[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Upper Moreland Township 4-4-2022 by Ord. No. 1730. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Board of Commissioners of Upper Moreland Township hereby confers on the Parks and Recreation Department all the powers and all the duties prescribed by the Pennsylvania First Class Township Code, Article XXX, governing shade trees. The powers and duties prescribed hereunder this delegation of authority shall be administered by the Upper Moreland Township Parks and Recreation Advisory Council.
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Council shall have the following specific powers and shall be required to:
Work with the appropriate Township officials charged with the enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance[1] and the Subdivision Ordinance[2] of the Township regarding shade trees to advise and help implement the provisions of those ordinances with respect to:
The planting, removal, maintenance and protection of shade trees in the public streets and highways of the Township.
The establishment and maintenance of buffer zones.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 350, Zoning.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 300, Subdivision and Land Development.
The Council shall have the ability to prepare and adopt a street tree plan for all trees in or upon the public streets, highways, avenues, parks, parkways and other public areas owned by the Township which in its opinion shall effectuate the provisions of this chapter, provided that such plan shall not become effective until approved by the Board of Commissioners.
When contacted by owners of private property, where there is the possibility of shade trees being removed, to advise them of the desirability of retaining, altering or replacing such trees.
Work with other Township officials and provide information to the public in order to encourage the planting and maintenance of shade trees on private property.
Prepare and present to the Board of Commissioners such additional legislation as the Council deems appropriate to promote the planting and maintenance of shade trees in the Township.
The Council shall not hire, employ or pay any tree warden, arborist, forester, engineer or any assistant as might be considered appropriate without the specific approval of the Department of Parks and Recreation and the Board of Commissioners.
No expenditure by the Council shall be made without the specific approval of the Department of Parks and Recreation and the Board of Commissioners.
The Council shall annually report in full to the Department of Parks and Recreation and the Board of Commissioners on the activities of the Council.