[Added 12-11-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-51]
Filing an application. Applications for preliminary and final site plan approval of a wireless telecommunications facility shall be filed simultaneously, and all applications for preliminary and final site plan approval of a wireless telecommunications facility shall be filed with the administrative officer or designee.
Distribution. At least 10 days prior to the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the Board for which an application is scheduled, the administrative officer or designee shall distribute copies of the wireless telecommunications facility site plan and the application in the following manner:
Township files.
Board Chairman.
Township Engineer.
Board Engineer.
Township Planner.
Township Health Department.
Construction Official.
Fire Subcode Officer.
Environmental Commission.
Subdivision Committee Chairman.
Board Attorney.
Tax Assessor.
Police Department.
Landscape architect consultant.
Radio frequency consultant.
At the direction of the Board, additional copies of the maps and application may be forwarded to other Township, county or state officials.
[Added 10-6-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-034]
The siting of any telecommunications facility shall be determined according to the lowest numbered priority location as set forth as within this article, contingent upon such location providing an acceptable level of telecommunication service from the provider.
[Added 10-6-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-034]
Priority of locations for siting of telecommunications facilities:
Any zone on Township of West Milford-owned land
Approved by Township Council
Permitted (antenna-tower)
Public utility on a lot abutting federal or state highway
On existing structure
Permitted (antenna)
Public utility on a lot not abutting federal or state highway
On existing structure
Permitted (antenna)
Any industrial zone
Co-located with other antenna on existing structure or tower
Any commercial zone
Existing structure or tower without other antennas
Within the R-1, R-1/1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-1/PN, SCC and OR Zones
Existing structure or tower without other antennas
Procedural requirements. All applications for preliminary and final site plan approval for wireless telecommunications facilities in commercial zones shall include the following support documents and information:
Preliminary and final site plan for wireless telecommunications facilities application form.
Application and escrow fees as specified in Article VII, Fees, of this chapter.
Escrow agreement form.
Completed preliminary and final site plan for wireless telecommunications facilities checklist.
Checklist waiver form.
Six sets of site plans. Twenty additional sets of plans will be requested after the application is deemed complete by the administrative officer.
Affidavit of disclosure for corporations as required by N.J.S.A. 40:55D-48.1.
An environmental and community impact statement as may be required in accordance with § 470-15, Environmental and community impact statement, of this chapter.
Proof of submission to the County Planning Board.
Affidavit of ownership, if the applicant is not the owner of the property in question.
Health Department review.
Fifteen sets of a photoanalysis of the wireless telecommunications facility and surroundings to show how the camouflaged facility will blend with its surroundings.
An engineer's certification that a digital file of the plan on a 3.5-inch floppy or standard compact disc media of the proposed project in digital exchange format (DXF) or AutoCad (DWG) format will be submitted upon plan approval.
Map requirements. All applications for preliminary and final site plan shall include maps and/or exhibits depicting the following information:
Plans shall be submitted on sheets that are no larger than 36 inches by 24 inches.
The title "Preliminary and Final Site Plan" in the title block, which shall be at the bottom right-hand corner of the first page and shall not be sideways.
Page numbering shall have the nomenclature "page x of y" and shall incorporate all plans submitted for review.
If the site plan is too large to fit on one page and the preparer of the plans uses match sheets, then there shall be an overall plan showing the entire project on one sheet at a smaller scale.
Clarity shall be used in the presentation of the information.
"County of Passaic" and "Township of West Milford" in the title block.
Date of original plan preparation and any revisions.
Name and address of developer/applicant.
Name(s) and address(es) of the owner(s) of record of subject property.
Names and addresses of all property owners within 200 feet of the extreme limits of the tract. If the wireless telecommunications facility is proposed in a right-of-way, then provide the names and addresses of all property owners within 200 feet of the proposed pole location.
Acreage of tract to nearest 1/10 of an acre.
North arrow giving reference meridian.
Key map, with North arrow, at a scale of one inch equals 1,200 feet.
Each subject block and lot, numbered in conformity with the municipal tax map.
