The Township has adopted the procedures set forth herein which shall be observed for all subdivision and/or land development applications.
Authority for plan approval. Final authority for approval or denial of all subdivision and land development plans shall be the responsibility of the Board of Supervisors in accordance with the procedures set forth herein. Prior to action by the Board, all plans shall be referred for review and recommendation to the Township Planning Commission, Township Engineer, and such other agencies as deemed pertinent by the Board or as required by law.
Plan classification. All applications for subdivision or land development shall be classified as either major or minor as defined below:
Minor subdivision or land development. Any subdivision or land development where:
No public improvement intended to be dedicated to the Township is to be constructed, with the exception of public water or sewer lines.
No street, public or private, is to be constructed, improved or widened.
No more than five lots are proposed.
No further subdivision can occur within the resulting lots.
Lot line adjustments are made where no development is proposed.
All applications not considered minor in accordance with § 115-300B(1) shall be considered major subdivision or land development applications.
MPC Requirements. Preliminary and final plans shall be reviewed in accordance with the requirements of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code and as set forth herein.
Two phases are included in the procedure for approval of subdivision and/or land development plans: preliminary and final. These phases are required to afford the Thornbury Township Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors an adequate opportunity to review the submission and to ensure that all recommendations are reflected in the final plan and that all ordinance requirements are addressed.
Pre-application meeting. Prior to any formal plan submission, it is recommended that the applicant for any subdivision or land development meet with an authorized representative of the Township. The purpose of this pre-application meeting is to introduce the applicant to the Township's planning objectives and applicable regulations and procedures, and to discuss the applicant's objectives. The total number of plans required for the formal plan submission may be determined at the pre-application meeting.
Site access for purposes of plan review. The owner of the parcel of land to be subdivided or developed shall, as part of the initial submission in regard to the subject property, submit a written statement granting the Thornbury Township Board of Supervisors, its authorized agents and representatives, and the Township Planning Commission the right to enter upon the parcel of land for the purpose of evaluating the site and the proposed development thereof. The Township shall make a reasonable effort to contact the applicant to notify them of the Township's scheduled site access at least two days in advance of such site visit.
Notification of surrounding property owners.
For all preliminary and/or final plan submissions, the Township shall notify in writing the owner of every lot within 500 feet from any lot line of the lot in question not less than seven days prior to the date of the Planning Commission meeting for said application. The name and address of the persons to whom the notice shall be given shall be those listed on the tax records. If the five-hundred-foot mailing radius contains properties outside the Township, notification will be sent to the adjoining municipality.
Mailing or delivery of the notice shall be the responsibility of the Township. Such expenses shall be the responsibility of the applicant and shall be based upon a fee schedule established by resolution of the Board of Supervisors. Failure to give notice as required by § 115-301C(1) shall not invalidate any action taken by the Board.
Purpose and applicability. The Township strongly recommends that a sketch plan be submitted for subdivision and land development applications. The submission of a sketch plan does not constitute submission of an application for approval of a subdivision and/or land development plan. However, it does represent a basis for an informal discussion between the Township and the landowner or developer, which may prove to be valuable to the prospective applicant in formulating plans, documents, and other submissions for preliminary plan approval.
Sketch plan submission.
The sketch plan application should include as much information as possible, as set forth in § 115-400.
The applicant may submit 12 copies of the sketch plan and the required filing fee to the Township. The Township shall determine the total additional number of copies necessary for distribution to other entities requiring review of the submitted plan. The electronic version of the plan may be available for further distribution to entities requiring review of the submitted plan.
The sketch plan may also be submitted electronically in a format specified by the Township Engineer.
The sketch plan should be submitted by the applicant to the Township a minimum of seven days prior to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission. At the next regularly scheduled public meeting, the applicant may discuss the sketch plan and supporting materials with the Planning Commission.
To the extent that sufficient information has been submitted to the Planning Commission, the Planning Commission shall undertake a general review which may encompass but shall not be limited to:
Conformance with the requirements of this chapter.
Consistency with the Thornbury Township Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan.
The location of all areas proposed for land disturbance.
The proposed building density and impervious coverage.
The location of proposed access points along the existing road network.
The potential for vehicular and pedestrian connections with existing or proposed roads, sidewalks or trails, and existing or potential development on neighboring properties.
The potential need for waivers or modifications from otherwise applicable ordinance standards, including any waivers or modifications which the Planning Commission would recommend in order to permit the proposal to better conform to Township planning objectives.
