[Ord. No. 509, 8-11-2021]
The regulations of this Section are intended to ensure provision of off-street parking and loading facilities in rough proportion to the generalized parking, loading, and transportation demands of different land uses. By requiring such facilities, it is the intent of the Section to help avoid the negative impacts associated with spillover parking into adjacent neighborhoods, while at the same time avoiding the negative environmental and urban design impacts that can result from parking lots and other vehicular use areas. The provisions of this Section are also intended to help protect the public health, safety, and general welfare by:
Helping avoid and mitigate traffic congestion;
Encouraging multi-modal transportation options and enhanced pedestrian safety;
Providing methods to help reduce stormwater runoff and the heat island effect of large paved parking areas; and
Providing flexible methods of responding to the transportation and access demands of various land uses in different areas of the City.
[Ord. No. 509, 8-11-2021]
In all districts in connection with ever use, sufficient off-street parking spaces shall be provided to accomplish the principles set forth in this Chapter and to meet the parking demands generated by residents, employees, company officials, company vehicles and customers. Required parking spaces shall be located on the lot on which the principal use is located except as provided in this Chapter.
Each application for a building permit, zoning permit or variance shall include plans for at least the minimum number of parking spaces as herein required. Plans shall include information as to location and dimensions of off-street parking spaces and the means of access to the spaces. The Administrative Official shall not approve any application until he/she determines that the requirements if this Chapter are met in the plans.
Each off-street parking space shall contain not less than two hundred (200) square feet in area with a minimum width of ten (10) feet and a minimum length of twenty (20) feet exclusive of access and circulation aisles. Areas normally used for drive-in customer service such as drive-in windows and gas pump service areas shall not be counted in computing required parking spaces.
[Ord. No. 509, 8-11-2021]
The minimum number of required spaces shall be determined by the following criteria: Parking spaces shall be arranged, whenever practical, so that tandem parking of vehicles is not necessary except for a short period of time. Sufficient spaces shall be provided for parallel parking of vehicles off street. In addition, a developer shall evaluate his/her own needs to determine if they are greater than the minimum specified in this Chapter. According to the table below:
Use Category
Use Type
Parking Requirement
(number of spaces)
Household Living
Single-family dwellings
2 per dwelling unit
Two-family dwellings
2 per dwelling unit
Multi-family dwellings
1.5 per bedroom
2 per dwelling unit
Residential-Manufactured Home Community
2 per dwelling unit
Group Living
Rooming houses and boarding houses
1 for each 2 employees and 1 per 2 beds
Motels and hotels
1 for each 2 employees and 1 per room
Community Services
1 for 3 seats in the principal place of assembly
Community centers and libraries
10 parking spaces, plus 1 additional space for each 300 square feet of floor area in excess of 2,000 square feet
Funeral homes
1 for every 4 seats
Cultural facilities, including art galleries, museums, or planetariums
1 per 400 square feet of gross floor area
Educational Facilities
Health Care Facilities
2 for each 3 employees and 1 for 4 patient beds
Home occupation
1 parking spaces in addition to residential requirements
Office buildings, banks and similar institutions
3 per 1,000 square feet of floor area
Recreation and Entertainment, Outdoor
1 for every 4 spectator seats
Golf courses
20 parking spaces
Recreation and Entertainment, Indoor
Pool halls, bowling alleys and similar recreational facilities
1 per 300 square feet of gross floor area
1 for every 2 seats
Retail/Commercial Services
Retail business and service establishments
1 for each business vehicle and 1 for each 250 square feet of gross floor area
Restaurant and cafe
1 per 3.5 seats, plus 1 for each 2 employee
Night club or similar establishment
1 for every 3 persons of capacity
Wholesale, retail and commercial storage
1 for each 2 employees based upon the largest working shift in any 24 hour period and 1 for each company vehicle stored at site
Vehicles and Equipment
Service stations
2 for gas pump and 2 for each grease rack
Auto sales and garages
1.5 per employee, 1 per maintenance stall
Industrial Service
[Ord. No. 509, 8-11-2021]
The parking space requirement for a use not specifically mentioned herein shall be the same as required for a use of similar nature as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
In the case of mixed or joint uses, the parking spaces required shall equal the sum of the requirements of the various uses computed separately, unless provided for in Section 400.615 below.
