[Ord. No. 509, 8-11-2021]
The boundaries of the zoning districts shall be shown upon the most recently adopted Revised Zoning Map which is a part of this Chapter. The most recently adopted Revised Zoning Map shall be located in the office of the City Clerk of Kimberling City, Missouri. The most recently adopted Revised Zoning Map and all notations, references, and other information shown thereon are all set forth or described herein or contained in the map located in the City Clerk's office.
Where uncertainty exists with respect to the boundaries of the zoning districts as shown on the most recently adopted Revised Zoning Map, the following rules shall apply:
The zoning district boundaries shall be streets or alleys unless otherwise shown. Where the districts designated on the map accompanying and made a part of this Chapter are bounded approximately by street or alley lines, the centerline of the street or alley shall be construed to be the boundary of the district.
Where the district boundaries are not otherwise indicated, and where the property has been or may hereafter be divided into blocks and lots, the zoning district boundaries shall be construed to be the lot lines. Where the districts designated on the most recently adopted Revised Zoning Map are bounded approximately by lot lines, said lot lines shall be construed to be the boundary of the zoning districts unless the boundaries are otherwise indicated on the most recently adopted Revised Zoning Map.
In unsubdivided property, the zoning district boundary lines on the most recently adopted Revised Zoning Map, accompanying and made a part of this Chapter shall be determined by the use of the graphic scale appearing on the Zoning Map.
All territory which may hereafter be annexed to the City of Kimberling City, Missouri, shall be classified as an "A-1" General Agriculture District, until, within a period not to exceed ninety (90) days following the date of annexation, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall appropriately reclassify such territory in accordance with Section 400.410 of this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 509, 8-11-2021; Ord. No. 538, 6-21-2023]
The classification of streets within the City limits shall be used to determine the use, right-of-way, maintenance, and speed limit. Refer to the City of Kimberling City's Comprehensive Plan Figure 5-1,[1] Road Classifications, for the most up-to-date roadway classifications adopted by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Aldermen.
Editor's Note: Figure 5-1 is on file in the City offices.
Speed Limit. In the event the City does not have a City Engineer on staff, the Administrative Officer, in consultation with the Chief of Police and the guidelines set forth in the Manual Uniform on Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), shall recommend any speed limit change to the Board of Aldermen.