Prior to making recommendations on the proposed sketch plan, the Planning Commission may request the preliminary input of the Township's planning and engineering consultants and other Township commissions or committees where relevant, and may hear comments from surrounding or affected landowners present at its public meeting(s). All costs incurred by the Township for professional reviews will be reimbursed by the applicant.
The applicant may request further review of the sketch plan by the Board of Supervisors. Upon receiving a request from the applicant to be placed on an upcoming Board of Supervisors meeting agenda, the Board of Supervisors may consider the sketch plan. At one or more regularly scheduled or special meetings, the Board of Supervisors may meet with the applicant to review the sketch plan.
All comments and recommendations made by the Township representatives concerning sketch plan review are nonbinding. No comment, recommendation, nor the failure of the Planning Commission or any Township representative, to proceed or act in accordance with this section, shall be deemed to be a decision with respect to any subdivision or land development plan or to vest any rights in the applicant.
Purpose and applicability.
All applicants for major subdivision and land development shall submit a preliminary plan application. Applicants for minor subdivision/land development are not required to submit both a preliminary and final plan application. Minor subdivision and/or land development applications may be submitted as preliminary/final plans and shall follow the Township's adopted fee schedule.
All applicants for preliminary plan approval shall follow the pre-application procedures set forth in § 115-301A and B, and are recommended but not required, to submit a sketch plan as set forth in § 115-302 prior to formal submission of a preliminary plan application. The scheduling of a pre-application meeting in accordance with § 115-301A is highly recommended, but not required.
Preliminary plan submission and acceptance of review. As required for major subdivision and land development applications, preliminary plans and required supplementary data for all proposed subdivisions and land developments shall be submitted by the applicant or their agent to the Township Manager a minimum of seven days prior to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission. No application for preliminary plan review shall be deemed administratively complete until all items under § 115-303D are received by the Township and notice of acceptance is issued to the applicant.
All preliminary plans submitted pursuant to this chapter shall conform to the requirements of § 115-401.
Official submission of a preliminary plan shall include:
One completed copy of the Application for Review of Preliminary Subdivision or Land Development Plan in accordance with Appendix B.[1]
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Two copies of the appropriate sewage facilities planning module, required by the Chester County Health Department, with all supplemental data, if percolation tests are required.
Twenty copies of all other required information and plans as required in § 115-401, unless the total number of required copies has been determined otherwise at a pre-application meeting. The electronic version of the plan may be available for further distribution to entities requiring review of the submitted plan.
Payment of the required application fees and escrow deposits as specified in the Township fee schedule.
The applicant shall provide a copy of the application, preliminary plan, and all supporting plans and information in PDF and CAD (.dwg or .dxf), or as otherwise specified by the Township Engineer. The electronic submission may be in the format of a compact disc, or other media or electronic method acceptable to the Township.
Review by the township planning commission. When a preliminary plan has been received for review and deemed administratively complete, the Planning Commission shall review the plan at one or more regularly scheduled or special meetings to determine its conformance with the standards contained in this chapter, shall identify any deficiencies, and may recommend changes and modifications as it shall deem necessary to assure compliance with this chapter. The Planning Commission may request additional reviews from Township commissions and committees as specified in § 115-304H(2)(b).
Review by the Township Engineer.
The Township Engineer shall review each preliminary plan to determine whether the plan meets the requirements of this chapter and the Thornbury Township Zoning Ordinance.
If the plan does not meet the requirements of this chapter or the Thornbury Township Zoning Ordinance, the Township Engineer shall identify such deficiencies in writing and may recommend modifications to the plan to secure compliance with said requirements.
The Township Engineer should evaluate the following:
That all information required by this chapter is presented in the plans submitted.
Compliance with all other Township Ordinances.
If a sketch plan was previously reviewed, that any sketch plan recommendations offered to the applicant have been considered or addressed and shall confirm the extent to which the same have been or have not been addressed.
That any conditions set forth in any previous order of approved conditional use, special exception, or variance approval have been complied with, if applicable.
That, in the opinion of the Township Engineer, the various schemes presented for the location, alignment of roads, grade of roads, stormwater management/best management practices (in accordance with the Township Stormwater Ordinance), erosion and sedimentation control, physical site constraints, site grading, sanitary sewers, water supply, and any other proposed improvements are feasible from an engineering perspective.
