Each Provisional District shall provide recreational facilities designed for use by the residents and guests of residents of the project.
Recreational facilities shall consist of swimming pools for projects with thirty (30) or more dwelling units and a swimming pool for each additional one hundred (100) dwelling units or fraction thereof.
One playground area shall be provided for each fifty (50) dwelling units, or fraction thereof. The playground shall contain a minimum of five (5) pieces of play equipment. The playground equipment shall be of heavy-duty and weather-resistant construction, such as is normally used in public parks or on public school playgrounds.
Each complex or subdivision shall have a community building that meets all required exterior construction standards and is available for use by all residents and guests of residents of the project.
Swimming pools, spas and hot tubs shall comply with the Standard Swimming Pool Code and the Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code, as adopted and as may be amended, and the City of Glenn Heights’ Codes and Ordinances pertaining to same. All swimming pools shall be enclosed behind the main structure.
Each lot or parcel of land, which is within a Provisional District, shall provide, within the same project, usable open space (as defined below) in accordance with the following requirements:
Number of Bedrooms or Sleeping Rooms
Amount of Open Space for Each Sleeping Room
1 or Less
600 Sq. Ft.
Each Additional Bedroom over 1
300 Sq. Ft.
An area of common usable open space shall have a slope not exceeding ten percent (10%), shall have no dimension of less than ten feet (10'), and may include landscaping, walkways, recreational facilities, water features, playgrounds and decorative objects such as artwork or water fountains. Usable open space shall not include: rooftops, accessory buildings, parking areas, driveways, turnaround areas, or the right-of-way or easement for streets or alleys.
At the time of Site Plan approval, the Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend and the City Council may approve credit for usable open space requirements under the following conditions:
Up to three (3) square feet for each one (1) square foot of area provided for the following recreational facilities:
Swimming pools, tennis courts, racquetball courts, or similar facilities.
Decks, patios, or lounge area adjacent to or within ten feet (10') of swimming pools.
Children’s play areas developed with play equipment as identified in Section XIII.1.B above.
Portions of recreational buildings dedicated to the use of residents and guests of residents of the complex or subdivision.
Partial or full credit may be given for on-site open space that exceeds the minimum slope (as defined in this Section, above), if it is determined that such areas are environmentally or aesthetically significant and their preservation would enhance the development and community. In determining environmental and aesthetic significance, the Planning and Zoning Commission will consider:
Preservation of significant trees or other natural vegetation.
Contribution to on-site retention of stormwater or natural control of drainage.
Presentation of vistas and other qualities.
Buffer or transition between the multifamily use and other uses.
Within usable open space areas, there shall be at least one (1) large shade tree for every one thousand (1,000) square feet of space. New trees planted to meet this requirement shall be a minimum three-inch (3") caliper, and at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the trees shall be nondeciduous (for qualifying tree species, see Section XVII.2 [Article 15.02] for the City’s Approved Plant List).
Available off-site open space may be credited for up to one third (1/3) of the usable open space requirement if:
Fifteen percent (15%) or more of the project boundary is adjacent to and has direct access to park land.
There are defined pedestrian connections between the project and park land.
Permanent usable open space is within one hundred feet (100') of the development that is available for use by the general public.
The design of the development provides a significant visual and pedestrian connection to public park land.
The combined credit for areas calculated at a three-to-one basis and off-site parks or usable open space shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the total usable open space requirement for each development within a Provisional District.