The following words and phrases, when used in this article, shall, for the purpose of this article, have the following meanings;
Antenna support structures.
Monopole antenna structure:
A self-supporting pole type structure with no guy wire support, tapering from base to top and so designed to support fixtures which hold one or more antennas and related equipment for wireless telecommunication transmission.
Lattice antenna structure:
A steel lattice, self-supporting structure with no guy wire support, so designed to support fixtures which hold one or more antennas and related equipment for wireless telecommunication transmission.
Guyed lattice antenna structure:
A steel lattice, self-supporting structure, so designed to support fixtures which hold one or more antennas and related equipment for wireless communication transmission.
Any of the structures designed to support any components of a wireless communication system.
Buildings or other independent support structures.
Buildings or other structures such as water towers, church steeples, utility poles and any other structures capable of supporting a wireless communication system.
Unmanned equipment building.
An accessory building housing electronic communication equipment as an associated and permitted part of a wireless communication system.
Wireless communication system.
Antenna support structures for mobile and land-based telecommunication facilities, and shall include but not be limited to whip antennas, panel antennas, microwave dishes and receive-only satellite dishes, cell enhancers and related equipment for wireless transmission from mobile cellular telephones, mobile radio systems facilities, commercial mobile radio service and radio or television (commercial only) broadcasting towers and transmitting stations. This definition includes the placement of the above-referenced equipment on a monopole tower, a steel lattice tower, a guyed steel lattice tower and any communication tower which does or does not utilize guy wire support in addition to existing building or other independent support structures and includes those placed on buildings. An unmanned equipment shelter shall be permitted at any site of a wireless communication system.
Zoning ordinance.
The zoning ordinance of the city; amendments thereto shall automatically and become a part thereof as relevant.
(Ordinance 01-004, sec. 1(A), adopted 1/23/01)
Location generally.
Wireless communication systems shall be an allowed use in commercial or industrial zones only as defined and amended from time to time by the zoning ordinance.
Distance from certain uses.
Antenna support structures shall be located no less than 1000' from any school and from area parks, and areas of organized outdoor activities for children such as day care centers, YMCAs, church yards, and the like.
Distance from residential districts.
Antenna support structures shall be two hundred (200) feet from the nearest residential zoning district boundary as defined by the zoning ordinance.
Unmanned equipment buildings.
The unmanned equipment building shall not exceed seven hundred fifty (750) square feet of gross floor area per building and shall not exceed twelve (12) feet in overall height.
Maximum height.
The overall height of antenna support structures, including the antenna, shall not exceed one hundred fifty (150) feet. Antennas placed on buildings or other independent support structures as defined in this article shall not exceed the height requirement; however, they shall comply with all other requirements as set forth.
Building permit.
A building permit from the city shall be required for the installation of any wireless communications systems, antenna support structures, antennas attached to buildings or other independent support structures and unmanned equipment buildings. Applications for a permit shall be submitted to the building inspector of the city or his designee and shall be accompanied by the following in duplicate:
A complete set of construction documents showing the proposed method of installation.
A copy of the manufacturer’s recommended installation instructions, if any.
A diagram to scale showing the location of the antenna, property and setback lines, easements, power lines, all structures and the distances from all residential zoning districts.
Certification by a qualified engineer licensed in the State of Texas by structural or civil engineer registered by the State of Texas [sic] that the proposed installation complies with the requirements of the city building code.
Certification shall be submitted stating that all antennas and antenna support structures shall comply with the height and radiation illumination restrictions established by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) or other applicable federal or state agencies.
Building permit fee in accordance with the schedule of fees set out in the city building permit ordinance.
Landscaping plan as hereinafter described.
Performance assurance as hereinafter described.
A completed application for a building permit in the form attached to Ordinance 01-004 as “A”-“A6.”
