The subdivider shall construct streets, roads and alleys as outlined on the approved plans based on the requirements of this chapter, particularly §§
478-41 and
A. General considerations. The streets shall be designed and located
in relation to existing and planned streets, to topographical conditions
and natural terrain features such as streams and existing tree growth,
to public convenience and safety, and in their appropriate relation
to the proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets.
B. Construction standards. Construction of all streets shall conform
to the current standards as established by the Village in this chapter
and elsewhere and shall be subject to approval of the Village Engineer
before acceptance.
C. Conform to Official Map. The arrangement, width, grade and location
of all streets shall conform to the Official Map (if adopted).
D. Survey monumentation. Before final approval of any plat or certified survey within the corporate limits of the Village, the subdivider shall install monuments placed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter
236, Wis. Stats., or as may be required by the Village Engineer. All survey monumentation located adjacent to street or public rights-of-way, but not located within street pavement, shall be protected with steel fence posts erected near the survey monumentation. The Village Engineer may waive the placing of monuments for a reasonable time during public improvement construction on condition that the subdivider executes a survey to insure the placing of such monuments within the time required. On behalf of the Village, the Village Clerk-Treasurer is authorized to accept such surety bonds and contracts for monumentation in an amount approved by the Village Engineer. Building permits shall not be issued until all survey monumentation for the block(s) of lots in which the lot(s) for which building permits are being applied for within the phase of the land division under development has been installed. When the land division includes and established one-half, one-quarter, one-quarter one-quarter, or such other section monument, the established monument shall be preserved and/or fully restored by the subdivider at his/her cost.
E. Street construction. After the installation of all required utility
and stormwater drainage improvements, the subdivider shall prepare
for surfacing all roadways in streets proposed to be dedicated, to
the widths prescribed by this chapter, by placing crushed rock on
said roadways and, in addition, shall surface said street, in a manner
and quality consistent with this chapter and plans and specifications
approved by the Village Engineer. Construction shall be to Village
standard specifications for street improvements.
F. Street cross sections. When permanent street cross sections have
been approved by the Village, the subdivider shall finish grade all
shoulders and road ditches, install all necessary culverts at intersections
and, if required, surface ditch inverts to prevent erosion and sedimentation
in accordance with plans and standard specifications approved by the
Village Engineer.
In any subdivision or minor land division, the Village Board
shall require the subdivider to construct concrete curbs and gutters
in accordance with plans and standard specifications approved by the
Village Board, upon the recommendation of the Village Engineer. Concrete
curbs and gutters shall be installed when deemed necessary for erosion
control, surface water drainage or runoff management. Wherever possible,
provision shall be made at the time of construction for driveway access
curb cuts. Where required, the subdivider shall install concrete curbs
and gutters along both sides of all streets and boulevards shown on
the plat. The cost of the curb and gutter required inspection, supervision
and engineering fees shall be paid for by the subdivider. Wherever
possible, provision shall be made at the time of construction for
driveway access curb cuts.
Pursuant to §
478-45, the subdivider shall provide stormwater drainage facilities which include curbs and gutters, manholes, catch basins and inlets, storm sewers, storm sewer laterals from the main to the lot line, road ditches and open channels, as may be required. All such facilities are to be of adequate size and grade to hydraulically accommodate maximum potential volumes of flow, the type of facility required, the design criteria and the sizes and grades to be determined by the Village Engineer. Such required improvements shall be dedicated to the Village upon such terms and conditions as the Village Board may determine.
The Village Board shall require the subdivider to install street
lamps, where the Village Board deems such lights necessary, within
18 months of the Village's approval of the project along all streets
proposed to be dedicated of a design compatible with the neighborhood
and type of development proposed. Such lamps shall be placed at each
street intersection and at such interior block spacing as may be required
by the Village Engineer. Streetlight design and placement will be
determined by the Village Board.
The subdivider shall cause all gradings, excavations, open cuts,
side slopes, and other land surface disturbances to be mulched, seeded,
sodded or otherwise protected so that erosion, siltation, sedimentation
and washing are prevented, in compliance with Village ordinances.
The subdivider shall submit an erosion control plan that specifies
measures that will be taken to assure the minimization of erosion
When the land included in a subdivision plat or certified map
abuts upon or is adjacent to land used for farming or grazing purposes,
the subdivider shall erect, keep, and maintain partition fences, satisfying
the requirements of the Wisconsin Statutes for a legal and sufficient
fence, between such land and the adjacent land. A covenant binding
the developer, its grantees, heirs, successors, and assigns to erect
and maintain such fences, without cost to the adjoining property owners,
so long as the land is used for farming or grazing purposes, shall
be included upon the face of the final plat or certified survey map.
Rear yard fences shall not be permitted on zero-lot line lots.
When any public improvements of adequate capacity are not available
at the boundary of a proposed land division, the Village, or its duly
authorized representative, shall require, as a prerequisite to approval
of a final plat or certified survey map, assurances that such improvement
extensions shall be provided as follows in accordance with the following
A. Design capacity. All improvements within or entering or leaving the
proposed development shall be installed to satisfy the service requirements
for the entire service or drainage area in which the development is
located and the improvements shall be of sufficient capacity to handle
the expected development of the overall service area involved.
B. Extra-sized and off-size improvements. Where improvements of adequate size needed to serve the development are not available at the boundary of the development, the subdivider shall proceed under one of the alternatives as identified in §
C. Lift stations. Where sanitary or storm sewer lift stations and force
mains are required to lift sewage to the gravity system, the subdivider
shall have plans, profiles, specifications and estimated operation
and maintenance costs prepared for the installation of such facilities
to the Village Engineer's requirements. Equipment similar to existing
Village equipment shall be utilized whenever possible. The installation,
inspection, supervision and engineering fees for lift stations and/or
force mains shall be paid for by the subdivider unless otherwise determined
and agreed upon by the Village Board. Gravity sanitary sewer service
shall be employed whenever determined by the Village Engineer to be
feasibly accessible.
The subdivider shall be required to grade the full land division in accordance with the requirements of §