For the purpose of this article, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:
Alarm System.
A device or system which transmits a signal intended to summon aid in a robbery, burglary, personal hostage, fire or medical emergency. The term alarm system does not include a system installed on a vehicle or a system designed to alert only the persons within a premises which does not emit a signal visible or audible outside the premises.
Alarm Site.
A single premise or location served by an alarm system.
The director of public safety of the City of Hillsboro or his authorized representative.
False Alarm Notification.
An alarm notification to the fire or police departments when the responding personnel find no evidence of robbery, burglary, personal hostage, fire or medical emergency, or attempted robbery, burglary or personal hostage.
False Fire Alarm Notification.
An alarm notification to the fire department when the responding personnel find no evidence of fire or smoke.
Local Alarm.
An alarm system that emits a signal at an alarm site which is audible or visible from the exterior of the alarm site.
An individual, corporation, partnership, association or similar entity.
(Ordinance 94-12-20 adopted 12/20/94)
The director shall not consider an alarm notification to be false if he determines that the alarm was caused by:
A natural or man-made catastrophe;
Severe weather that causes physical damage to the premises;
Telephone line outage;
Attempted entry or attempted robbery; or
Accidental activation by the occupant, provided the alarm is immediately reported to the police department.
(Ordinance 94-12-20 adopted 12/20/94)
The permit holder shall pay a fee as set by the city council and on file in the office of the city secretary for each false alarm notification except as follows:
For alarm systems in existence and use at the beginning of the permit period, no fee shall be assessed for the first five (5) false alarm notifications received during such permit period. For alarm systems which have not been in existence and use prior to the beginning of the permit period, no fee shall be assessed for false alarm notifications received during the first thirty (30) days of the operation of the system, and the first five (5) false alarm notifications after the expiration of such thirty-day period.
The police department shall on a monthly basis maintain a report of false alarm notifications for which a fee is charged under the terms of this section. The city secretary shall then send to the permit holder, at the address stated on the application, a statement for fees due. Such fees shall be paid by the permit holder within thirty (30) days of the date of the statement and are delinquent after such thirty-day period.
(Ordinance 94-12-20 adopted 12/20/94)