[Ord. No. 509, 8-11-2021]
Comprehensive Plan — Compliance. The subdivision layout shall conform to the Official Thoroughfare Plan or other elements of the Comprehensive Plan. Whenever a tract to be subdivided embraces any part of a highway, thoroughfare or other major collector street so designated on said Plan, such part of such public way shall be platted by the developer in the location and at the width indicated in the Plan.
Lot Dimensions, Shapes And Position. The size, shape, and orientation of lots shall be appropriate for the location and physical character of the proposed subdivision and for the type of development contemplated in compliance with this Chapter.
Minimum lot width shall be measured at the building setback line. In addition, corner lots should have a width fifteen (15) feet greater than the minimum width.
Minimum lot depth shall be measured through the center of the lot and shall be perpendicular to the property line or radial to the property line on curved streets.
The maximum depth of residential lots shall not exceed three (3) times the width thereof.
Minimum lot area shall be subject to the zoning regulations of the district in which the subdivision is located and the minimum design standards of this regulation. The more restrictive of the regulations shall govern.
All side lot lines shall bear between sixty degrees (60°) and ninety degrees (90°) from the street right-of-way line on a straight street or from the tangent of a curved street.
Double frontage lots shall be avoided unless, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, a variation to this rule will give better street alignment and lot arrangement.
Every lot shall abut on a public street other than an alley.
Where possible, residential lots should not face on arterial streets. The number of lots facing on collector streets shall be kept to a minimum in each subdivision. The street pattern shall be designed so that the side lines of lots abut collector streets wherever land shapes and topography permit.
Corner Lots.
Orientation And Access. A corner lot shall require orientation of the front facade of the structure to and vehicular access from the abutted street with a lower classification; the structure shall be oriented to and take access from the same property line.
Setback Determination. The property line from which access is taken and to which the structure is oriented shall be considered the front lot line for the purposes of determining setbacks; frontage to a right-of-way intersecting that right-of-way abutting the front lot line shall be considered side lot lines for the purposes of determining setbacks.
[Ord. No. 509, 8-11-2021]
All improvements required under these regulations shall be constructed in accordance with the specifications and under the supervision of the official having jurisdiction in the manner prescribed.
In order to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the people, the Planning and Zoning Commission will reject any proposed subdivision with structures proposed to be located within floodplains, as identified in Section 440.040, without complying with all applicable provisions of Chapter 440.
Whenever a subdivision is proposed to be located in an area having poor drainage, or other adverse physical characteristics and impairment, the Planning and Zoning Commission may approve the plat provided the developer binds himself legally to make such improvements as, in the judgement of the Planning and Zoning Commission, will render the subdivision substantially safe and otherwise acceptable for the intended use.
In order to insure proper development of the subdivision, completion of improvements, utilities and streets in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter, the developer shall post with the Commission a surety performance bond or letter of credit, running to the City of Kimberling City, written by a professional bonding company or other surety acceptable to the Planning and Zoning Commission, sufficient to cover the cost of such improvements as estimated by the officials having jurisdiction.
All work in connection with the requirements outlined in this Section shall be completed within eighteen (18) months from the date of approval of the subdivision by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Kimberling City. Unless an extension in time is granted by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Kimberling City; otherwise the performance bond or other such security shall be paid to the City which may then arrange to complete the required work from the bond proceeds. No structures within the subdivision may be occupied until the subdivision improvements are substantially completed. In this case, substantial completion shall mean seventy-five percent (75%) of the improvements have been finished.
[Ord. No. 509, 8-11-2021]
Construction. Streets shall be constructed with a subbase, base and surface. Streets shall conform to the following dimensions:
Street Type
Subbase Width
Surface Width
The construction of the subbase shall be compacted native material with a cross slope of one-half (1/2) inch per foot each way from the center of the street. In areas where the subbase is excavated, a minimum ditch one-foot wide by two (2) feet deep shall be constructed with minimum side slopes of two (2) horizontal to one (1) vertical. The ditch shall have a minimum slope to natural grade of one-half (1/2) inch per foot to natural grade. In area filled the minimum side slope shall be two (2) horizontal to one (1) vertical to natural grade. Size of culvert shall be thirteen (13) inches by seventeen (17) inches oval or fifteen (15) inches steel corrugated round or twelve (12) inches polyethylene (smooth bore) pipe.
