[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Eureka 6-7-2005 (Ordinance 2, Ch. 6, of the 2005 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 11-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-05]
The offices of Clerk and Treasurer have been combined and one person shall be appointed by the Town Board to serve as both Clerk and Treasurer. The person holding that office shall be identified as "Clerk/Treasurer" and shall exercise those powers and duties set forth in M.S.A. §§ 367.11 and 367.16 as amended from time to time. Any references in this Code to the Town Clerk or Town Treasurer shall be construed to mean the Clerk/Treasurer.
The Town Clerk's duties are as follows:
To act as Clerk of the Town Board and keep in the Clerk's office a true record of all of its proceedings;
Unless otherwise provided by law, to have custody of the records, books, and papers of the Town and file and safely keep all papers required by law to be filed in the Clerk's office;
To record minutes of the proceedings of every Town Meeting in the book of Town records and enter at length every order or direction and all rules and ordinances made by the Town Meeting;
To file and preserve all accounts audited by the Town Board or allowed at a Town Meeting and enter a statement of them in the book of records;
To record every request for a special vote or Special Town Meeting and properly post the requisite notices of them;
To post, as required by law, fair copies of all bylaws made by the Town and make a signed entry in the Town records of the time when and the places where they were posted and the record in full all Township ordinances passed by the Town Board;
To furnish to the annual meeting of the Town Board of Audit every statement from the County Treasurer of money paid to the Town Treasurer, and all other information about fiscal affairs of the Town in the Clerk's possession, and all accounts, claims, and demands against the Town filed with the Clerk;
To maintain permanent and current records of the ordinances, including but not limited to all maps, amendments, and special uses, variances, appeals and applications;
To receive, file, and forward all applications for appeals, variances, special uses or other matters to the designated official bodies;
To perform the duties of the Zoning Administrator; and
To perform any other duties required by law.
The Town Treasurer's duties are as follows:
To receive and take charge of all money belonging to the Town, or which is required to be paid into its treasury, and to pay it out only upon the lawful order of the Town or its officers;
To preserve all books, papers, and property pertaining to or filed in the Treasurer's office;
To keep a true account of all money received as Treasurer and the manner in which it is disbursed, in a book provided for that purpose, and provide the account, with the Treasurer's vouchers, to the Town Board of Audit, at its annual meeting, for adjustment;
To deliver, on demand, all books and property belonging to the Treasurer's office, and all money in the Treasurer's hands as Treasurer, to a qualified successor;
To keep in a suitable book a register of all Town orders presented for payment that cannot be paid for want of funds, with the date presented, and to endorse upon the back of each the words "not paid for want of funds," with the date of the endorsement, signed by the Treasurer;
To draw from the County Treasurer, from time to time, money received by the County Treasurer for the Town, and receipt for it;
To make and file with the Town Clerk, within five days preceding the Annual Town Meeting, a statement, in writing, of the money received from the County Treasurer and all other sources, and all money paid out as Town Treasurer. The statement shall show the items of money received and from whom, on what account and when each was received. The statement shall show the items of payment and to whom, for what purpose, when and the amount of each that was made, and the unexpended balance on hand; and
To perform other duties required by law.
The Town Board may employ an attorney for Township business, including the prosecution or defense of actions at law or other proceedings in which the Township may be interested.
[Amended 11-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-05]
The application, administration and enforcement of the Township Building Code shall be in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code. The code shall be enforced within the extraterritorial limits permitted by M.S.A. § 326B.121, as it may be amended from time to time. The Building Code shall be enforced by a Minnesota certified Building Official designated by the Town Board to administer the code. The Town Board of Eureka Township shall instruct the Township Building Official or deputy inspector to enforce the Building Code and perform the following duties:
Conduct inspections of buildings and use of land to determine compliance with the terms of the Township Building Code.
Serve as ex officio nonvoting member of the Planning Commission.
Receive, file and forward all applications for appeals, variances, special uses, building permits or other matters to the designated official bodies.
A Township staff member who refuses or neglects to comply with this chapter shall forfeit office.