Rules of procedure for requesting legal services.
The following rules of procedure are adopted for requesting legal services from the city attorney on behalf of the city:
Significant projects that will be ongoing in nature or time-consuming and the prosecution or defense of litigation can only be requested following approval from the city council.
Day-to-day questions, routine or administrative issues, public information or open meetings issues and legal questions that will not be ongoing projects or time-consuming for the city attorney may be requested by the city manager or his/her designee.
Establishment of standing agenda item.
All city council agendas shall have the following agenda item:
Discuss, consider and act on determining agenda items to be placed on future city council meeting agendas and direct the city secretary as to which future agendas the items should be placed upon.
(Ordinance 2013-04-16-03 adopted 4/16/13; Ordinance 2023-09-21-04 adopted 9/21/2023)
The city manager shall be appointed by a majority vote of the full membership of the city council. The city manager serves as the chief administrative officer of the city and shall be responsible to the city council for the efficient administration of all city affairs, implementing policy established by the city council and assuring all laws and city ordinances are enforced. The city council may by ordinance delegate to the city manager any additional powers or duties it considers proper for the efficient administration of city affairs.
The city manager shall be chosen, by the city council solely on the basis of executive and administrative qualifications, with special reference to actual experience in or knowledge of accepted practice in respect to the duties of the office hereinafter set forth.
No member of the city council nor the mayor shall be appointed to the office during his or her term or within one year after the expiration of the term.
Term; suspension or removal.
The city manager serves at the will of the city council. The action of the city council in suspending or removing the city manager shall be final, it being the intention of this section to vest all authority and responsibility for such suspension or removal in the city council. The personnel policies of the city shall apply to the city manager.
The city manager shall receive such compensation as the city council shall authorize from time-to-time and the position shall be identified in the annual city budget.
Absence or disability.
During the absence or disability of the city manager, the city council may designate a properly qualified person to perform the duties of said office.
The city manager shall execute a bond conditioned that he/she will faithfully perform the duties of city manager. The amount of such bond shall be $5,000.00.
Power and duties.
The city manager shall be responsible to the city council for the proper administration of the affairs of the city and shall have the power and duty to:
Ensure all state laws, city ordinances, city policies, city rules and city regulations are effectively enforced;
Prepare and submit to the city council the annual budget, working with the mayor as the budget officer, and capital program, and administer the budget as adopted by the city council; in connection with such duty, prior to the adoption of the budget each year, the city manager shall conduct a budget workshop for the city council with the city's finance director;
Submit to the city council a monthly budget summary and keep the city council advised on the financial condition and future needs of the city and make recommendations as may seem advisable;
Prepare and submit to the city council at the end of the fiscal year a complete report on the finances of the city for the preceding year and cooperate with the auditor during the annual audit;
Prepare and recommend items for inclusion in the official agenda of all city council meetings and meetings of the boards and commissions;
Supervise of all city programs;
Make reports as the city council may require concerning the operation of the city departments, offices and agencies under his/her supervision;
Direct all city departments and oversee planning and budgeting;
Efficiently administer the business of the city;
Perform such other duties as may be required of him/her by the mayor and city council not inconsistent with the laws of the state governing general-law cities;
Advise the city council and the standing boards/commissions/committees on procedures and provide interpretation of governing rules, regulations, and ordinances;
Attend all city council meetings and take part in the discussion of city business;
Recommend to the city council for adoption such measures as he/she may deem necessary or expedient; to execute deeds, deeds of trust, easements, releases, contracts, and all other legal instruments on behalf of the city when authorized by ordinance or resolution of the city council, and approved as to form by the city attorney;
Except as set forth in this subsection, the city manager shall be responsible for the appointment and removal of all employees. Except for the city attorney, prosecutor and municipal judge, it shall be the duty of the city manager to manage, supervise, appoint, remove, promote, demote, suspend, or dismiss all officers and employees of the city; however for the removal of an employee who is an “officer,” as officers are determined in accordance with chapter 22 of the Texas Local Government Code, the city manager may recommend removal of the officer to the city council and removal must be approved by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the city council. Each department head shall report directly to the city manager. All employee matters shall be handled in accordance with the personnel policy. If an employee or officer has a contract with the city that contradicts with this section, the contract shall control;
Update, in consultation with the city attorney, and make readily available the city's personnel manual. The city manager will regularly submit additions, deletions and changes to the manual in order to keep the personnel manual current and relevant for the effective day-to-day operation of the city;
The city council hereby confers upon the city manager authority to contract for expenditures of the city, without further approval from the city council, for all budgeted items less than $50,000.00;
All purchases, contracts for purchases and contracts for professional services which require competitive bids or competitive sealed proposals shall require approval by the city council. Any contract, contract amendment or change order in excess of the city manager's authority shall require approval of the city council;
In case of accident, disaster or other circumstances creating a public emergency, the city manager may award contracts and make purchases for the purpose of meeting the emergency, but shall file promptly with the city council a certificate showing the emergency and necessity for the action, together with an itemized account of all expenditures; and
Advise the city council on personnel system improvements as needed.
(Ordinance 2017-06-19-01 adopted 6/19/17; Ordinance 2021-01-21-01 adopted 1/21/2021; Ordinance 2023-09-21-02 adopted 9/21/2023)