Parking Spaces — Requirements. All parking spaces, parking lots and parking areas required herein shall be located on the same lot with the building or use served; except that, within "C," "I" and "O" zoning only, where an increase in the number of parking spaces is required by a change or enlargement of use, or where such parking spaces are provided collectively or used jointly by two (2) or more buildings or establishments, the required parking spaces may then be located and maintained no more than four hundred (400) feet from the building(s), establishment(s) or use served, in the same "C," "I" and "O" zoning, and owned by the same party(ies) as the owner(s) or leasee(s) of the lot, building(s), establishment(s) or use served.
In any case where the required parking spaces are not located on the same lot with the building or use served or where such spaces arc collectively or jointly provided and used, a written agreement thereby assuring their retention for such purposes shall be properly drawn and executed by the parties concerned, approved as to form and executed by the City Attorney and shall be filed with the application for a building permit.
Parking In Front Yards. No off-street parking shall be permitted in the required front yard of any "C-1" District. Off-street parking space may be located within the required front yard of a "C-2" or "C-3" or "I" Zoning District. No off-street parking shall be permitted in any "R" Zoning District except upon a driveway providing access to a garage, carport or a parking space for the dwelling. No community parking shall be allowed in any "R" Zoning District except for those designed for City-approved public parks or playgrounds and other City-designated place(s).
[Ord. No. 509, 8-11-2021]
The Administrative Officer May Allow Shared Parking. Shared parking shall mean that the required spaces provided for one (1) use may also be credited as required spaces for a complementary use. A permanent and irrevocable easement of the parking facilities in favor of the use to be benefited thereby shall be dedicated and recorded in the Stone County records as a condition of such use. Shared parking shall meet the following conditions:
Proximity To Use. Shared parking spaces shall be located within six hundred (600) linear feet of the primary entrance of all uses served as measured along the shortest legal, practical walking route. This route may include crossing a right-of-way, provided that it uses a legal crosswalk. Such distance shall not apply if a remote parking shuttle bus service is provided and approved as part of a development approval. Shared parking spaces shall not be separated from the use they serve by an arterial or collector street with a right-of-way greater than or equal to fifty (50) feet. In addition, adequate and safe pedestrian access must be provided from and to the shared parking areas.
Same Or More Intensive Use. A shared parking area shall be located on a site with the same or more intensive zone district classification than required for the primary uses served.
Calculating Shared Parking.
Where two (2) land uses listed in separate use categories in Section 400.515, Land Use Matrix, share a parking lot or structure, the total off-site parking required for those uses may be reduced by the factors shown in Table 400.615-1, below. Total off-street parking required shall be the sum of the two (2) parking requirements for the two (2) uses divided by the factors in Table 400.615-1. If uses in three (3) or more categories of Section 400.515, Land Use Matrix, share a parking lot or structure, the Administrative Officer shall determine the parking reduction based on the relative sizes of the various uses and the reduction factors listed in Table 400.615-1, below.
Table 400.615 - 1
Joint Parking Reduction Factors
[Add the two parking requirements and divide by these factors]
Property Use
Community Service, Educational Facilities, Health Care Facilities
Food, Beverage Recreation
Community Service, Educational Facilities, Health Care Facilities
Food, Beverage, Recreation
How To Calculate Shared Parking. This is an example for a shared parking for a multi-family dwelling and office. A twenty-bedroom multi-family dwelling will require 30 parking spaces. A 10,000 square feet of floor area office will require 30 spaces. The joint parking reduction factor for residential area and office is 1.3. the sum of the 2 parking requirements is 60 spaces. Shared parking spaces is the sum of the 2 parking requirements divided by the joint parking reduction factor. Therefore, the shared parking requirement is 46.
20 bedroom at 1.5 parking space per bedroom = 30 spaces.
10,000 square feet of floor area at 3 per 1,000 square feet of floor area = 30 spaces.
Joint parking reduction factor = 1.3.
Shared parking requirement = (30+30)/1.3 = 46
Additional Joint Parking Permitted For Certain Uses. As an alternative to those reduction factors listed in Table 400.615-1: a) up to fifty percent (50%) of the parking spaces required for food, beverage and recreation, and up to one hundred percent (100%) of parking spaces required for religious assembly uses and elementary, middle, high school, university, or college auditoriums may be used jointly by b) any non-residential use not normally open, used, or operated during the same hours as those listed in Item a).
