[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Sudbury as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted as Art. V(B) of the General Bylaws]
For the purpose of these rules and regulations, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein. When not consistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future; words used in the plural number include the singular number; and words in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory.
Refers to an alarm system which automatically sends over regular telephone lines, by direct connection or otherwise, a prerecorded voice message or coded signal indicating the existence of the emergency situation that the alarm system is designed to detect.
An office to which remote alarm and supervisory signaling devices are connected, where operators supervise circuits or where guards are maintained continuously to investigate signals.
The Chief of Police of the Town of Sudbury or their designated representative.
The instrumentation on an alarm console at the receiving terminal of a signal line which, through either visual or audible signals, indicates activation of an alarm system at a particular location or which indicates line trouble.[1]
Any interruption of the peace, quiet, and good order of a neighborhood or community, particularly by unnecessary and distracting noises.
The activation of an alarm system through mechanical failure, malfunction, improper installation, or negligence of the user of an alarm system or of their employees or agents.
Any signal or oral communications transmitted to the Police Department requesting, or requiring, or resulting in a response on the part of the Police Department when in fact there has been no unauthorized intrusion or attempted unauthorized intrusion into a premises and no attempted robbery or burglary at a premises. Excluded from this definition are activations of alarms systems caused by utility company power outages, communications console problems, electrical storms or other acts of nature beyond the control of the police alarm user.
To connect an alarm system to a voice-grade telephone line either directly or through a mechanical device that utilizes a standard telephone for the purpose of using the telephone line to transmit an emergency message upon the activation of the alarm system.
An assembly of equipment and devices or a single device such as a solid-state unit which plugs directly into a 110-volt AC line, arranged to signal the presence of a hazard requiring urgent attention and to which police are expected to respond. Systems which monitor any other condition not directly related to the detection of an unauthorized intrusion into a premises or an attempted robbery at a premises are specifically excluded from the provisions of these rules and regulations except as specifically noted below.
Any person on whose premises the alarm system is maintained within the Town except for alarm systems on motor vehicles or proprietary systems. Excluded from this definition and from the coverage of this bylaw are persons who use alarm systems to alert or signal others within the premises in which the alarm system is located of an attempted unauthorized intrusion, or holdup attempt. If such a system, however, employs an audible signal emitting sounds or a flashing light or beacon designed to signal persons outside the premises, such system shall be within the definition of "police alarm system," as that term is used in the bylaw, and shall be subject to this bylaw.
The Town of Sudbury Police Department or any authorized agent thereof.
Anything which annoys, injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health or safety of any considerable number of persons or of any community or neighborhood.
The Town of Sudbury.
Editor's Note: The definition of "direct connect," which immediately followed, was repealed 10-23-2023 STM by Art. 2.
The Chief of Police may promulgate such rules as may be necessary for the implementation of this bylaw.
Alarms signaling the presence of medical emergencies may, with prior written approval of the Chief of Police, be connected to the alarm console or received over the special telephone lines provided by the alarm console contractor.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Sec. V(B)3, Direct Connection to the Police Department, of the General Bylaws, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 10-23-2023 STM by Art. 2.
Any person using an automatic dialing device may have the device interconnected to a telephone line transmitting directly to:
A central station.
An answering service.
Any privately owned or privately operated facility or terminal.
No automatic dialing device shall be connected to the Police Department telephone lines after the effective date of this bylaw.
Within three months of the effective date of this bylaw all automatic dialing devices now interconnected to any Police Department telephone lines shall be disconnected therefrom. The user of each such device shall be responsible for having the device disconnected upon notification by the Chief of Police.
Every alarm user shall submit to the Chief of Police the names and telephone numbers of at least two other persons who can be reached at any time, day or night, and who are authorized to respond to an emergency signal transmitted by an alarm system, and who can open the premises wherein the system is installed.
All alarm systems shall be equipped with a device which will give at least a ten-second audible signal prior to alarm system activation in order to warn the alarm user of an open alarm circuit.
Within six months of the effective date of these regulations, all alarm systems which use an audible horn or bell shall be equipped with a device which will shut off such horn or bell 15 minutes after activation of the alarm system.
All alarm systems installed after the effective date of these regulations which use an audible horn or bell shall be equipped with a device that will shut off such horn or bell within 15 minutes after activation of the alarm system.