When reviewing a plan at a regularly scheduled or special meeting, the Planning Commission should consider, in addition to its own comments, written reports regarding the subdivision or land development in question from the following parties, including but not limited to:
Chester County Planning Commission. The Chester County Planning Commission will be provided the opportunity to review and comment on the preliminary plan as required by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.
Chester County Health Department. The Chester County Health Department will be provided the opportunity to review and comment on matters relating to water and sewer systems, as applicable.
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT). PennDOT will be provided the opportunity to review and comment on the plan when the subject property abuts a state road.
Chester County Conservation District (CCCD). The report of the CCCD on the erosion and sediment control plan, when the application has required submission to the CCCD for review.
Other agencies. County, Township, state, federal, or other reviewing or regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over all or a portion of the property subject to the application that have been provided the opportunity to review and comment on permit or other agency-specific matters.
Conditions. The Township Planning Commission may make its recommendation to the Board of Supervisors subject to conditions, including receipt of written reports from the entities mentioned above.
Planning Commission recommendation. As promptly as possible following the final meeting at which the preliminary plan is reviewed by the Planning Commission, the Planning Commission shall notify the Board of Supervisors and the applicant or their agent of the recommendation being made regarding the preliminary plan application. The Planning Commission recommendation shall:
Determine whether the preliminary plan meets the requirement of this chapter, the Thornbury Township Zoning Ordinance, and the Comprehensive Plan of the Township.
Recommend approval, approval with conditions, or disapproval of the preliminary plan. The Planning Commission shall communicate this recommendation to the Board of Supervisors and the applicant. In the case of a recommended disapproval, the Planning Commission shall indicate the specific deficiencies and the ordinance provisions which have not been met.
Review by the Township Board of Supervisors. After a preliminary plan has been reviewed by the Planning Commission, the plan shall be forwarded for review at one or more regularly scheduled or special meetings of the Board of Supervisors.
The Board of Supervisors shall within the review period:
Review the preliminary plan and the written reports of the Planning Commission, the Township Engineer, and all other reports which may have been received from Township, county, state, or federal commissions, agencies, and officials. No official action shall be taken by the Board of Supervisors with respect to a preliminary plan until the Board of Supervisors has received the written report of the County Planning Commission, provided that the report is received within 30 days after the Chester County Planning Commission received a request to review the preliminary plan.
Determine whether the preliminary plan meets the objectives and requirements of this chapter, other ordinances of Thornbury Township, and other applicable regulations.
Approve or disapprove the preliminary plan. The Board of Supervisors may make its decision to grant approval subject to conditions, changes, or additions.
When the Board of Supervisors approves a preliminary plan subject to conditions, the applicant shall indicate, within 15 days of notification of the decision of the Board, in writing, whether such conditions are accepted or rejected. Any approval by the Board of Supervisors subject to conditions which is not accepted or is rejected by the applicant within this fifteen-day period shall constitute a denial upon expiration of the fifteen-day period.
If a preliminary plan is disapproved, the applicant may file a revised preliminary plan in accordance with the same submission and review procedures required for the previous preliminary plan submission.
The Board of Supervisors shall act upon the preliminary plan and shall transmit written notice to the applicant or their agent of the action taken within 90 days following the date of the regular meeting of the Planning Commission following the date the preliminary application was deemed administratively complete. When the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission occurs more than 30 days following the submission of the complete application, the ninety-day period shall be measured from the 30th day following the day the plan is accepted as administratively complete. The applicant may grant an extension to this review period in accordance with Appendix C. [2]
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The Board of Supervisors may approve the preliminary plan, approve the preliminary plan with conditions, or disapprove the plan. The findings and reasons upon which Board of Supervisors' action is based shall be issued via resolution and shall be given in writing to the applicant and/or their agent. In the event that the preliminary plan is not approved, the decision shall specify the defects found in the plan and describe the requirements which have not been met. Copies of all written notices to the applicant shall be made available to the Planning Commission and Township Engineer.
Approval of the preliminary plan shall constitute approval of the subdivision and/or land development as to the character and intensity but shall not constitute approval of the detail required of the final plan nor authorize the sale, lease, or transfer of lots or construction of buildings. The approval of a preliminary plan does not authorize the recording of a subdivision and/or land development plan.
If the preliminary plan is approved by the Board of Supervisors, the applicant may proceed to submit a final plan for approval as set forth in § 115-304.