The shared use of existing antenna support structures and approved antenna support structures sites shall be preferred to the construction of new such facilities. The antenna support structures must be arrays from two (2) separate wireless communication system providers or users. Annually, the building official shall secure a list of known wireless communication system providers having structures in the county by advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation. The building official may add known wireless communication system providers list shall remain valid for one (1) calendar year [sic]. Prior to grant of a building permit, all applicants for the wireless communication systems shall comply with the following procedures:
All wireless communication system applicants shall provide a thirty (30) day notice by mail to all providers on the wireless communication system providers’ list with the following information: specifications of the proposed antenna support structures, its general location, its proposed height, and a phone number to locate the applicant. A copy of the notice shall also be mailed to the building official’s office. The notices shall invite potential wireless communication system providers to apply for space on the proposed antenna support structure.
The applicant shall additionally submit a report inventorying existing antenna support structures and antenna sites within a one-mile distance from the proposed site outlining opportunities for shared use as an alternative to the proposed one. (In the case of co-location, the prorated reimbursement to the initial applicant from the future provider shall not exceed fifty-five percent (55%) of the original cost for construction of the antenna support structure.)
Location on city property.
Wireless communications systems shall be a use permitted in all zoning districts if the land or structure is owned by the city if:
The height of a monopole antenna support structure, including the antenna, shall not exceed one hundred fifty (150) feet. Wireless communications systems shall not be allowed in city parks that contain five (5) acres or less.
An antenna array may be attached to buildings or independent support structures if:
The pole replaced or modified is a functioning utility pole or light standard within a utility easement or public right-of-way, recreation facility light pole, or antenna support structure;
The replaced or modified antenna support structure, including antenna array, does not exceed the height of the original utility, light standard, or recreation facility pole by more than twelve (12) feet, or the height of the original telecommunication tower and antenna array;
The pole replaced with an antenna support structures does not obstruct a public sidewalk, public alley, or other right-of-way, and pole appearance and function, except for the antenna, are not significantly altered; and
The existing support structure is engineered to support the proposed antenna.
Radio and television antennas.
Radio reception [and] transmission and television reception antennas, limited to those used by federally licensed amateur radio operators or unlicensed citizens band radio operators and private satellite dish antennas, shall be considered as permissible accessory uses in all zoning districts and shall be subject to the regulations for similar structures within nonresidential districts and shall comply with the height and setback requirements for the particular district, and additionally the following shall apply to such structures, but shall not otherwise be subject to the legislation hereof concerning wireless communication systems:
The height of an antenna support structure shall be the total maximum to which it is capable of being raised and shall be measured from the finished grade adjacent to the antenna or antenna support structure if ground-mounted or from the peak of the roof if roof-mounted.
A building permit from the city shall be required for the installation of any roof-mounted antenna or antenna support structure over twelve (12) feet above the peak of the roof and any ground-mounted antenna or antenna support structure over twenty-five (25) feet in height. A permit shall be issued only when there is full compliance with this section and the applicable provisions of the city building code. Applications for a permit shall be accompanied by the following in duplicate:
A complete set of construction documents showing the proposed method of installation.
A copy of the manufacturer’s recommended installation instructions, if any.
A diagram to scale showing the location of the antenna, property and setback lines, easements, power lines and all structures.
Certification by a structural or civil engineer registered by the state that the proposed installation complies with the structural requirements of the city building code and with federal and state electromagnetic radiation standards.
All antennas and antenna support structures shall comply with the height and illumination restrictions established by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) or any other federal or state agencies.
Antennas may be roof- or ground-mounted, freestanding or supported by guy wires, buildings or other structures in compliance with the manufacturer’s structural specifications. A ground-mounted antenna shall be any antenna with its base mounted directly in the ground even if its base mounted directly in the ground [sic] even if such an antenna is supported or attached to the wall of a building.
A roof-mounted antenna, including support structure, shall not extend higher than fifteen (15) feet above the peak of the roof, except a single vertical pole antenna may extend up to twenty (20) feet above the peak of the roof.
A ground-mounted antenna, including support structure, shall not exceed seventy (70) feet in height. The antenna or antenna support structure shall not be located in any required front yard setback or anywhere in the front yard between the principal building and the front setback.
(Ordinance 01-004, sec. 1(B), adopted 1/23/01; Ordinance adopting Code)
Tower illumination.
Towers shall not be illuminated except as required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or other applicable federal or state agencies.