Any alarm system emitting a continuous uninterrupted signal for more than one hour which cannot be shut off or otherwise curtailed due to the absence or unavailability of the alarm user or those persons designated by them under Subsection A(1) of this section, and which interrupts the peace, comfort or repose of a neighborhood or of inhabitants of the area where the alarm system is located shall constitute a disturbance of the peace. Upon receiving complaints regarding such a continuous and uninterrupted signal, the Chief of Police shall endeavor to contact the alarm user or members of the alarm user's family or those persons designated by the alarm user under Subsection A(1) of this section in an effort to abate the disturbance. The Chief of Police shall cause to be recorded the names and addresses of all complainants and the time each complaint was made.
In the event that the Chief of Police is unable to contact the alarm user, or members of the alarm user's family, or those persons designated by the alarm user under § 109-5A(1) of this article, or if the aforesaid persons cannot or will not curtail the audible signal being emitted by the alarm system, and if the Chief of Police is otherwise unable to abate the nuisance, they may direct a police officer or a qualified alarm technician to enter upon the property outside the home or building in which the alarm system is located and take any reasonable action necessary to abate the nuisance.
If entry upon property outside the home or building in which the alarm system is located is made in accordance with this section, the person so entering upon such property shall not conduct, engage in, or undertake any search, seizure, inspection or investigation while they are upon the property, shall not cause any unnecessary damage to the alarm system or to any part of the home or building and shall leave the property immediately after the audible signal has ceased. After an entry upon property has been made in accordance with this section, the Chief of Police shall have the property secured, if necessary. The reasonable costs and expense of abating a disturbance in accordance with this section may be assessed to the alarm user. In addition to reasonable costs and expenses, the alarm user shall be subject to a penalty of $50.
Within 10 days after abatement of a disturbance in accordance with this section, the alarm user may request a hearing before the Select Board and may present evidence showing that the signal emitted by their alarm system did not constitute a disturbance of the peace at the time of abatement; that unnecessary damage was caused to their property in the course of the abatement; that the costs of the abatement should not be assessed to them; or that the requirements of this section were not fulfilled. The Select Board shall hear all interested parties and may, in its discretion, reimburse the alarm user for the repairs to their property necessitated by the abatement, or excuse the alarm user from paying the costs of the abatement.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Sec. V(B)5C, Testing of Equipment, of the General Bylaws, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 10-23-2023 STM by Art. 2.
After the Police Department has recorded three separate false alarms within a twelve-month period from an alarm system, the Chief of Police shall notify the alarm user, in writing and by certified mail, of such fact and require the said user to submit, within 15 days after receipt of such notice, a report describing efforts to discover and eliminate the cause or causes of the false alarms. If the said user, because of absence from the Town or on any other reasonable basis, requests an extension of the time for filing the report, the Chief of Police may extend the 15 days for a reasonable period. If the said user fails to submit such a report within 15 days or within any such extended period, the Chief of Police shall order that use of the alarm system be discontinued. Any such discontinuance shall be effectuated within 15 days from the Chief of Police's order.
In the event that the Chief of Police determines that a report submitted is unsatisfactory, or that the alarm user has failed to show by the report that they have taken or will take reasonable steps to eliminate or reduce false alarms, then the Chief of Police shall order that use of the alarm system be discontinued. Any such discontinuance shall be effectuated within 15 days from the date of receipt of the Chief of Police's order.
Any user of an alarm system which transmits false alarms shall be assessed a fine of $35 for a third false alarm occurring within a calendar year, $50 for a fourth false alarm occurring within a calendar year, and $100 for a fifth and all subsequent false alarms occurring during a calendar year. All fines assessed hereunder shall be paid to the Town Treasurer-Collector for deposit in the general fund. Upon failure of the user of an alarm system to pay two consecutive fines assessed hereunder within 60 days of assessment, the Police Chief shall order that the user discontinue use of the alarm system. Any such discontinuance shall be effectuated within 15 days from the date of receipt of the Police Chief's order.
[Amended 10-23-2023 STM by Art. 2]
Any user of an alarm system who has, in accordance with this section, been ordered by the Police Chief to discontinue use of an alarm system may appeal the order of discontinuance to the Select Board. Notice of an appeal shall be filed with the Select Board within 10 days of the date of the order of discontinuance. Thereafter, the Select Board shall consider the merits of the appeal and, in connection therewith, shall hear evidence presented by all interested persons. After hearing such evidence, the Select Board may affirm, vacate or modify the order of discontinuance.
The following acts and omissions shall constitute violations of this bylaw punishable by a fine of $50:
Failure to obey an order of the Police Chief to discontinue use of an alarm system, after exhaustion of the right to appeal.
