There shall be an Historic Resources Committee which shall consist of five members and two alternates, all of whom shall be residents of the Town appointed by the Selectmen. Members of the Committee shall have demonstrated an interest in the historical and architectural character of the Town and shall be appointed with due regard to proper representation of such fields as history, architectural history, architecture, landscape architecture, and archaeology to the extent such individuals are available in the community. Members shall serve staggered, three-year terms and no member may serve more than two consecutive terms.
The Committee shall establish procedures necessary for the execution of its duties as set forth in this chapter. All meetings of the Committee shall be open to the public, and the Committee shall keep a record of its resolutions, proceedings, and actions.
The Committee shall be authorized to:
Conduct a survey of historic resources within Camden and maintain a record of such resources. These resources shall include buildings, building sites, designed landscapes, prehistoric sites and materials, and documents relating to these.
Recommend methods and procedures necessary to preserve, restore, maintain, and operate historic sites and properties owned by the Town.
Review alterations, relocation, and demolition of designated historic properties owned by the Town.
Review all proposed nominations to the National Register for properties owned by the Town.
Recommend ordinances and otherwise provide information for the purposes of historic preservation within the Town, including evaluations of the potential impacts of proposed governmental projects on properties within the Town's designated historic areas, pursuant to Article X, § 290-10.4, of this chapter.
Act in an advisory role to other officials and departments of local government, regarding the protection of local historic resources.
Act as local liaison on behalf of local government to individuals and organizations concerned with historic preservation.
Promote and conduct an educational and interpretive program on historic preservation and historic properties and sites within the Town.
Cooperate with federal, state, and local governments in the pursuit of the objectives of historic preservation.
Participate in the conduct of land use and other planning processes undertaken by the Town, the state or federal government and the agencies of those entities.
Review demolition permit applications per Article V, § 290-5.2A(1).
[Added 7-14-2020]