Camden recognizes that in order to survive and prosper in a rapidly changing world, it needs to be diligent about providing for and implementing Growth Management and Long-Range Planning. In accordance with Title 30-A MRS, § 4323-4326, a municipal growth management program may include a Comprehensive Plan and an Implementation Program. The Town's existing Comprehensive Plan and existing land use ordinances and their amendments and successors shall comply with the procedures, goals and guidelines established in state law.
Membership and Terms. The Select Board shall appoint a Planning Board of five (5) members to serve staggered three (3)-year terms and two (2) alternates to serve one (1)-year terms. Planning Board members and alternates shall be Camden residents.
Review and process applications for subdivisions, site plans, private ways, piers and other land permitting requirements as stipulated in the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances.
When appropriate, initiate amendments to existing ordinances or new ordinances in response to these needs.
Ordinance Review. The Planning Board shall be cognizant of changing regulations and approaches in land planning in conjunction with the needs of the Town and shall monitor the Town's Zoning Ordinance, recommending needed changes to the Select Board.
Consistency. The Zoning Ordinance must be pursuant to and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan adopted by the Town Meeting.
Zoning Map required. A Zoning Map describing each zone established or modified must be adopted as part of the Zoning Ordinance or incorporated in the ordinance.
Authentication. The Zoning Map or any amended Zoning Map must be signed and dated by the Select Board and Town Clerk.
Review. The Town shall review and maintain a Comprehensive Plan to be presented to the voters at Town Meeting at least every ten (10) years.
Review Committee. The Select Board shall appoint a Comprehensive Plan Committee of up to eleven (11) voting members to include five (5) members of the Planning Board and additional citizens of the Town of Camden.
Required Input. Consistent with 30-A MRS § 4324 (as may be amended from time to time), the Committee shall provide for a broad range of opportunity for comment, review and participation from Town staff, Town committees, and the public in revising and updating the Comprehensive Plan.
Committee Term. The Comprehensive Plan Committee shall serve until the Comprehensive Plan is adopted by the voters.
Periodic review for amendments.
From time to time it may be appropriate to amend the Comprehensive Plan to satisfy changes in State or Federal regulations or to reflect changes in how Camden citizens want to direct the Town in between the normal ten (10)-year cycle.
Recommendations. The Planning Board shall recommend changes after soliciting input as described in the preceding section from all concerned and submit the proposed changes to the Select Board for its consideration of inclusion at the next Town Meeting.
Select Board Direction. Following the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan and any subsequent amendments, the Select Board shall direct the implementation of the Plan's recommendations and strategies, working with the Town Manager, Town Committees and other parties as needed.
Town Manager Responsibilities. The Town Manager shall be responsible for working with appropriate department heads to incorporate implementation strategies in department work plans. The Town Manager shall notify other responsible parties as identified in the Comprehensive Plan to coordinate implementation strategies.
Incorporation of Strategies. Appointed Town Committees and Boards shall incorporate implementation strategies in committee work plans as assigned to them by the Select Board and the Comprehensive Plan.