Failure to disconnect an automatic dialing device from any telephone numbers at the Police Department within six months after the effective date of this bylaw.
Interconnection of an automatic dialing device to any numbers at the Police Department after the effective date of this bylaw.
Failure to pay two consecutive fines assessed under this bylaw within 60 days of the date of assessment.
Failure to comply with the requirements of § 109-5, Control and curtailment of signals emitted by alarm systems.
[Adopted as Art. V(D) of the General Bylaws]
When used in this bylaw, unless a contrary intention clearly appears, the following words shall have the following meanings:
A company equipped to receive a fire alarm signal from each of its customers and which then transmits to the Sudbury Fire Department (SFD) the location of any such alarm it receives.
The transmittal of a fire alarm to a central station operating company or directly to the SFD by way of master box, which alarm is caused by improper installation of a fire alarm system, a mechanically defective fire alarm system, lack of maintenance or some other reason that causes a fire alarm to sound even though there is no actual fire or situation that reasonably could evolve into a fire.
Any heat-activated, smoke-activated, flame-energy-activated or other such automatic device capable of transmitting a fire alarm signal to either a central station operating company or directly to the SFD by way of a master box.
An individual or entity which owns the title to and/or has on their business or residential premises a fire alarm system equipped to send a fire alarm signal to a central station operating company or directly to the SFD by way of a master box.
The Chief of the Sudbury Fire Department.
An individual or entity who has on their business or residential premises a fire alarm system equipped to send a fire alarm signal directly to the SFD by way of a master box.
Every master box owner whose fire alarm system as of the date of adoption of this bylaw is connected to the SFD by way of a master box shall pay the following fees:
Annual fee for churches and nonprofit organizations: $75.
Annual fee for all others: $200.
Every master box owner whose fire alarm system is connected after the date of adoption of this bylaw to the SFD by way of a master box shall pay the following fees:
Permit fee: $20.
Connection fee: $100.
Annual fee for churches and nonprofit organizations: $75.
Annual fee for all others: $200.
Requirements prior to connection by master box owner.
Before any fire alarm system is connected to the SFD, the master box owner shall install a key box providing the SFD access as required and specified in § 109-14, and provide the Fire Chief with the following information:
The name, address, and home and work telephone numbers of the master box owner and other persons or businesses protected.
The street address where the master box is located.
The names, addresses and home and work telephone numbers of at least two persons other than the owner who can be contacted 24 hours a day, who are authorized by the master box owner to respond to an alarm signal and who have access to the premises in which the master box is located.
The insurance carrier (with a copy of the insurance policy) for the building.
Such other information as the Fire Chief may require.
If, as of the date of adoption of the bylaw, a fire alarm system has already been connected to the SFD by way of a master box, the master box owner shall comply with the requirements of this section within 60 days after the SFD has sent them notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, of the requirements of this section.
If a master box owner fails to comply with this section, the Fire Chief may assess a penalty of $50 for each day of noncompliance.
Every central station operating company or other entity which makes a direct connection after the date of adoption of this bylaw to the SFD shall pay the following fees:
Permit fee: $20.
Connection fee: $100.
Annual fee for churches and nonprofit organizations: $75.
Annual fee for all others: $200.
Requirements prior to connection by central station operating company.
Before any central station operating company is connected to the SFD, it shall provide the Fire Chief with the following information:
The name, address, and telephone numbers of the central station operating company.
The names, addresses and home and work telephone numbers of a least two persons who can be contacted 24 hours a day, who are authorized by the central station operating company to respond to an alarm signal and who have access to the premises emitting the alarm signal to the central station operating company.
The name, address, home and work telephone numbers, and location of the premises of each customer of the central station operating company who has a fire alarm system equipped to send a fire alarm signal to the central station operating company.
The insurance carrier (with a copy of the insurance policy) for the company.
Such other information as the Fire Chief may require.
If, as of the date of adoption of the bylaw, a central station operating company already has a direct connection to the SFD, the central station operating company shall comply with the requirements of this section within 60 days after the SFD has sent it notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, of the requirements of this section.
If a central station operating company fails to comply with this section, the Fire Chief may assess a penalty of $50 for each day of noncompliance.
Every master box owner and every central station operating company shall be responsible for updating the information herein required to be provided to the Fire Chief. If the information provided changes, the master box owner and the central station operating company shall provide the Fire Chief with the updated information and shall pay the fee, if any, required by this bylaw. If a master box owner or a central station operating company fails to comply with this section, the Fire Chief may assess a penalty of $50 for each day of noncompliance.