Purpose. The purpose of the final plan application for subdivision or land development is to assure full compliance with this chapter, with applicable zoning provisions, and with all other applicable laws and regulations prior to formal recording of all relevant planning documents and land records, and to ensure long-term functioning for all proposed improvements.
Applicability. Upon submission of any final plan application, the Township shall determine whether the plan is a major or minor plan submissions, as defined in § 115-300B. No application for final plan review shall be deemed administratively complete until all items in accordance with § 115-304F are received by the Township. Notice of acceptance of a plan as administratively complete shall be given to the applicant by the Township Manager.
If the application is a major plan submission, but no preliminary plan application has previously been submitted or approved, the application will be returned to the applicant or, upon the request of the applicant submitted as a preliminary plan in accordance with § 115-303B.
If the application is a minor plan application submitted as a preliminary/final plan, the application shall be retained by the Township (once deemed administratively complete) for review in accordance with this section.
If the application is a major plan submission following a preliminary plan application previously submitted and approved, the application shall be retained by the Township, once deemed administratively complete, for review in accordance with this section.
For a major plan application, the final plan shall conform to all of the terms of the approved preliminary plan.
Final plan application shall conform to all conditions set forth in any applicable order or approval for a conditional use, special exception, or zoning variance.
Final plan submission and acceptance for review.
Within one year after the date of approval of the preliminary plan by the Board of Supervisors, the applicant or their agent shall submit a final plan with all necessary supplementary information, data, and documents, together with a completed and signed application form and the appropriate filing fees to the Township Manager a minimum of seven days prior to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission.
The applicant may request in writing an extension beyond the one year subject to approval by the Board of Supervisors. Unless an extension of time is granted by the Board of Supervisors, a final plan filed after the one-year period shall be considered a new preliminary plan which shall be required to comply with all preliminary plan application processes and procedures of this chapter and shall be subjected to a preliminary plan application fee.
All final plans submitted pursuant to this chapter shall conform to the requirements of § 115-402.
If an applicant receives approval for a waiver request to move straight into preliminary/final plan approval, the submitted application materials shall include those required in § 115-402, and shall conform with this subsection.
Official submission of a final plan shall include:
One completed copy of the Application for Review of Subdivision or Land Development Plan in accordance with Appendix B.[1]
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Twenty copies of all other required information and plans as required in § 115-402, unless the total number of required copies has been determined otherwise at the pre-application meeting. The electronic version of the plan may be available for further distribution to entities requiring review of the submitted plan.
The applicant shall provide a copy of the application, final plan, and all supporting plans and information in PDF and CAD (.dwg or .dxf), or as otherwise specified by the Township Engineer. The electronic submission may be in the format of a compact disc, or other media or electronic method acceptable to the Township.
Payment of the required application fees, and escrow deposits as specified in the Township fee schedule.
The final plan shall conform to the approved preliminary plan, but shall incorporate all modifications required by the Board of Supervisors in their approval of the preliminary plan. Failure to comply with this shall constitute grounds for the Board of Supervisors to deny the final plan.
Review of the final plan and rendering of decision.
Official review period. The Board of Supervisors shall act upon the final plan and shall transmit written notice to the applicant or their agent of the action taken within 90 days following the date of the regular meeting of the Planning Commission following the date the final application was deemed administratively complete. When the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission occurs more than 30 days following the submission of the complete application, the ninety-day period shall be measured from the 30th day following the day the plan is considered administratively complete. The applicant may grant an extension in accordance with Appendix C.[2]
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Review of the Township Engineer and other Township staff and consultants. Reports regarding the application may be submitted from the following parties, including but not limited to:
The review of the Township Engineer shall assure that all information required by this chapter is presented in the submitted plans, that all applicable laws and regulations are complied with, that the final plan conforms with the approved preliminary plan, and that any conditions set forth in any previous order of approval for any applicable conditional use, special exception, or zoning variance have been complied with. The Township Engineer shall submit their written comments to the Township. The Township's engineering review fees shall be the responsibility of the applicant.
The Township may request additional review by the Township Engineer, Township Solicitor, Township staff, Township commissions or committees (e.g., Historical Commission), land planning consultant, or other consultants to ascertain the accuracy of the final plan and submitted supplementary data, materials, or documentation, as it may deem necessary based on the specific circumstances. All such additional review fees shall be the responsibility of the applicant.
The Township Engineer shall review each final plan to determine whether the plan meets the requirements of this chapter and the Thornbury Township Zoning Ordinance.
