The purposes of this district and in particular the rural preservation
development permitted use provisions are to encourage continued agricultural
uses, to protect natural resources, to preserve the rural character
of the Township and to ensure that growth results in a community of
functional neighborhoods and increases collective security and community
identity. A reasonable balance should be maintained between the pressure
for new residential development and the desire of Township residents
to continue to benefit from rural pursuits. It is recognized that
continuing agricultural uses may have adverse effects on new and existing
residential uses; however, these conflicts can be minimized through
thoughtful planning. Residents value the natural features of the Township
and intend to preserve streams, wetlands, farmland, woodlands, mountain
ridges and open lands.
Storage of manure and new barn construction is not permitted
closer than 300 feet from any residential or commercial building where
both are not owned by the same person. Nothing in this chapter shall
prohibit the expansion of existing nonresidential farm structures.
Parking and off-street parking shall conform to the standards set forth in Article