The 2017 [2020] National Electrical Code is adopted with the following limitations and exceptions:
Aluminum conductors or copper-clad aluminum conductors are not permitted to be used except for service drop or service lateral.
No person shall hereafter install for residential purposes any service entrance conductors with a rating of less than one hundred (100) amps.
No person shall install any electrical wiring of a smaller size wire than no. 12.
No person shall install any electrical wiring on the outside surface of any building within the city, including a private residence, without placing such wiring in an approved and properly grounded metallic conduit. P.V.C. may be used only on temporary power pole installations on the load side.
No person shall install any service entrance switches or any service equipment switches or any service equipment within a bathroom, heating closet, cabinets or kitchens.
No person shall leave any unused electrical equipment within or upon public or private buildings or premises, if, in the opinion of the electrical inspector, the same constitutes a hazard or danger to life or property, including unused electric range installations and unused contractor meter loops.
No person shall cover up any electrical conduit or wiring in the process of construction without inspection by an electrical inspector of the city.
All service entrance conductors from the meter base to the panel shall be installed in either of the following three (3) ways:
The disconnect shall be located back of meter or under the meter with a metallic conduit nipple.
If the service entrance conductors are placed in metallic conduit from the meter socket to the main panel, no main disconnect shall be required at the meter, except in apartment complexes.
A service disconnect shall be provided at the meter except in back to back installations.
The minimum size of service disconnects shall be sixty (60) amps.
Service panel breakers: All service panel breakers, known as piggyback, tandems, twins, thins, or any other of this type disconnect above thirty-amp capacity, are hereby prohibited on new installations.
Section 110-14(b) of the NEC is hereby amended; electricians tape alone will not be permitted as the sole insulation equivalent on splices and joints.
All electrical circuits shall have an equipment grounding conductor.
All condensing units of air-conditioning and refrigeration shall be connected to the final switch or disconnect with liquid-tight flexible conduit approved for outside use.
(Ordinance 6340 adopted 12/7/20)
All electrical wiring for light, heat, power or other purposes installed in the city, as respectively described in the following subsections hereof, shall in all cases be contained and encased in approved conduit:
All electrical wiring in buildings situated in the inner fire limits of the city.
All commercial buildings, industrial buildings, educational and church buildings.
All electrical wiring through metal studs.
All service entrance installations from entrance to meter sockets shall be in metallic conduit. All meter sockets shall be grounded in an approved manner. All meter sockets shall be located in accordance with requirements of local power companies, and shall be located four (4) to six (6) feet from the center of meter to grade level, except meters located on pad transformers.
All supply wiring for electrical and neon signs when attached to a building.
All wiring installed underground, under buildings or in concrete slabs or other masonry.
Armored cable, known to the electrical trade as BX or AC cable, will not be approved for use as metallic conduit.
(Ordinance 5341 adopted 10/3/05)
Not more than ten (10) outlets shall be installed on any one (1) circuit in a residence. Commercial buildings in the fire zone shall have not more than six (6) wall outlets or six (6) fluorescent light fixtures, but not more than four (4) bulb-type light fixtures, per circuit.
(Ordinance 5341 adopted 10/3/05)
Overhead service/raceways shall be in approved metallic conduit. Underground service/raceways between meter base and ground must be in approved schedule 80 PVC conduit. No residential service conductor shall be smaller than no. 4 copper or no. 2 aluminum. Except by special permission of an electrical inspector, service entrance shall not be less than twelve and one-half (12-1/2) feet or more than twenty-five (25) feet from the ground level.
Where one (1) service is installed to supply several installations or customers within the same building, the main service panel and disconnect must be accessible at all times to each of the occupants or customers supplied from such service.
Whenever the service to any commercial building is disconnected, the service shall not again be connected to such building until the electrical system has been approved by an electrical inspector and conforms to the provisions of this article, and the metering requirements of the local electrical power company. Any building regardless of occupancy, not having the service conductors in approved metallic conduit, once disconnected, shall not again be connected to the source of supply until service and meter loop shall have been replaced and made to conform to the standards of this article, and the metering requirements of the local electrical power company. A disconnect shall be provided at the meter except in back-to-back installations.
(Ordinance 5713 adopted 8/15/11)
All classes of electrical signs, whether of the gas tube, sign receptacle or reflector type, including gas tube window signs and outside building outlining shall be considered electric signs within the meaning of this article. Portable inside displays or small signs using self-contained transformers with current consumption not to exceed two hundred (200) watts may be connected by attachment plug to present circuits providing all other requirements of this article are complied with.
All signs must be on separate circuits in conduit from the distributing panel and not more than one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) watts will be allowed on each circuit. All signs except portable signs must be grounded directly to the conduit service.
When an electric sign is to be hung over the sidewalk there must be a clearance of nine (9) feet from the sidewalk to the lowest point of the sign and no sign shall extend to within two (2) feet of the curbline of sidewalk, except by special permission of the director of the department or his representative.
(Ordinance 5341 adopted 10/3/05)