The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and implementation
of this bylaw.
Includes all lands within 100 feet of wetland resource areas as enumerated in §
283-2, except for perennial streams and rivers for which the adjacent upland resource area extends for 200 feet from the top of bank, and except for vernal pools, ponds under 10,000 square feet in area, and isolated land subject to flooding for which special adjacent upland resource area definitions are described below.
Includes, without limitation, the following activities when
undertaken to, upon, within or affecting resource areas protected
by this bylaw:
Removal, excavation, or dredging of soil, sand, gravel, or aggregate
materials of any kind;
Changing of preexisting drainage characteristics, flushing characteristics,
sedimentation patterns, flow patterns, or flood retention characteristics;
Drainage, or lowering of water level or water table;
Dumping, discharging, or filling with any material which may
degrade water quality;
Placing of fill, or removal of material, which would alter elevation;
Driving of piles, erection, or repair of buildings, or structures
of any kind;
Placing of obstructions or objects in water;
Destruction of plant life, including cutting of trees;
Changing temperature, biochemical oxygen demand, or other physical,
biological, or chemical characteristics of any waters;
Any activities, changes, or work which may cause or tend to
contribute to pollution of any body of water or groundwater.
Application of pesticides or herbicides;
Incremental activities which have, or may have, a cumulative
adverse impact on the resource areas protected by this bylaw.
Includes the land area which normally abuts and confines
a water body; the lower boundary being the mean annual low flow level,
and the upper boundary being the first observable break in the slope
or the mean annual flood level, whichever is higher.
In the determination of adjacent upland resource area, shall
mean existing as of the date this bylaw becomes effective.
Includes an area, depression, or basin that holds at minimum
one-eighth acre-foot of water and at least six inches of standing
water once a year. Not included are swimming pools, artificially lined
ponds or pools, or constructed wastewater lagoons. The adjacent upland
resource area for isolated land subject to flooding shall be 25 feet.
Includes any individual, group of individuals, association,
partnership, corporation, company, business organization, trust, estate,
the commonwealth or political subdivision thereof to the extent subject
to Town bylaws, administrative agency, public or quasi-public corporation
or body, this municipality, and any other legal entity, its legal
representatives, agents, or assigns.
Includes any open body of fresh water with a surface area
observed or recorded within the last 10 years of at least 5,000 square
feet. Ponds shall contain standing water except for periods of extended
drought. Not included are swimming pools, artificially lined ponds
or pools, or constructed wastewater lagoons. The adjacent upland resource
area for ponds under 10,000 square feet shall extend 100 feet from
mean annual high water or one-half the distance from existing house
foundation, whichever is smaller, but in no case shall the adjacent
upland resource area include existing lawns, gardens, landscaped or
developed areas.
Includes, without limitation, all vertebrate and invertebrate
animal and plant species listed as endangered, threatened, or of special
concern by the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, regardless
of whether the site in which they occur has been previously identified
by the Division.
Includes, in addition to that already defined under the Wetlands
Protection Act, MGL c. 131, § 40, and Regulations thereunder,
310 CMR 10.00, any confined basin or depression not occurring in existing
lawns, gardens, landscaped areas, or driveways which, at least in
most years, holds water for a minimum of two continuous months during
the spring and/or summer, contains at least 200 cubic feet of water
at some time during most years, is free of adult predatory fish populations,
and provides essential breeding and rearing habitat functions for
amphibian, reptile, or other vernal pool community species, regardless
of whether the site has been certified by the Massachusetts Division
of Fisheries and Wildlife. The presumption of essential habitat value
may be overcome by the presentation of credible evidence which in
the judgment of the Commission demonstrates that the basin or depression
does not provide the habitat functions as specified in the bylaw regulations.
The adjacent upland resource area for vernal pools shall extend 100
feet from the mean annual high-water line defining the depression,
or one-half of the distance between the vernal pool and any existing
house foundation, whichever is smaller. In either case, the adjacent
upland resource area for vernal pools shall not extend over existing
lawns, gardens, landscaped or developed areas.
[Amended 10-23-2023 STM
by Art. 2]