An employer who owns, occupies, or controls workplace may:
Designate the workplace or portions thereof as non-smoking areas;
Have and implement a written policy on smoking which conforms to this article;
Make the policy available for inspection by employees and communicate said policy to all employees at least three (3) weeks prior to its adoption;
Prominently display reasonably sized signs that smoking is prohibited;
Provide facilities in sufficient numbers and in such locations as to be readily accessible for the extinguishment of smoking materials; and
Not discharge, retaliate or discriminate against an employee who:
Files a complaint or causes a proceeding to be instituted under or related to this article; or
Testifies or will testify in a proceeding instituted under this article; or
Exercises on his own behalf or the behalf of others any right afforded by this article.
A person commits an offense if he smokes a cigarette, cigar, cigarillo, pipe, or electronic cigarette or possesses a burning tobacco, weed, or other plant product in any portion of the workplace which has been designated as a nonsmoking area or if he violates any other provisions of an employer’s written policy adopted, implemented, and maintained in accordance with this article.
(1996 Code, art. 7.1000; Ordinance O-18-15 adopted 12/8/15)