[2-28-2022 by Ord. No.
(a) A certified survey map prepared by a professional land surveyor shall be required for all minor land divisions. It shall comply in all respects with the requirements of § 236.34 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The minor land division shall comply with the design standards and improvement requirements set forth in Articles
VII and
VIII of this Ordinance.
(b) Prior to filing an application for review and approval of a certified survey map, the subdivider shall consult with the Plan Commission and/or its staff, similar to the provisions of §
74-3.1, in order to obtain advice and assistance. A conceptual plan of the proposed certified survey map shall be brought by the subdivider to the meeting.
[2-28-2022 by Ord. No.
The map shall show correctly on its face, in addition to the
information required by § 236.34 of the Wisconsin Statutes,
the following:
(a) The certified survey map shall be clearly noted and labeled on its
face "Certified Survey Map."
(b) Inset map of the area concerned showing the location of the proposed
certified survey map in relation to the U.S. Public Land Survey section
and quarter-section lines and abutting and nearby public streets and
(c) Description of the location of the proposed certified survey map
by quarter section, township, range, county, and state.
(d) Date of map, graphic scale, and North arrow.
(e) Name and addresses of the owner, subdivider, and professional land
surveyor preparing the plat.
(f) All existing structures, together with an identification of the type
of structure, such as residence, garage, barn, or shed; the distances
of such structures from existing and proposed property lines, wells,
watercourses, and drainage ditches; existing property boundary lines
in the area adjacent to the exterior boundaries of the proposed certified
survey map and within 100 feet thereof, and any other features pertinent
to proper land division. The proposed use of existing structures to
be retained shall be noted. All wells within the exterior boundaries
of the proposed certified survey map, and within 100 feet of the exterior
boundaries of the map, shall be shown.
(g) Existing and, if applicable, proposed zoning within and adjacent
to the proposed land division.
(h) Existing and proposed lot lines, dimensions and size of all lots,
and the minimum lot area required by the zoning district in which
the land division is located.
(i) Location, approximate dimensions, and area of any sites to be reserved
or dedicated for parks, playgrounds, drainageways, open space preservation,
or other public use.
(j) Building or setback lines required by the Plan Commission, or other
approving or objecting agency, including those which are more restrictive
than the regulations of the zoning district in which the certified
survey map is located, or which are proposed by the subdivider to
be included in recorded private covenants.
(k) Location and names of any adjoining streets, highways, subdivisions,
parks, cemeteries, public lands, and watercourses, including impoundments.
The owners of record of abutting unplatted lands shall also be shown.
(l) Length and bearing of the centerline of all streets. The lengths
shall be given to the nearest 0.01 foot and the bearings to the nearest
one second of arc. The arc, chord, and radius lengths, and the chord
bearing, together with the bearings of the radii of the ends of the
arcs and chords, shall be given for all curved lines.
(m) Street width along the line of any obliquely intersecting street
line to the nearest 0.01 foot.
(n) Active and abandoned railway rights-of-way within and abutting the
exterior boundaries of the proposed certified survey map.
(o) Notations or any restrictions required by the Plan Commission or
other approving or objecting agency relative to access control along
any public ways within or adjacent to the proposed certified survey
map; the provision and use of planting strips; or provisions for the
protection of any existing wetlands or other environmentally significant
lands within the exterior boundaries of the proposed certified survey
(p) Location, size, and invert elevation of any existing sanitary or
storm sewers, culverts, and drain pipes; the location of manholes,
catch basins, hydrants, electric and communication facilities, whether
overhead or underground; and the location and size of any existing
water and gas mains within the exterior boundaries of the certified
survey map or immediately adjacent thereto. If no sewers or water
mains are located on or immediately adjacent to the land division,
the nearest such sewers or water mains that might be extended to serve
the land division shall be indicated by their direction and distance
from the nearest exterior boundary of the certified survey map, and
by their size, and invert elevations. All elevations shall be referenced
to a vertical datum approved by the Public Works Director.
(q) Easements for any public sanitary sewers, water supply mains, stormwater
management facilities, drainageways, or access ways.
(r) Easements or rights-of-way for any existing and proposed streets,
utilities, and bicycle and pedestrian/recreational ways.
(s) Boundaries of primary and secondary environmental corridors and isolated
natural resource areas, as delineated and mapped by SEWRPC. The boundaries
of wetlands shall also be shown. The wetland boundaries shall be determined
on the basis of a field survey made to identify, delineate, and map
those boundaries; and the name of the person, agency, or firm identifying,
delineating, and mapping the wetland boundaries shall be provided
together with the date of the field survey concerned.