If the plan does not meet the requirements of this chapter or the Thornbury Township Zoning Ordinance, the Township Engineer shall identify such deficiencies and may recommend what modifications to the plan are necessary to secure compliance with said requirements or restrictions.
Review by Chester County and other agencies. Applicants should coordinate with outside agencies such as the Chester County Health Department and Chester County Conservation District to determine if new submissions are required as part of a final land development approval when previously approved as part of a preliminary approval.
Chester County Planning Commission. While it is ultimately the Township's decision whether to submit a revised final plan for County Planning Commission review, the County Planning Commission will conduct second reviews upon request by the Township. General guidelines for when a second review should be requested by the Township are the following:
The total number of lots/units, or nonresidential structural square footage, has increased from the prior submission;
There has been a change in the proposed use(s) on the project site; or
There have been significant changes made in the overall site design.
Chester County Health Department. The Chester County Health Department will be provided the opportunity to review and comment on matters relating to water and sewer systems, as applicable.
Chester County Conservation District. As deemed necessary by the Township and as required by state regulations, the Chester County Conservation District shall be provided the opportunity to review and comment on matters relating to site drainage, control and abatement of soil erosion and sedimentation, stormwater management, best management practices, open space management where applicable, and compliance with NPDES Phase II requirements.
Other agencies. County, state, federal or other reviewing or regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over all or a portion of the property shall be subject to the application will be provided with the opportunity to review and comment on permits and other agency-specific matters, as applicable.
Review by the Township Planning Commission. When a final plan has been received for review in accordance with § 115-304C, the Planning Commission shall review the plan at one or more regularly scheduled or special meetings to determine its conformance to the standards contained in this chapter and shall identify any deficiencies and may recommend such changes and modifications as it shall deem necessary to assure compliance with this chapter.
When reviewing a plan at a regularly scheduled or special meeting, the Planning Commission should consider, in addition to its own comments, written reports regarding the subdivision or land development from the Township Engineer, the Township Manager, and the Chester County Health Department, and any other reports which may have been received regarding the final plan.
As promptly as possible after the final meeting at which the final plan is reviewed by the Planning Commission, the Planning Commission shall notify the Board of Supervisors and the applicant or their agent in writing of the recommendation being made by the Planning Commission regarding the final plan.
If the review of the Planning Commission is not favorable, the Planning Commission shall recommend that the plan not be approved and explicitly state the reasons for such action. Any modifications in the plan which the Planning Commission believes should be prerequisites for approval of the final plan shall also be noted. If the Planning Commission recommends that the final plan as submitted be approved, this fact shall be noted.
Review and decision by the Board of Supervisors. After the Planning Commission renders a recommendation, the plan shall be forwarded for review by the Board of Supervisors at one or more regularly scheduled or special meetings.
The Board of Supervisors shall review the final plan and any written reports regarding the plan from the Planning Commission, the Township Engineer, the Chester County Health Department, the Township Manager and, where applicable, county, state, and federal agencies.
Before acting on a final plan, the Board of Supervisors may arrange for a public hearing on a plan, giving public notice as defined by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.
The Board of Supervisors shall take one of the following actions on any subdivision or land development application submitted to the Township:
The action may grant approval to the final plan; or
The action may deny final approval of the final plan. If the Board of Supervisors denies approval of said plan, the findings and reasons upon with the Board of Supervisor's denial is based shall be given in writing to the applicant and/or their agent. Any modifications to the plan required as conditions perquisite to approval of the final plan shall be stated. Failure on the part of the applicant to accept such conditions within the applicable time limit shall constitute a denial.
A final plan shall not be endorsed by the Board of Supervisors nor recorded until all of the requirements of § 115-306 have been met.
All applications for subdivision and land development, whether preliminary or final, shall be acted upon by the Board of Supervisors no later than 90 days following the date of the regular meeting of the Planning Commission next following the date of the initial submission of such administratively complete plans, unless the applicant has granted the Township an extension. When the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission occurs more than 30 days following the submission of the plans, the ninety-day period shall be measured from the 30th day following the day the plan is submitted.
The decision of the Board of Supervisors shall be in writing and shall be communicated to the applicant no later than 15 days following announcement of the decision.
Changes in ordinances shall affect plans as follows:
When an application, whether preliminary or final, has been approved without conditions, or approved by the applicant's acceptance of conditions, the applicant shall have five years to commence and substantially complete the approved plan in accordance with the terms of approval. The five-year period shall start on the date of preliminary approval. In the case that preliminary approval is not required, the five-year period shall start on the date of the final approval.
