[1991 Code § 171-7; Ord. No. 1997-1]
Pursuant to the Clean Communities and Recycling Act, N.J.S. 13:1E-92 et seq., each resident of the Borough shall be required to comply with the Recycling Plan of the Borough of Hightstown, adopting the Mercer County Recycling Plan to meet the State-mandated recycling goals. To effectuate and implement the Recycling Plan, it is hereby required:
The Borough of Hightstown hereby adopts this article to provide for recycling within its borders pursuant to the Recycling Act adopted herein and adopts the Mercer County Recycling Plan as its official municipal recycling program.
All municipal contracts for solid waste collection or disposal, or both, within the Borough shall be consistent with this article and the Mercer County Recycling Plan.
All persons occupying residential premises within the Borough shall, for the period from September 1 to December 31 of each year, source-separate leaves from solid waste generated at the residential premises in accordance with Article 18-2, Recycling, which is consistent with County Ordinance No. 89-19.
The Borough may deliver tires to the existing transfer station, or such site as may be designated by the Mercer County Improvement Authority, for transfer to a tire recycler.
The Borough shall, at a minimum, within 30 days after the adoption of this article and at least once every six months thereafter, notify all persons occupying residential, commercial and institutional premises within these municipal boundaries of recycling opportunities and the source-separation requirements of this article and the Mercer County Recycling Plan. In order to fulfill the notification requirements of this section, this municipality may, in its discretion, place an advertisement in a newspaper circulating in the municipality, post a notice in public places where public notices are customarily posted, include a notice with other official notifications periodically mailed to residential taxpayers, or any combination thereof, as the municipality deems necessary and appropriate.
Review and Revision of Master Plan.
The Borough shall, pursuant to N.J.S. 13:1E-99.16c, within 30 days of the effective date of this article and at least once every 36 months thereafter, conduct a review and make necessary revisions to the Master Plan and development regulations adopted pursuant to N.J.S. 40:55D-1 et seq., which revisions shall reflect changes in State, County and municipal polices and objectives concerning the collection, disposition and recycling of designated recyclable materials.
The revised Master Plan shall include provisions for the collection, disposition and recycling of recyclable materials designated in this article and for the collection, disposition and recycling of designated recyclable materials within any development proposal for the construction of 50 or more units of single-family residential housing or 25 or more units of multifamily residential housing and any commercial or industrial development proposal for the utilization of 1,000 square feet or more of land.
On and after the official commencement date of the County Recycling System within the Borough, each person residing in areas designated for recycling collection shall separate for curbside collection on designated collection days and such additional days as may be designated by the Mercer County Improvement Authority those materials designated in the Mercer County Recycling Plan as listed below and shall do so in the manner as set forth in this article.
All residents shall recycle or cause to be recycled, at a minimum, the following categories of recyclables:
Acceptable glass containers;
Acceptable metal containers;
Acceptable plastic containers;
Acceptable mixed paper;
White goods;
Lawn and yard trimmings;
Tree branches and brush.
Any and all persons having been found to have violated the provisions of the Recycling Plan of the Borough will be assessed warnings, penalties and fines pursuant to § 18-3-5.
At the time of placement of recyclable materials designated for collection by the Recycling Plan of the Borough at the curb or street side of residential units, the material shall be considered the sole property of the Mercer County Improvement Authority and shall be considered a conscious contribution by that resident to the County Recycling System for collection by the Mercer County Improvement Authority or its agent.
Any resident within the Borough may donate or sell designated recyclable materials to any person, whether operating for profit or not for profit, provided that the receiving person may not perform curbside collection under any circumstances unless that person has registered with the Mercer County Improvement Authority as a private recycler.
Batteries shall not be part of the curbside collection program but shall be disposed of in markets set forth in the Mercer County Recycling Plan Market Guide.
Private Recyclers:
Any person or group of persons wishing to collect recyclable materials shall register with the Mercer County Improvement Authority as a private recycler.
No private recycler shall conduct recycling collection activities within the Borough on designated County collection days.
Upon registration, each private recycler shall receive an identification-registration decal from the Mercer County Improvement Authority and shall prominently display the same on recycling vehicles when collecting recyclables within the Borough.
An ongoing condition of collection activities within the municipality shall be the submittal of certified weight tickets to the Mercer County Improvement Authority for material sold to quantify levels for State-mandated recycling goals. The tickets shall be submitted to the Mercer County Improvement Authority no later than 30 days following the date of sale of the subject material.
[1991 Code § 171-8]
The enforcement of the Recycling Plan of the Borough shall be provided individually and severally by the Borough with regard to enforcement of this article, the Mercer County Improvement Authority and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
[1991 Code § 171-9]
No person shall collect recyclables within the Borough unless he or she has registered with the Mercer County Improvement Authority and paid the requisite fee, unless an exemption has been granted by the Mercer County Ordinance No. 89-19. The identification-registration decal of each person so registered shall be prominently displayed on each recycling vehicle at all times while collecting recyclables within the Borough.
[1991 Code § 171-10]
Failure to register or to display the identification-registration decal on vehicles while collecting recyclables within the Borough shall subject such private recycler to a fine of $250.
Any person or entity conducting recycling collection activities within the Borough on designated County recycling collection days shall be assessed a penalty of $250 per offense.
[1991 Code § 171-11]
Any resident of the Borough who is found to have violated the provisions of this article shall be subject to the following procedures and penalties:
A warning on the first three occasions that the article is violated; and thereafter
A cessation in the collection of garbage which contains recyclable materials from that household; or
A fine up to $500 per day of violation, depending upon the extent and circumstances of the violation to be assessed pursuant to N.J.S. 13:1E-9 by the Mercer County Improvement Authority, as authorized hereby and pursuant to the inclusion of this article within the Mercer County Solid Waste Management Plan, or both.
The terms and provisions of this article may be enforced individually and severally by the Borough, the Mercer County Improvement Authority and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
[1991 Code § 171-12]
This article shall constitute the adoption and approval of the Mercer County Recycling Plan as set forth in the amendment to the Mercer County Solid Waste Management Plan.