Pursuant to 105 CMR 435, "Minimum standards for swimming pools,
State Sanitary Code, Chapter V," the Chelmsford Board of Health has
determined that lifeguards (105 CMR 435.23) are necessary at all facilities
defined by this code.
Pursuant to the provisions of the variance section (105 CMR
435.46), the Chelmsford Board of Health will make available to applicants
with swimming pools existing and in operation on June 5, 2017, a variance
upon the following terms:
A reapplication with no changes is $100.
The grant of a variance is at the discretion of the Board; the
grant of a variance in one year is not a guarantee of the grant of
a variance in any subsequent year. Without exception, a variance will
be withheld if the Board identifies manifest error in the application
submitted or determines that the information being provided in support
of the application has been fabricated and/or does not evidence proper
and timely maintenance and testing of the pool or reporting of the
required information.
This variance will not be available to applicants with swimming
pools not existing and in operation on June 5, 2017; but not in operation
due to pending repairs or maintenance.
This Chelmsford Board of Health Lifeguard Variance Regulation
was amended, voted on, and unanimously approved, at a regularly scheduled
Board meeting on February 11, 2019, and will go into effect on February
11, 2019.