Zoning district boundaries affecting the tract and adjoining properties within 200 feet.
Zoning analysis (a chart showing zone's bulk requirements and proposed bulk dimensions for the project).
Indicate whether any and all existing structures/features that are shown on the property survey are to be removed.
Landscaping plan to be drawn by a certified landscape architect, an architect, engineer, land surveyor, or professional planner in accordance with N.J.A.C. 13:40-7 et seq.
Proposed elevations (renderings) of the proposed wireless telecommunications facility, showing camouflage type.
Natural features in accordance with § 500-71, Natural features, of the Land Development Ordinance.
Location of proposed structures with size, height and offsets to property lines indicated.
Location of existing well on the property.
Location of existing septic system on the property.
Locations of all existing structures, public and private rights-of-way, public utilities and drainage structures within 200 feet of the property in question. If the wireless telecommunications facility is proposed in a right-of-way, then provide the locations of all existing structures within 200 feet of the proposed pole location.
Locations of all properties, with current tax block and lot designations indicated, within 200 feet of the property in question. If the wireless telecommunications facility is proposed in a right-of-way, then provide the locations of all properties, with current tax block and lot designations indicated, within 200 feet of the proposed pole location.
The location and height(s) of proposed retaining walls.
Fence detail for proposed fence(s), to include colors and materials.
Name of firm, professional(s) preparing the plans, and certificate of authorization number in the title block. Plan components are to be drawn by the appropriate professional(s) per N.J.A.C. 13:40-7 et seq.
Plan and profile of the access drive with two-foot contours.
Written and graphic scales.
Soil erosion and sediment control plan.
Property line dimensions in feet, degrees, minutes, and seconds.
Proposed grading of all areas to be disturbed.
Proposed utility plan.
Limit of disturbance lines showing areas to be disturbed by grading and construction.
For proposed walls greater than four feet in height, provide engineer's sealed certification and calculations.
Indication of any and all tree removal.
The locations of the wetlands and transition areas or a note stating that none exist.
The location of the floodplains or a note stating that none exist.
Outdoor lighting plan.
For all rights-of-way abutting the property in question, show edge of pavement for entire length of frontage and indicate the ownership.
Existing drainage patterns and any changes proposed to the drainage on site and off site.
Procedural requirements. All applications for preliminary and final site plan approval for wireless telecommunications facilities in residential and Office Research Zones shall include the following support documents and information:
Preliminary and final site plan for wireless telecommunications facilities application form.
Application and escrow fees as specified in Article VII, Fees, of this chapter.
Escrow agreement form.
Completed preliminary and final site plan for wireless telecommunications facilities checklist.
Checklist waiver form.
Six sets of site plans. Twenty additional sets of plans will be requested after the application is deemed complete by the administrative officer.
Affidavit of disclosure for corporations as required by N.J.S.A. 40:55D-48.1.
An environmental and community impact statement as may be required in accordance with § 470-15, Environmental and community impact statement, of this chapter.
Proof of submission to the County Planning Board.
Affidavit of ownership, if the applicant is not the owner of the property in question.
Health Department review.
Fifteen sets of a photoanalysis of the wireless telecommunications facility and surroundings to show how the camouflaged facility will blend with its surroundings.
An engineer's certification that a digital file of the plan on a 3.5-inch floppy or standard compact disc media of the proposed project in digital exchange format (DXF) or AutoCad (DWG) format will be submitted upon plan approval.
Map requirements. All applications for preliminary and final site plan shall include maps and/or exhibits depicting the following information:
Plans shall be submitted on sheets that are no larger than 36 inches by 24 inches.
The title "Preliminary and Final Site Plan" in the title block, which shall be at the bottom right-hand corner of the first page and shall not be sideways.
Page numbering shall have the nomenclature "page x of y" and shall incorporate all plans submitted for review.
If the site plan is too large to fit on one page and the preparer of the plans uses match sheets, then there shall be an overall plan showing the entire project on one sheet at a smaller scale.
Clarity shall be used in the presentation of the information.
"County of Passaic" and "Township of West Milford" in title block.
Date of original plan preparation and any revisions.