When it is anticipated that completion of improvements associated with a plan will exceed the five-year period, the applicant shall prepare a schedule detailing the deadlines within which applications for final approval for each section of the plan are intended to be filed. The schedule shall be included with the preliminary plan, or when one is not required, with the final plan.
Failure of the applicant to adhere to the schedule of submission of plan applications for the various sections shall subject any such section to any and all changes in zoning, subdivision and land development, or any other governing ordinance enacted by the Township.
Prior to final plan approval by the Board of Supervisors and before a major plan application may be endorsed or recorded and before the issuance of any building permits, the applicant shall deliver to the Board of Supervisors a fully executed development agreement and improvement security agreement accompanied by an improvements guarantee in the form of a corporate bond or other form of financial security approved by the Board of Supervisors, with advice from the Township Engineer, in an amount sufficient, as determined in accordance with Article VI and the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.
Final plans may be reviewed for endorsement once all Township-required agreements, documents, and fees (including those incurred as part of the review process) have been provided. This includes, but is not limited to, insurance, escrows, deeds, easements, and declaration of covenants.
Endorsement by the Board of Supervisors and Township Engineer.
After the completion of the procedures required by this chapter, the Board of Supervisors and the Township Engineer shall place their endorsements on the record plan and on as many other copies of the final plan as may be desired or required. The record plan shall be signed by at least a majority of the members of the Board of Supervisors and the Township seal shall be affixed to the plan. No subdivision or land development plan may be legally recorded unless it bears Township endorsement indicated by the signatures of at least a majority of the Board of Supervisors, the Township Engineer, and the Township seal. The Township shall receive two paper prints of the final plan as endorsed by the Township after plan recordation. A sample signature block can be found in Appendix D.[1]
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The record plan shall be a clear and legible black on white or blue on white material acceptable to Chester County Recorder of Deeds.
Endorsement by the County Planning Commission. After the plan has been endorsed by the Board of Supervisors, the record plan shall be submitted by the applicant or their agent to the Chester County Planning Commission for endorsement. No subdivision or land development plan may be legally recorded unless it has been endorsed by the Chester County Planning Commission.
Filing with Recorder of Deeds. After endorsement by the Township and by the County Planning Commission, the applicant shall file the record plan with the County Recorder of Deeds within 90 days of the date of the meeting at which the Board of Supervisors approved the final plan. If the applicant fails to record the final plan within such period, the action of the Township shall be null and void without any further action on its part.
Dedication of improvements. All streets, parks, or other improvements shown on the final plan shall be deemed to be private until such time as the same have been accepted by resolution of the Board of Supervisors. The acceptance of any improvement shall be by a separate action of the Board of Supervisors and is within the discretion of the Board. The Board of Supervisors shall require a title insurance certificate before acceptance of any property. Prior to the dedication of improvements, the developer shall submit the following documents to the Township:
One copy of the as-built plan in accordance with § 115-307.
One copy of the deed of dedication.
One copy of the maintenance guarantee and the security required therein.
One copy of a certificate of search or title company report to satisfy the Township Solicitor that no liens exist against the property for taxes or otherwise.
One copy of any deed restrictions or protective covenants as may be imposed or recorded upon the property.
Within 30 days after completion and approval of improvements as shown on the final plan, and before acceptance of any improvements by the Township, the applicant shall submit to the Township Engineer an as-built plan (a corrected copy of the final plans) showing actual dimensions and conditions of streets and all other improvements, certified by a professional engineer, to be in accordance with actual construction, including but not limited to:
Concrete monuments and iron pins.
Cartway edges and centerline location and elevations.
Sanitary sewer mains, manholes, cleanouts, and laterals.
Storm sewers, manholes, inlets, culverts, impoundment basins, ponds, water retention and letdown systems.
Water mains, valves, and hydrants.
Street lights and utility poles.
All known utilities including gas, electric, cable, and telephone.
Stormwater management facilities.
Landscaping and planting materials (including buffer areas and screening).
Certification of the accuracy of the plan by the applicant's or developer's engineer or surveyor.
The applicant shall submit the as-built plan as a paper copy to the Township, and as an electronic copy (in a format acceptable to the Township) to the Township Engineer. Any electronic or digital files of site improvement inspections (such as video inspections) shall be submitted to the Township Engineer as part of the as-built plan submission.