[Adopted 7-6-2021 by L.L. No. 7-2021]
This article is enacted pursuant to the authority of Section 10 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, which authorizes the Town Board to adopt a article which may amend or supersede any provision of the Town Law in relation to the property, affairs or government of the Town or in relation to any of the enumerated subject matters in such Section 10, unless there is a state legislative restriction on such amendment or supersession.
This article is also enacted pursuant to the authority of Section 3(44), (45) and (49) of the Public Officers Law, which authorizes other towns to permit their building Inspectors/Code Enforcement Officers to reside in the county in which the town is located or in an adjoining county within the State of New York.
Sections 3(1) and 30(1)(d) of the Public Officer's Law, which requires all town officers to reside within the municipal subdivision within which their official functions are required to be exercised, is hereby superseded to allow the Town of Seneca Falls Town and Zoning Code Enforcement Officer to reside in Seneca County or in an adjoining county within New York State.