Name and address of developer/applicant.
Name(s) and address(es) of the owner(s) of record of subject property.
Names and addresses of all property owners within 200 feet of the extreme limits of the tract. If the wireless telecommunications facility is proposed in a right-of-way, then provide the names and addresses of all property owners within 200 feet of the proposed pole location.
Acreage of tract to nearest 1/10 of an acre.
North arrow giving reference meridian.
Key map, with North arrow, at a scale of one inch equals 1,200 feet.
Each subject block and lot, numbered in conformity with the municipal tax map.
Zoning district boundaries affecting the tract and adjoining properties within 200 feet.
Zoning analysis (a chart showing zone's bulk requirements and proposed bulk dimensions for the project).
Indicate whether any and all existing structures/features that are shown on the property survey are to be removed.
Landscaping plan to be drawn by a certified landscape architect, an architect, engineer, land surveyor, or professional planner in accordance with N.J.A.C. 13:40-7 et seq.
A plan view diagram, prepared in accordance with the "Plan View Diagram" depicted in §§ 500-12 and 500-38 of the Land Development Ordinance, drawn at a scale not less than one inch equals 30 feet showing:
The monopole location.
A radius of 250 feet around the monopole.
Profile lines A through G.
Location of all trees in excess of six inches in diameter within the two-hundred-fifty-foot radius.
Seven tables, prepared in accordance with "Table A, Tree Heights by Profile Line," depicted in §§ 500-12 and 500-38 of the Land Development Ordinance, providing the following information:
Species of all trees along and within 10 feet each side of the profile lines.
Heights of all trees along and within 10 feet each side of the profile lines.
Anticipated heights of all trees at maturity.
Average tree heights and average anticipated tree heights for each of the seven profile lines.
Completion of Table B, prepared in accordance with "Table B, Average Tree Height," depicted in §§ 500-12 and 500-38 of the Land Development Ordinance, to determine the maximum height of the proposed tower.
Proposed elevations (renderings) of the proposed wireless telecommunications facility, showing camouflage type.
Natural features in accordance with § 500-71, Natural features, of the Land Development Ordinance.
Location of proposed structures with size, height and offsets to property lines indicated.
Indicate on the site plan a two-hundred-fifty-foot radius surrounding the monopole.
Location of existing well on the property.
Location of existing septic system on the property.
Locations of all existing structures, public and private rights-of-way, public utilities and drainage structures within 200 feet of the property in question. If the wireless telecommunications facility is proposed in a right-of-way, then provide the locations of all existing structures within 200 feet of the proposed pole location.
Locations of all properties, with current tax block and lot designations indicated, within 200 feet of the property in question. If the wireless telecommunications facility is proposed in a right-of-way, then provide the locations of all properties, with current tax block and lot designations indicated, within 200 feet of the proposed pole location.
The location and height(s) of proposed retaining walls.
Fence detail for proposed fence(s), to include colors and materials.
Name of firm, professional(s) preparing the plans, and certificate of authorization number in the title block. Plan components are to be drawn by the appropriate professional(s) per N.J.A.C. 13:40-7 et seq.
Plan and profile of the access drive with two-foot contours.
Five-foot or better contour lines for the entire property in question except the two-hundred-fifty-foot radius area surrounding the proposed pole location.
Two-foot contour lines for the two-hundred-fifty-foot radius area surrounding the proposed pole location.
Written and graphic scales.
Soil erosion and sediment control plan.
Property line dimensions in feet, degrees, minutes, and seconds.
Proposed grading of all areas to be disturbed.
Proposed utility plan.
Limit of disturbance lines showing areas to be disturbed by grading and construction.
For proposed walls greater than four feet in height, provide engineer's sealed certification and calculations.
Indication of any and all tree removal.
The locations of the wetlands and transition areas or a note stating that none exist.
The location of the floodplains or a note stating that none exist.
Outdoor lighting plan.
For all rights-of-way abutting the property in question, show edge of pavement for entire length of frontage and indicate the ownership.
Existing drainage patterns and any changes proposed to the drainage on site and off site.