The base course shall be a minimum of six (6) inches thick, wetted, compacted Grade A or B crushed rock with a cross slope of one-half (1/2) inch per foot each way from the center of the street. A prime coat of type RC, MC or emulsified asphalt shall be applied at thirty-five-tenths (0.35) gallon per square yard to the dry base course.
The surface course of streets shall be a minimum of two (2) inches, cul-de-sac shall be a minimum of two and one-half (2 1/2) inches compacted thickness of hot mix asphaltic concrete applied to the primed base course.
All materials and construction shall conform to the Missouri Highway Department and the City's road improvement work contract specifications.
Minimum Pavement. Minimum pavement widths required to be installed at subdivider's expense, shall be as follows:
Streets. Sixteen (16) feet. In the case of a major thoroughfare or collector street requiring pavements wider than sixteen (16) feet, the matter of financial and other arrangements for installing such wider pavements at the time the developer will make the improvements shall be taken up by the developer with the officials having jurisdiction.
Minor, Dead-End And Cul-De-Sac Streets. Sixteen (16) feet. The pavement of a turning circle at the end of a dead-end street shall have a minimum outside diameter of eighty (80) feet.
Alleys And Service Drives. Eighteen (18) feet.
Street And Block Layout. The street layout of the subdivision shall be in general conformity with a plan for the most advantageous and aesthetically pleasing development of the entire neighborhood, including adjoining areas. Where appropriate to the design, proposed streets shall be continuous and in alignment with existing, planned or platted streets with which they are to connect.
Relationship To Adjoining Street Systems. The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall make provisions for the continuation of the principal existing streets in adjoining additions (or their proper projection where adjoining property is not subdivided) insofar as they may be necessary for public requirements. The width of such street rights-of-way in new subdivisions shall be not less than the minimum street widths established herein.
Cul-De-Sacs And Dead-End Streets. Cul-de-sacs and dead-end streets should be avoided if at all possible.
Right-Angle Intersections. Under normal conditions, streets shall be laid out to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles. Where topography or other conditions justify a variation from the right-angle intersection, the minimum angle shall be sixty degrees (60°). Four-way intersections shall be used for minor interior streets wherever practicable and not in conflict with other applicable design principles and standards.
Access. Each lot shall be provided with access to the public street or highway to assure convenient ingress and egress to and from such lot, and to provide adequately for the layout of utilities, garbage and waste removal, fire and police protection, and other services, and to protect and further the public health and safety generally.
Right-Of-Way Requirements And Utility Easements.
Streets. Forty-foot right-of-way.
Minor Streets, Dead-End Streets, And Cul-De-Sac Streets. All dead-end streets shall terminate in a circular turn-around having a minimum right-of-way diameter of one hundred (100) feet.
Alleys. Alleys, where platted, shall have a minimum width of twenty (20) feet.
Utility Easements. Utility easements, where required, shall be at least ten (10) feet wide along rear or side lot lines. Easements of adequate width shall be provided for open drainage channels, where required.
Right-Of-Way Required. Where the proposed subdivision is a resubdivision or concerns an area presently abutting or continuing any existing public street of less than the minimum required right-of-way width or roadway width, land shall be dedicated so as to provide a minimum street right-of-way width established by these regulations and/or by the policy of the Board of Aldermen; and the subdivider of such proposed subdivision shall provide an additional roadway pavement meeting the minimum standards set by these regulations and the Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen shall determine what adjustment to make where the aforesaid widening merges with existing streets which are of smaller width at the boundary of such proposed subdivision. The Board of Aldermen may reduce the minimum roadway system in the proposed subdivision if the extension of such roadway is already improved at each end of such roadway in the subdivision and the roadway in the proposed subdivision is two (2) blocks or less in length.
[Ord. No. 509, 8-11-2021]
Agriculture Districts. Sidewalks shall not be required in the agriculture district.
"R-1" District. Sidewalks shall be installed on at least one (1) side of all arterial streets in the "R-1" District.
"R-1B" and "C-1" Districts. Sidewalks shall be installed on both sides of all arterial and collector streets.
All Other Districts. Sidewalks shall be installed on at least one (1) side of all arterial and collector streets in all districts, except as stated in 400.533(A-C). Walks shall also be installed in any pedestrian easements as may be required by the Planning Commission.
