[Adopted 1-24-2022 by Ord. No. 03-22]
Purpose and intent. The purpose of this article is to establish uniform standards for design and construction within the Village of Johnson Creek. These standards will promote consistent design and construction practices and safeguard the interests of the Village by ensuring that all public and private improvements are designed and constructed in conformance with generally accepted engineering practices and standards.
Adoption of design standards and construction specifications. The Village hereby adopts and incorporates the design standards and construction specifications for the Village of Johnson Creek, and any amendments that may be made by resolution of the Village Board from time to time, for all public and private improvements.
Approvals. No improvement such as land grading, land filling, stormwater drainage facilities, sanitary sewer, water mains, roadway, paving, erosion control, or other infrastructure identified in the design standards and construction specifications shall be constructed until the plans and specifications for such activity comply with the design standards and construction specifications, as determined by the Village Engineer or Public Works Department.
Jurisdiction; applicability. This article applies to design and construction of public and private improvements, land development, erosion control, and grading and filling activities within the Village of Johnson Creek corporate limits. This section does not prohibit any other local, state, or federal governmental entity from having jurisdiction within the Village of Johnson Creek corporate limits with respect to the aforementioned activities.
Violations and penalties.
Written notice of violation. Any person found to be violating any provision of this section shall be served by the Village with a written notice stating the nature of the violations and providing a reasonable time for the satisfactory correction thereof. The offender shall, within the period of time stated in such notice, permanently cease all violations.
Penalties. Any violation of this section for which a specific penalty is not imposed shall be subject to the penalties provided in Chapter 60, Penalties, and in addition to any violation or penalty imposed by Chapter 60, Penalties, the Village may seek injunctive and declaratory relief requiring the offender to comply with the order or directive.
Continued violations. Any person, partnership, or corporation, or any officer, agent, or employee thereof, who or which shall continue any violation beyond the aforesaid notice time limit provided shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to general penalty provisions as provided in Chapter 60, Penalties. Each day in which any violation is continued beyond the aforesaid notice time limit shall be deemed a separate offense.
Liability to Village for losses. Any person violating any provision of this section shall become liable to the Village for any expense, loss, or damage incurred by reason of such violation which the Village may suffer as a result thereof. Such expenses, losses, and damages incurred by the Village may, as determined by the Village, constitute a special charge for current services and may be collected in accordance with § 15-15 of the Code.