(t) Shoreland boundaries and boundaries of the one-percent-annual-probability
(100-year recurrence interval) floodplain and related floodplain regulatory
stages, as determined under the effective FEMA Flood Insurance Study
or other technical document. Where such floodplain data are not available,
the floodplain boundaries and related stages shall be determined by
a professional engineer retained by the subdivider and the sealed
engineer's report providing the required data shall be subject to
review and approval by the Public Works Director, WDNR, and FEMA.
When approved accordingly, the Village floodplain zoning map shall
be revised in accordance with the amendment provisions set forth in
the Village Floodplain Zoning Ordinance to incorporate the new approved
one- percent-annual-probability flood profile. The contour line lying
a vertical distance of two feet above the floodplain shall also be
[2-28-2022 by Ord. No.
The Plan Commission may require that the following additional
information be provided when necessary for the proper review and consideration
of the proposed land division:
(a) Topographic features, including existing and, if applicable, proposed
contours, with preferably one-foot intervals but not more than two-foot
intervals for slopes less than 12% and at no more than five-foot intervals
for slopes 12% and greater. Elevations shall be marked on such contours,
referenced to a vertical datum approved by the Public Works Director.
The requirement to provide topographic data may be waived if the parcel
or parcels proposed to be created are fully developed.
(b) Soil types and their boundaries, as shown on the soil survey maps
prepared by the U. S. Natural Resources Conservation Service.
(c) The square footage and elevation of the first floor of all buildings
proposed to remain on the site or sites included in the certified
survey map.
(d) The Village Plan Commission, upon recommendation of the Public Works
Director, may, in order to determine the suitability of the site concerned
for the construction of buildings and supporting roadways, require
that soil borings and tests be made to ascertain subsurface soil conditions
and depths to bedrock and to the groundwater table. The number of
such borings and tests shall be adequate to portray for the intended
purpose the character of the soil and the depths to bedrock and groundwater
from the undisturbed surface.
(e) The approximate location of existing and proposed POWTS, if applicable.
(f) Where the site is not to be served by public sanitary sewer, soil
borings and tests shall be made to determine the suitability of the
site for the use of POWTS. Such borings and tests shall meet the requirements
of Chapters SPS 383, 384, and 385 of the Wisconsin Administrative
Code. The location of the borings shall be shown on the map and the
findings, with respect to suitability for the use of POWTS, shall
be set forth in a separate report submitted with the proposed certified
survey map.
(g) The location of woodlands, as mapped by SEWRPC, within the proposed
certified survey map.
(h) Historic, cultural, and archaeological features, with a brief description
of the historic character of buildings, structures, ruins, and burial
(i) Location and water elevations at the date of the survey of all lakes,
ponds, rivers, streams, creeks, and drainage ditches within the proposed
certified survey map and within 100 feet of the exterior boundaries
of the map. Approximate high and low water elevations and the ordinary
high water mark referenced to a vertical datum approved by the Public
Works Director shall also be shown. The status of navigability of
the lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, creeks, and drainage ditches shall
be indicated based upon a determination by the WDNR.
(j) The Village Plan Commission may require that the entire area contiguous
to the land encompassed within the proposed certified survey map and
owned or controlled by the subdivider be included in the certified
survey map even though only a portion of said area is proposed for
immediate development. The Plan Commission may also require the submission
of a sketch plan, drawn to scale, showing the entire contiguous holdings
owned or controlled by the subdivider and identifying proposed future
development of the parcel, including general street and lot or parcel
(k) Any additional information requested by the Public Works Director,
Plan Commission, and other affected Village and County Departments.
[2-28-2022 by Ord. No.
The Village may require that deed restrictions be filed and
recorded with the final map.
[2-28-2022 by Ord. No.
All certified survey maps shall meet all surveying and monumenting
requirements of § 236.34 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
[2-28-2022 by Ord. No.
The map shall be tied directly to a minimum of two adjacent
section or quarter-section corners defining a quarter section line
located, monumented, and placed on a Coordinate System authorized
under § 236.18 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The grid bearing
and distance of each tie shall be determined by field measurements.
The coordinates, together with a description, of the monuments marking
the section or quarter-section corners to which the map is tied shall
be shown on the map. All distances and bearings shall be referenced
to a Coordinate System and a horizontal datum approved by the Public
Works Director.
[2-28-2022 by Ord. No.
All certified survey maps shall provide all of the certificates
required for final plats by § 236.21 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
The Village Board shall certify its approval on the face of the map.
In addition, the surveyor shall certify on the face of that map that
all provisions of this Ordinance have been met.
[2-28-2022 by Ord. No.
(a) After the certified survey map has been duly approved by the Village Board, the Village Clerk shall cause the certificate to be inscribed upon the map attesting to such approval and the map recorded as provided for under §
74-3.7(d) of this Ordinance.
(b) The County Register of Deeds shall record the final map as provided
by § 236.34(2) of the Wisconsin Statutes.
(c) The subdivider shall file a copy of the final map with the Village