Cul-De-Sacs. A public sidewalk, either as an easement or right-of-way dedication, of no less than five (5) feet in width shall connect the terminus of any cul-de-sac to at least one (1) right-of-way existing within two hundred (200) feet, when feasible with existing site topography.
Construction Standards. All sidewalks shall be not less than four (4) feet in width of Portland cement concrete and shall comply with the specifications of the Governing Body.
When Constructed. Installation of sidewalks may be delayed for one (1) side of a block between two (2) intersecting streets until seventy-five percent (75%) of the lots on that side of the block have been developed or within three (3) years of the approval of the final plat, whichever comes first.
[Ord. No. 509, 8-11-2021]
Where a public water supply main is reasonably accessible, in the judgment of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the subdivision shall be provided with a complete loop type water distribution system adequate to service the area being platted, including a connection for each lot. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall not approve the final plat thereof until the Missouri State Board of Health certifies compliance with the applicable regulations of said Board of Health, Section 192.200, RSMo., 1978.
A two-inch riser pipe fitted with standard two and one-half (2 1/2) inch fire hose threaded cap shall be installed at designated locations along the main supply system to serve as a means of refilling the Stone County Fire District tank truck when fighting a fire in the vicinity.
A similar installation as described in Section 400.534(B) above shall be installed at multi-family dwellings, condominium complexes and resorts or motels.
Where private water supplies are proposed, adequate provision shall be made for easements to allow installation of a public system should the property ever be annexed or required to develop a public supply. Private water systems shall meet all requirements of the State DNR.
[Ord. No. 509, 8-11-2021]
Sewerage disposal systems and facilities shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the regulations and requirements of the City of Kimberling City and the Missouri Division of Health.
[Ord. No. 509, 8-11-2021]
Every subdivision shall be provided with a storm water drainage system, in compliance with this Chapter, adequate to serve the area being platted and otherwise meeting the approval of the officials having jurisdiction.
The subdivider shall install culverts, storm sewers, rip-rap slopes, stabilized ditches, stormwater detention facilities and other improvements necessary to adequately handle stormwater. All improvements shall comply with the minimum standards of the City and shall be approved by the Administrative Officer prior to construction.
Site design shall not change natural drainage patterns, except as provided below:
All final grading and drainage shall comply with applicable City and State requirements.
To the maximum extent feasible, development shall preserve the natural surface drainage pattern unique to each site as a result of topography and vegetation. Grading shall be designed to ensure that drainage flows away from all structures, especially structures that are cut into hillsides. Natural drainage patterns may be modified on site only if the applicant shows that there will be no significant adverse environmental impacts on site or on adjacent properties. If natural drainage patterns are modified, appropriate stabilization techniques shall be employed.
Development shall be designed to mitigate all negative or adverse drainage impacts on adjacent and surrounding sites.
Post-development discharge of stormwater shall not exceed predevelopment discharge for a 100-year storm event.
Drainage Easements. If a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainageway or channel, then a stormwater easement shall be provided. Such easement or right-of-way shall conform substantially to the lines of such watercourse and shall be of such width or construction, or both, as may be necessary to provide adequate stormwater drainage and for access for maintenance thereof. Parallel streets may be required in connection therewith. The subdivider may be required to have an engineer's study prepared for the Planning Commission as to the required width of such easement for each major watercourse or drainageway involved. Such study shall be based on a 100-year storm.
[Ord. No. 509, 8-11-2021]
Modifications. Where unusual or exceptional factors or conditions exist, the Planning and Zoning Commission may modify any of the provisions of these subdivision regulations, on written application by the developer. The developer's application shall set forth the reasons for such requested modifications and shall be attached to all copies of the construction plans.
Where the proposed subdivision is a resubdivision or concerns an area presently having any or all required improvements as previously set out and where such improvements meet the requirements of this Article and are in good condition as determined by the Board of Aldermen upon its consideration of the opinion of the Administrative Officer, no further provision need be made by the subdivider to duplicate such improvements. However, where such existing improvements do not meet said requirements as determined by the Board of Aldermen upon its consideration of the opinion of the Administrative Officer, the subdivider shall provide for the repair, correction or replacement of such improvements so that all final improvements will then meet said requirements as determined by the Board of Aldermen upon its consideration of the opinion of the Administrative Officer. The regulations shall not apply to lot splits/combinations in "R-1" Zoning Districts that were in existence prior to Ordinance xxx.