[Ord. No. 509, 8-11-2021]
Every building or part thereof erected or occupied for retail business, service, manufacturing, storage, warehousing, hotel, mortuary, or any other use similarly involving the receipt or distribution by vehicles of materials or merchandise, shall provide and maintain on the site premises, off-street loading space in accordance with the following requirements:
Within any "C-1" or "C-2" or "C-3" Zoning District, one (1) loading space for each ten thousand (10,000) square feet of gross floor area.
Within any "I-1" Zoning District, one (1) loading space for each fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of gross floor area.
For the purpose of this Section, an off-street loading space (exclusive of adequate access drives and maneuvering space) shall have minimum dimensions of twelve (12) by forty (40) feet and an overhead clearance of fourteen (14) feet in height above the alley or street grade.
[Ord. No. 509, 8-11-2021]
Parking Layout And Construction Standards. Every parcel of land hereafter used as a public or private parking area, including commercial parking lots and vehicular display/storage areas, shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following requirements.
Curbs Or Wheel Stops Required. In any parking space which faces toward a property line or a building, a wheel stop and/or a curb shall be provided that prevents a vehicle from extending across the property line or hitting the building. As determine by the Administrative Officer, wheel stops may also be required where a curb will not be sufficient.
Parallel Parking. The minimum paved dimension for a parallel parking space shall be eight (8) feet by twenty-two (22) feet.
Parking For The Disabled.
A parking lot serving any commercial or industrial use, public facility, or multi-family development shall have a number of level parking spaces, as set forth in the following table, reserved for physically disabled persons. Each reserved parking space shall be not less than thirteen (13) feet wide (eight-foot stall with an adjacent five-foot access aisle) and identified by an above-grade sign designating the parking space for the physically disabled. Two (2) handicapped parking spaces may share an adjacent five-foot access aisle. The following parking standards are consistent with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and regulations adopted under the Act's authority.
Accessible Parking Spaces for the Disabled
Total Parking in Lot
Required Number of Accessible Spaces
01 to 05
06 to 25
26 to 50
51 to 75
76 to 100
101 to 150
151 to 200
201 to 300
301 to 400
401 to 500
501 to 1,000
2% of total
Over 1,000
20 plus 1 for each 100 over 1,000
* Accessible space shall be provided but is not required to be designated by appropriate signage.
For every eight (8) or fraction of eight (8) accessible parking spaces, at least one (1) shall be a van-accessible parking space.
Parking spaces reserved for the physically disabled shall be adjacent to curb ramps, elevators, walkways, and entrances so that disabled persons can avoid passing behind parked cars. Reserved parking spaces for the disabled shall be as close to building entrances as possible.
In the development of large shopping areas, medical centers, hospitals, and housing for the elderly and/or handicapped, an area for van parking serving the disabled shall be reserved. Each reserved parking space for vans transporting the elderly and disabled shall have a minimum width of sixteen (16) feet (eight-foot stall with an adjoining eight-foot access aisle) to accommodate a wheel chair lift. Each reserved parking space for van parking shall be level and identified by an above-grade sign designating the van space for the physically disabled.
Except as provided herein, all parking spaces and access drives shall be surfaced with asphalt or concrete pavement. All pavement must be of sufficient strength to support the heaviest vehicular loads imposed on it, and shall be so graded and drained to dispose of all surface water in accordance with the requirements of the Kimberling City Code, and shall be marked to provide for orderly and safe loading, unloading, parking and storage of vehicles. All surfaces shall be maintained in good condition, generally free of potholes, cracks or broken pavement and allowing uninhibited access to all parking and loading spaces or drives.
The use of pervious or semi-pervious parking area surfacing materials, including but not limited to grasscrete, ring and grid systems used in conjunction with grass seed or sod, permeable concrete or asphalt, porous or grid pavers, or recycled materials, such as glass, rubber, used asphalt, brick, block and concrete, may be approved by the Administrative Officer for the required vehicular surface area on a lot, provided that such areas are properly maintained and that the underlying soil conditions support the use of such materials.
For "R-HMC" District, the area for parking spaces and approach driveways shall be paved or shall have not less than four (4) inches of crushed rock or other suitable material on a well compacted sub-base.