Every owner of a dog or cat shall have his or her dog or cat vaccinated against rabies by the time it is four months of age, and it shall also be revaccinated at one year of age and annually thereafter. Any person moving into the municipality shall comply with this requirement within ten days after having moved into the municipality. If the dog or cat has inflicted a bite on any person or other animal within the prior ten days, the owner of the dog or cat shall report such fact to the veterinarian who is going to administer such rabies vaccine and such rabies vaccine shall then not be administered until after a ten-day observation period.
(Ordinance 031208-6, sec. 1 (90.020), adopted 1/12/04)
Rabies vaccinations shall only be given by a duly licensed and practicing veterinarian, and upon vaccination the veterinarian shall execute and furnish a certificate to the owner of the dog or cat as evidence of such vaccination. Such certificate shall contain at least the following information:
The owner's name, address, and telephone number;
The date of vaccination;
The type of rabies vaccine used, producer, expiration date, and serial number;
The year and number of the rabies tag; and
A description of the dog or cat.
Concurrent with the issuance and delivery of the certificate of vaccination, the veterinarian shall also issue a metal tag, serially numbered to correspond with the vaccination certificate number and bearing the year of issuance and the name of the issuing veterinarian and his or her address. The owner of such dog or cat shall cause the metal vaccination tag to be attached to a collar to be worn by his or her dog or cat at all times.
(Ordinance 031208-6, sec. 1 (90.021), adopted 1/12/04)