Radiation standards.
Wireless [Federal] Communications Commission (FCC) standards for non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (NIER) shall be met.
A fence shall be required around the antenna support structure and other equipment, unless the antenna is mounted on a building or other independent support structure. The fence shall not be less than eight (8) feet in height measured from finished grade. Access to the antenna support structure shall be through a locked gate.
Landscaping shall be installed and maintained to screen as much of the antenna support structure as possible, the fence surrounding the antenna support structure, and any other ground level features (such as a building). A combination of existing/native vegetation, natural topography, man-made features such as berms, walls, decorative fences and any other features can be used instead of landscaping if those features achieve the same degree of screening. The required landscaping plan shall be submitted with the initial application, and is subject to approval of the city building official.
Antenna support structures and unmanned equipment buildings shall meet the minimum building setback requirements for the zoning district in which they are located. Setbacks shall be measured from the base of the antenna support structure to all applicable property lines.
Assurance of performance.
Upon filing an application, a one and half year fifteen thousand dollar ($15,000.00) unconditional letter of credit, [or] cash security fund either containing an agreement permitting the city to utilize the fund to remove any permitted structure if not timely completed or complete fencing, landscaping, or any other requirements of this article or the performance bond shall issued by a company doing business in the state, acceptable to the city and with the highest Best rating shall be issued in favor of the city.
In the event the use of any wireless communication system, which would include any antenna support structure, has been discontinued for a period of one hundred eighty (180) consecutive days, the antenna support structure shall be deemed to be abandoned. Determination of the date of abandonment shall be made by the building official, who shall have the right to request documentation and/or affidavits from the antenna support structure owner/operator regarding the issue of usage. Upon determination of abandonment, the owner/operator of the antenna support structure shall remove the antenna support structure within ninety (90) days of receipt of notice from the building official notifying the owner/operator of such abandonment. If such antenna support structure is not removed within said ninety (90) days, the building official may cause such antenna support structure to be removed at the owner’s expense. If there are two or more users of an antenna support structure, then this provision shall not become effective until all users cease using the antenna support structure.
Time limit for completing construction.
All construction of wireless communication systems and home antennas and fencing and landscaping as required hereunder shall be complete within one year of the issuance of a permit or the permit shall be null and void. This requirement shall not prohibit the city utilizing performance assurance if necessary.
Placement on billboards prohibited.
No form of antenna/antenna support structures shall be placed or allowed on billboards or billboard structures.
(Ordinance 01-004, sec. 1(C), adopted 1/23/01)
The provisions of this article shall not be deemed to be the grant of a franchise, and any organization subject to obtain a franchise shall still be required to do so prior to erection of any wireless communication system.
(Ordinance 01-004, sec. 2, adopted 1/23/01)
Any person, firm, corporation or agent who shall violate a provision of this code, or fail to comply therewith, or with any of the requirements thereof, or who shall erect, construct, alter, install, demolish, or move any structure, electrical, or mechanical system, or has erected, constructed, altered, repaired, moved or demolished a building, structure, electrical, or mechanical system, in violation of a detailed statement or drawing submitted and permitted thereunder, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Each such person shall be considered guilty of a misdemeanor. Each such person shall be considered guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this code is committed or continued, and upon conviction of any such violation such person shall pay a fine not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for each violation.
(Ordinance 01-004, sec. 5, adopted 1/23/01)
No permit for the construction of a wireless communication system shall be issued by the city until proof of public liability insurance providing the greatest range of risks covered in the amount of $1,000,000.00 per occurrence shall be provided to the city. Such insurance shall be issued by an insurance company with the highest Best rating, shall include a description of the particular location or locations for which a permit is applied, and shall show a paid-up expiration date not less than one year from the date of issuance, which shall be no earlier than thirty (30) days from the date of application for such system(s). Thereafter, proof of insurance shall be provided to the city periodically prior to the expiration date of the original policy or policies; otherwise the permit for such system shall be automatically forfeited, and the owner shall be subject to being required to remove the system and other penalties set out herein.
(Ordinance 01-004, sec. 6(B), adopted 1/23/01)