If there is a fire alarm system malfunction, the Fire Chief may assess a penalty against a fire alarm system owner for each malfunction occurring during any fiscal year according to the following schedule:
First through third malfunction: no charge. Upon recording of the third false alarm by the SFD, the Fire Chief shall notify the owner of the building, in writing and by certified mail, of such fact, and at this time inform the owner of the Department's policy with regard to charging for false alarms.
Fourth through sixth malfunction: $100.
Seventh through 11th malfunction: $200.
Each malfunction after the 11th: $300.
Private fire alarm systems connected to the Sudbury Fire Department by other automatic means or through a central station system shall also be subject to the schedule of penalties set forth in Subsection A of this section.
Any false fire alarm which is the result of the failure of the property owner, occupant or its agents to notify the Sudbury Fire Department of repair, maintenance or testing of an internal fire alarm system within the protected premises shall cause a penalty to be assessed in accordance with the schedule of penalties set forth in Subsection A of this section.
For the purposes of this bylaw, a "false fire alarm" shall be defined as follows:
The operation of a faulty smoke or heat detection device.
Faulty control panel or associated equipment.
A water pressure surge in automatic sprinkler equipment.
Accidental operation of an automatic sprinkler system.
An action by an employee of the owner or occupant of the protected premises or a contractor employed by the owner or the occupant, causing accidental activation of an internal fire alarm system.
Property owners will be billed once a month for the malfunction activity occurring during the previous month.
If any bill is not paid within 30 days of issuance, written notice will be sent; if the bill is not paid after a second thirty-day period, a final notice will be sent, informing the owner and/or occupant that the master box will be disconnected and their insurance company notified.
[Amended 4-6-2009 ATM by Art. 18]
Except as otherwise authorized by the Fire Chief, no fire alarm system shall be equipped with a tape dialer or similar automatic telephone device which will transmit an alarm message to any telephone lines of the SFD. If, upon adoption of this bylaw, a fire alarm system is equipped with such a tape dialer or similar automatic telephone device without authorization, the fire alarm system owner shall have 60 days from adoption of this bylaw to disconnect such tape dialer or similar automatic telephone device. If a fire alarm system owner fails to comply with this section, the Fire Chief may assess a penalty of $50 for each day of noncompliance.
Any building, other than a residential building of less than six units, which has an alarm system or other fire protection system shall be provided with a secure key box installed in a location accessible to the SFD in case of emergency. This key box shall contain keys to the structure served by the alarm system, keys to the fire alarm control panels and other keys necessary to operate or service fire protection systems. In addition, if required by the Fire Chief, a lock box, sufficient in size, shall be obtained and shall contain a list and material safety data sheets for hazardous substances present on the site in significant quantities. As used herein, the phrases "hazardous substances" and "significant quantities" shall be as defined by applicable Town, Commonwealth of Massachusetts and federal laws and regulations governing the storage of these substances.
The key box and/or lock box shall be of a type approved by the Fire Chief and compatible with the key box system presently in use. The key box and/or lock box shall be located and installed as approved by the Fire Chief.
No permit for a fire alarm system will be issued until the permit applicant has placed an order for a key box/lock box as specified above.
Any building owner violating this section of this bylaw after receiving due notice by the SFD shall be subject to a penalty of $50 for each day of noncompliance.
Any fire alarm system owner who is aggrieved by an action taken by the Fire Chief under this bylaw may, within 10 days of such action, file an appeal, in writing, to the Select Board of the Town of Sudbury (the "Board"). After public notice, the Board shall hold a hearing, after which it shall issue a decision in which it may suspend, affirm, annul, or modify the action taken by the Fire Chief giving its written reasons therefor. The Board shall send its decision to the owner by first class mail within 10 days of the hearing.
The Fire Chief may promulgate such regulations as may be necessary to implement this bylaw.
The Fire Chief is authorized to pursue such legal action as may be necessary to enforce this bylaw.
This bylaw may be enforced by civil process, as authorized by MGL c. 40, § 21D, and Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article II, of the Town of Sudbury Bylaws.
All fees and fines collected shall be paid to the Sudbury Fire Department, which will forward all amounts collected to the Town Treasurer-Collector for deposit in the general fund.
The provisions of this bylaw shall be deemed to be severable, and if any of its provisions shall be held unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the decision of such court shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions.