The requirements contained in this division are intended for the purpose of assuring open space and community park facilities are available and adequate to meet the needs created by such development while maintaining current and proposed park and recreation standards pursuant to the city parks, recreation and open space master plan. It is the policy of the city that a park dedication fee is hereby imposed on residential development and all fees collected shall be used solely and exclusively for the purpose of acquisition and development of new community parks and existing park facilities intended for access and use by the entire city. It is also the policy of the city to allow any acceptable park land that meets the criteria to be dedicated in lieu of the imposed park fee.
(Ordinance O-04-08 adopted 2/4/08)
There is hereby established a city-wide park fee and a neighborhood park fee, to be collected and implemented as described hereafter.
A city-wide park fee, in the amount of $618.00 per dwelling unit, shall be imposed on all residential development in the city.
A neighborhood park fee shall be calculated and collected only as provided in section 1.18.045 hereof.
(Ordinance O-04-08 adopted 2/4/08)
The park dedication requirement established by this division is additional and supplemental to, and not in substitution to, any other requirements imposed by the city on the development of land. Such dedication requirement is intended to be consistent with and to further the policies of the city’s comprehensive plan, the master park plan, the city’s unified development code, the city’s subdivision rules and regulations and all other city policies, ordinances and resolutions by which the city seeks to promote orderly growth and preserve natural resources.
(Ordinance O-04-08 adopted 2/4/08)
In lieu of the imposed park fee, the developer of any area zoned and to be used for single-family, duplex or multifamily residential purposes within the city may elect to apply a contribution of dedication of community park land acceptable to the city at the rate of not less than one (1) acre of land per fifty (50) ultimate units of such residential subdivision and public parks shall not be smaller than five (5) acres in size.
The developer shall propose dedication of park land in conjunction with approval of the subdivision plat.
The dedicated land required hereby shall be well drained, relatively level, in areas that are proposed for active park uses and shall be suitable for appropriate recreational and leisure activities as defined in a community park. All park land offered for dedication under this section shall meet the requirements for location and for physical land characteristics outlined in the master park plan. Areas having environmentally sensitive ecosystems, attractive views, topographical interests or unique natural features shall be preferred and encouraged for park land dedication. Areas which are relatively featureless, barren of natural trees and vegetative cover and which are not physically attractive in some other way, may not be typically acceptable.
The location and size of public parks within the city shall be determined in all instances by the city council upon recommendations from the city manager or the city manager’s designee. That determination shall be based upon existing circumstances at the time and shall be in accordance with the adopted parks, recreation and open space master plan and as may thereby be amended from time to time by the city.
Park land shall be easily accessible to the public, enhance the visual character of the city and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses.
(Ordinance O-04-08 adopted 2/4/08)
A neighborhood park fee shall be due and collectable for residential units to be constructed in any area in the city for which park and recreation facilities are suitable and desirable, is consistent with the master park plan and which has been identified by the city manager and the city manager’s designee for future construction as a neighborhood park.
Upon the filing of a subdivision plat, concept plan, site plan, proposal for agreement, proposal for planned development (PD) district, application for plat or replat, or other form of authorization that adequately informs the city of a plan to construct residential units in the city, staff shall ascertain whether such units are in an area from which a neighborhood park is contemplated, and if so, shall inform the applicant or other person filing such document of the requirements for payment of a neighborhood park fee.
The maximum neighborhood park component fee shall be calculated by the staff separately for each neighborhood park, by dividing the average cost of that type of park facility for the entire area that is reasonably expected to be benefitted by such park and which is reasonably susceptible to and authorized for development for residential purposes.
A separate neighborhood park fee fund shall be established for each neighborhood park that is identified pursuant to this section.
Fees collected for the neighborhood park funds shall be used for the purpose of acquisition and development of neighborhood parks located in reasonable proximity to the residential development from which the park fee was received. Fees collected may be used for site preparation, the extension of utilities to or within sites, the installation of landscaping, play equipment, or recreation improvements and attendant engineering and planning costs associated with park development.
(Ordinance O-04-08 adopted 2/4/08)
Fee payment.
The developer has the duty to submit the information concerning the number of dwelling units.
Upon receipt of an application for a building permit the city shall calculate the amount of the applicable city-wide park fee due and any neighborhood park fee due that has been identified pursuant to section 1.18.045 hereof.
The applicable park fee(s) shall be collected prior to the issuance of the building permit. No permit shall be issued nor shall any construction be allowed to begin until payment of all fees required has been made.
Credit against park fee for developer contributions of land.
Park land that has been dedicated in lieu of the park fee shall be reviewed and approved by the city council subsequent to a recommendation from the park and recreation board.
Where review of development applications has resulted in the acceptance of land dedication, such land dedication shall be shown on a final plat and shall contain clear fee simple dedication of that land to the city.
(Ordinance O-04-08 adopted 2/4/08)
Fees collected for the city-wide park fund shall be used for the purpose of acquisition and development of new centralized community parks and the improvement of existing park facilities intended for use and access by the entire city. Fees collected may be used for land acquisition, site preparation, the extension of utilities to or within sites, the installation of landscaping, play equipment, or recreation improvements, installation of expansions, new features, athletic fields, parking lots, swimming pools and water recreation facilities, and similar facilities normally associated with parks and recreation, including attendant engineering, architectural, legal, planning or other consultant costs associated with such park development.
All expenditures of fees collected shall be made in accordance with the city parks, recreation and open space master plan, advice and/or recommendation of the staff and the parks and recreation board, and as approved by the city council to best benefit the citizens of the city.
Any monies paid into the city-wide or neighborhood park fund must be expended by the city within ten (10) years from the date received by the city. If such funds are not expended within ten (10) years following final plat approval, the property owner shall be entitled to a refund of such funds upon written request, less any amounts expended for such purposes.
(Ordinance O-04-08 adopted 2/4/08)