[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Camden as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 6-12-1996]
The Town of Camden hereby adopts the following ordinance to provide an alternative to the statutory procedure for approval of warrants authorizing the Treasurer to disburse money.
This article is enacted pursuant to the provisions of Title 30-A M.R.S.A. § 5603, Subdivision 2A, and the Home Rule Authority granted to the Town in accordance with the provisions of Title 30-A M.R.S.A. 3001.
Except as otherwise stated in this article, the Treasurer may disburse money only on the authority of a warrant drawn for that purpose upon a warrant which is either:
Affirmatively voted and signed by the majority of the Board of Selectmen at a duly called meeting of that Board;
Seen and signed by at least three members of the Board of Selectmen acting individually and separately; or
Signed as otherwise provided by law for the disbursement of employees' wages and benefits and payment of municipal education costs in accordance with Title 30-A M.R.S.A. § 5603, Subdivision 2A(1) and (2).
The Treasurer may disburse money from any trust funds held by the Town of Camden only on the authority of a warrant drawn for that purpose, signed by, at least a majority of the members of the Board of Selectmen pursuant to § 72-3B above, and in accordance with a decision of the members of the Trust Fund Advisory Committee. The Trust Fund Advisory Committee shall be composed of the Selectmen designated by the Chairman, the Town Manager, and Office Manager/Bookkeeper of the Town of Camden. All disbursements for expenditures of such trust funds shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in any will, trust, or other document which creates the fund. In the absence of terms and conditions in such a will, the Trust Fund Advisory Committee shall have the authority to exercise discretion in the development of criteria for the trust fund.
The procedure for the disbursement of money form trust funds of the Town shall apply to the following trust funds and any other trust funds held by the Town:
Charles Wood Charitable Fund.
Nellie Knowlton Fund.
Firewood Charity Fund.
Citizens for Donations for Worthy Poor Fund.
These policies and procedures adopted by the Board of Selectmen may permit the disbursement of funds and money for such projects and special purposes on authority of a warrant for that purpose which has been signed by one or more Selectmen designated by the Board of Selectmen. Upon adoption, any such policy must be filed with the Town Clerk and the Municipal Treasurer and renewed annually by a vote of the Board of Selectmen.