In accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 and the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts regulations 310 CMR 22.22 of the Massachusetts
Drinking Water Supply Regulations, the water purveyor has the primary
responsibility for preventing water from unapproved sources, or any
other substances, from entering the public potable water supply system.
The City of Melrose DPW Water Division shall be responsible
for the protection of the public potable water distribution system
from contamination or pollution due to the backflow or backsiphonage
of contaminants or pollutants. If, as a result of a survey of any
premises, the Department determines that an approved backflow prevention
device is required at the City's water service connection to any customer's
premises for the safety of the public water supply system, the Department
or its designated agent shall give notice in writing to said customer
to install such an approved backflow prevention device at each service
connection to their premises. The customer shall, within 60 days,
install such approved device or devices at their own expense. Failure,
refusal or inability on the part of the customer to install said device
or devices within 60 days may result in a fine, as described in the
Schedule of Fees, or the turning off of water to the property.
The procedure for backflow prevention should comply with the
latest version of AWWA Manual M14, Backflow Prevention and Cross Connection
Control. Where any inconsistency exists with 310 CMR 22.22, the laws
of the commonwealth shall govern.