Except for the Hillsboro Housing Finance Corporation and building and standards commission, each committee shall be composed of seven members appointed to serve “at-will” by the city council.
Membership of the Hillsboro Economic Development Corporation shall be as provided in division 2 of this article.
Committees shall include one or more city staff liaisons appointed as ex-officio members by the city manager.
The city manager shall serve as an ex-officio member to each committee.
(Ordinance O2021-10-14 adopted 10/19/21)
Qualifications for appointment and serving on a city committee shall include:
No delinquent indebtedness to the city.
No family relationship within the second degree by affinity (marriage) or within the third degree by consanguinity (blood) to any member of the city council or to the city manager.
No conflict between the appointee’s private interests and duties and their interests and duties as a committee member.
Attendance at a minimum of 75 percent of all regular meetings.
Appointees shall take an oath of office prescribed by the city council prior to taking office.
Any qualifications mandated by statute shall also apply.
(Ordinance O2021-10-14 adopted 10/19/21)
Appointments shall be made at the first regular city council meeting in October.
Applications shall be made available to persons interested in serving on a city committee. City staff shall post notice and advertise that committee appointments will be made as well as distribute and collect applications. The city secretary or their designee shall review each application for completeness and eligibility prior to the first regular council meeting in October.
The council shall select from the entire slate of eligible nominees.
Each appointment shall be for two years.
To preserve the continuity of experience, four appointments will be made in even-numbered years and three appointments in odd-numbered years.
Appointments are contingent upon attending training covering the Public Information Act and the Open Meetings Act. Training may be done online by visiting www.oag.state.tx.us and completing the training course provided there. Print the certificates and file the same with the city secretary prior to taking the oath of office.
Appointees are limited to a maximum of three consecutive full terms on the same committee.
If an appointee has prior consecutive service as a result of filling a vacancy, prior service shall not be included in the count of three consecutive full terms. Additionally, service on other committees shall not be included in the count of three consecutive full terms.
Appointees shall be limited to service on no more than one standing board, commission, or committee with legislative authority at one time. Appointees are not prohibited from serving on additional ad hoc committees or standing boards, commissions, or committees that are purely advisory.
(Ordinance O2021-10-14 adopted 10/19/21)
For board members with terms that expire December 31, 2014, those terms will be extended to September 30, 2015.
For board members with terms that expire December 31, 2015, those terms will be extended to September 30, 2016.
For new appointments made at the first council meeting in October 2015, those terms will expire September 30, 2017.
(Ordinance O2021-10-14 adopted 10/19/21)
Appointees to vacant positions will serve the remainder of their predecessor’s unexpired term.
Appointees filling vacancies shall meet with the city secretary to review ethics, the Public Information Act, and the Open Meetings Act prior to being sworn in.
(Ordinance O2021-10-14 adopted 10/19/21)
Members may be removed by an affirmative majority vote of the entire council. “Entire council” is defined as the entire membership of the council, excluding any vacant positions.
(Ordinance O2021-10-14 adopted 10/19/21)
Officers of each committee shall include a chair, vice-chair, and secretary.
The duties of the chair include calling and presiding over meetings of the committee, and ensuring that all resolutions and directives of the committee are implemented.
The duties of the vice-chair shall be to serve as chair in the absence or disability of the chair.
The duties of the secretary include maintaining correct and complete records of the committee and forwarding originals of all records to the city secretary in a timely, reasonable, and prudent manner.
Officers shall be elected by the membership of the body at their first meeting after appointment of committee members by the council in October.
The term of office for officers shall be from their time of appointment through the first meeting after appointment of committee members by the council in October, i.e. approximately one year.
No officer shall serve more than three full, consecutive terms in a single position.
Officers may be removed from their office, but not the committee, by a simple affirmative majority vote of a quorum of the committee.
(Ordinance O2021-10-14 adopted 10/19/21)
Each committee shall meet quarterly, or more frequently as the committee shall deem necessary, and at a time and location determined by the committee.
The chair or a majority of the body shall have authority to call a meeting of the committee.
The chair or his or her designee shall submit a proposed agenda to the city secretary at least 96 hours before the scheduled date and time of the meeting. The city secretary shall review the agenda for format, legal requirements, and reservation of city facilities.
Meetings shall be posted at the city administration building and the city’s newspaper of record shall be sent notice of the meeting at the time of posting. The latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be used to provide guidance for the procedure of meetings.
(Ordinance O2021-10-14 adopted 10/19/21)
Training on the Public Information Act and Open Meetings Act may be done online. Certificates shall be printed and filed with the city secretary.
Appointees shall be required, at the city’s expense, to complete any additional training required by any governing statutes, regulations, ordinances, or resolutions.
(Ordinance O2021-10-14 adopted 10/19/21)
The city council reserves the right to authorize a waiver of any of the requisites of this article which are not mandated by statute, if the waiver is determined by the city council to be in the best interests of the city. The city council shall approve any waivers contemplated by this section by resolution of the city council.
(Ordinance O2021-10-14 adopted 10/19/21)
The city council authorizes the change in the number of board members from five (5) members to seven (7) members as provided by the Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended.
(Ordinance O2009-02-02 adopted 2/17/09)
Members of the board will be appointed by the city council and serve at the pleasure of the city council as provided in the Articles of Incorporation, Article VI, Board of Directors.
The two additional board members shall be appointed for a one-year term expiring in 2009 which will provide that four members will be appointed in even-numbered years and three members appointed in odd-numbered years.
Appointments shall be made for two-year terms and shall not be limited in the number of consecutive terms. Appointees shall attend training on ethics, the Open Meetings Act and the Public Information Act prior to taking the oath of office.
(Ordinance O2009-02-02 adopted 2/17/09)
Board members shall meet the qualifications contained in the Articles of Incorporation; have no delinquent indebtedness to the city; no family relationship within the second degree by affinity (marriage) or within the third degree by consanguinity (blood) to any member of the city council or to the city manager; no conflict between the appointee’s private interests and duties and their interests and duties as a board member; and attendance at a minimum of 75 percent of all regular meetings.
(Ordinance O2009-02-02 adopted 2/17/09)
The Hillsboro Economic Development Corporation Board shall amend their Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws to incorporate the provisions enacted herein.
(Ordinance O2009-02-02 adopted 2/17/09)