valve (plug) to the customer(s), and the customer (s) shall be responsible to have the sewer backwater valve (plug) installed in conformity with the Township's specifications. The customer shall be responsible for the costs of the sewer backwater valve (plug) and any necessary items to have the backwater valve (plug) property installed. Upon installation of the sewer backwater valve (plug), the Township shall have the right to inspect the backwater valve (plug) to ensure proper installation has been made.