Whenever the public necessity, convenience, general welfare or good zoning practice requires, the Village may, by ordinance, change the district boundaries established by this chapter and the Zoning Map incorporated herein and/or the Supplementary Floodland Zoning Map incorporated herein,[1] or amend, change or supplement the text of the regulations established by this chapter or amendments thereto. Such change or amendment shall be subject to the review of the Plan Commission.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 465, Floodplain Zoning.
Initiation. A change or amendment may be initiated by the Village Board, the Plan Commission or by a petition of one or more of the owners or lessees of property within the area proposed to be changed.
Petitions. Petitions for any change to the district boundaries or amendments to the regulations shall be filed with the Village Clerk-Treasurer and shall describe the premises to be rezoned or the regulations to be amended, list the reasons justifying the petition, specify the proposed use and have attached the following:
A plot plan drawn to a scale of one inch equals 100 feet showing the area proposed to be rezoned, its location, its dimensions, the location and classification of adjacent zoning districts and the location and existing use of all properties within 200 feet of the area proposed to be rezoned.
The owners' names and addresses of all properties lying within 200 feet of the area proposed to be rezoned.
Additional information required by the Plan Commission, Zoning Administrator or Village Board.
Recommendations. The Plan Commission shall hold a public hearing as provided for in § 62.23(7)(d), Wis. Stats., and review all proposed changes and amendments within the corporate limits and shall recommend that the petition be granted as requested, modified or denied. The recommendation shall be made in writing to the Village Board.
Village Board's action. Following such hearing, the Plan Commission shall make a recommendation on the proposed ordinance effecting the proposed change or amendment. The Village Board shall then review the recommendation and make its determination.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Sec. 13-1-182, Protest, which immediately followed this section, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III).