[Amended by Acts 2020, c. 245, approved 12-29-2020]
The town manager may reorganize, consolidate or abolish, create, merge, or divide, alter the term of office, the manner of selection of any town department, office, agency or function under the jurisdiction of the town manager.
The select board may reorganize, consolidate or abolish, create, merge, reassign responsibilities and duties or divide, alter the term of office, the number of members, the manner of selection, of any board, commission or committee of the Town under the jurisdiction of the select board.
[Amended by Acts 2020, c. 245, approved 12-29-2020]
Until such time as another form of organization is provided for in accordance with section twelve of this act, there shall be established a department of public works. The department of public works shall be charged with responsibility for the management of public works operations of the town including, but not limited to, the following: highways; solid waste and recycling activities; maintenance of cemeteries, town property, open space, public memorials, and commons; engineering services; building maintenance of all town buildings, except those of the school department; maintenance of vehicles and equipment; and other operations, and functions as may be deemed necessary or desirable. The department of public works shall also perform such functions and responsibilities as required by bylaw, vote of the town meeting or upon direction of the town manager or select board. The functions of the highway surveyor and the tree warden shall be incorporated into the department of public works. The town manager shall appoint a director of public works. The director shall be especially fitted by education, training and experience to perform the duties of the office; the director shall have such other qualifications as the town manager may from time to time provide.
Until such time as another form of organization is provided for in accordance with section twelve of this act, personnel responsible for building inspection and zoning enforcement, electrical, gas and plumbing inspection shall be under the direction of the director of public works.