No person shall own or harbor any of the following categories of animals that require a permit, without first obtaining the necessary permit in compliance with this article.
Persons seeking a permit and permit holders are required to meet all applicable general permit requirements as set out in this chapter, as well as any additional requirements for each specific permit.
The annual fee for these permits shall be set by the health district and approved by the city council. The fee schedule will be posted at the ASC.
(Ordinance 52-2019 adopted 11/5/19; Ordinance 12-2022 adopted 4/19/22)
A fowl permit shall be required for any person owning, possessing, or harboring any fowl within the city limits. An annual permit fee shall be set by the health district and approved by the city council. The fee schedule will be posted at the ASC.
Permit holders:
Must ensure a 75-foot setback for any coop, pen, or housing utilized for fowl from any residence excluding the residence of the owner or harborer of the fowl.
Must maintain a minimum of 12 square feet of floor or ground area for each fowl.
Must maintain any structure housing fowl by thoroughly cleaning the area at least weekly to ensure there are no noxious and unpleasant odors emitted from the structure.
Must ensure any structure used to house fowl is treated with an approved disinfectant at least once every six (6) months to discourage insects, flies, ticks, mites, mosquitoes, and flies.
No person shall:
Keep any fowl within the city who does not possess a valid permit from the ASC.
Own, possess, or harbor guineas, peafowl, or roosters.
Keep any fowl in violation of any other section of this chapter.
(Ordinance 52-2019 adopted 11/5/19; Ordinance 12-2022 adopted 4/19/22)
A livestock permit shall be required for any person keeping livestock within the city limits as allowed by this chapter. The annual fee for the permit shall be set by the health district and approved by the city council. The fee schedule will be posted at the ASC.
All livestock permits shall be renewed on an annual basis. The annual fee for the permit shall be set by the health district and approved by the city council. The fee schedule will be posted at the ASC.
No person shall keep any livestock within the city who does not possess a valid permit from the ASC.
It shall be unlawful for any person owning or having control over any livestock to keep livestock, regardless of whether livestock is kept for personal use or for commercial purposes unless a livestock permit has been obtained from the ASC.
Setback required; minimum space required. No livestock shall be kept or maintained at a distance closer than 200 feet from any residence located on property owned by another person. All such livestock shall be maintained on a properly fenced parcel of land, providing a minimum of 600 square feet of area for each head of livestock. Livestock shall have shelter and shade of reasonable size for the number of livestock to be protected as provided in section 14-452(1)(b).
Odor, vector, and pest control required. Property housing livestock shall be kept free of offensive odor, flies, rodents, and other pests.
Manure container required. Each and every enclosure in or on which any livestock are kept shall have a suitable manure container into which all manure shall be placed at least weekly or more often as necessary. Each container shall be securely screened or otherwise protected from flies, rodents, and other vermin and shall be cleaned out and disinfected at least weekly. Manure from containers shall not be left in open stacks but shall be removed or buried in a manner so as not to create a public health nuisance.
It shall be unlawful for any person owning or having control over livestock to allow livestock to be at-large on public property, the property of another, or on harborer’s own property with no physical means of confinement.
Livestock permits may be denied or revoked for the following reasons:
Health or safety violations.
Animal cruelty or neglect as defined in section 42.09 Texas Penal Code.
More than one citation for livestock-at-large within a permit year.
Failure to obtain a livestock permit within ten (10) business days of placing livestock on property within the city limits.
If a livestock permit is denied or revoked, the applicant or permit holder will have ten (10) calendar days from the date of denial, suspension, or revocation to remove all livestock from the city limits before the livestock is subject to impoundment. Failure to renew the permit in accordance with this chapter shall presumptively be considered a revocation.
(Ordinance 52-2019 adopted 11/5/19; Ordinance 12-2022 adopted 4/19/22)
Livestock production areas shall be exempt from the following requirements of this section: setback; minimum space requirements; odor, vector, and pest control; and manure container requirements. All other requirements of the ordinance shall be met.
(Ordinance 52-2019 adopted 11/5/19; Ordinance 12-2022 adopted 4/19/22)
Any property issued a nonconforming use permit in operation on July 4, 1999, shall be allowed to renew their permit annually only as long as the following conditions are met:
The nonconforming use is not expanded by increasing the number and/or types of animals.
The property does not change owners.
The nonconforming use is continuous and not stopped for a period in excess of six (6) months.
Existing structures are not extensively modified, changed, or relocated unless there is a need to provide for the health and safety of the animals and/or the public, and remain in sound condition except for routine maintenance and repair.
Local and state cleanliness and sanitation requirements are perpetually in compliance.
(Ordinance 52-2019 adopted 11/5/19; Ordinance 12-2022 adopted 4/19/22)
A pet fancier permit shall be required for any person owning or harboring five or more animals unless the animals are covered by another permit under this chapter.
All animals must be spayed/neutered, current on rabies vaccination, licensed, and microchipped.
An animal may be exempt from spay and neuter requirements upon proof of current proof of registration with a recognized national show organization.
The annual fee for the permit shall be set by the health district and approved by the city council. The fee schedule will be posted at the ASC.
A pet fancier permit may be denied for the following reasons:
If the director or his or her designee makes a determination that the prospective pet fancier does not have adequate property or facilities to ensure the animals do not disturb any neighbors.
Sanitation for the number of animals permitted is not appropriately and safely addressed.
The owner has received two or more documented violations in the past twelve (12) months.
The number of animals allowed will be based on adequate housing space as determined by the size of animals being housed.
(Ordinance 52-2019 adopted 11/5/19; Ordinance 12-2022 adopted 4/19/22)
School-age children enrolled in a public, private or home school program, who are involved in a school program or 4-H where they are allowed to raise project animals, livestock, or fowl for show or profit purposes may apply for a permit to keep certain prohibited animals, livestock, or fowl for the qualified program, such as FFA or 4-H. The permit may be issued even though the property may not be fully in compliance with the setback requirements of this article. Those students are required to:
Apply for an annual project animal permit. Permits will expire one year from date of issuance.
Pay the annual permit fee.
Show proof of enrollment in one of the listed school programs.
Agree to comply with cleanliness and sanitation requirements of this article and the state health and safety code.
Obtain the approval, in writing, of all property owners located within 200 feet of the property.
Allow inspection of the animal, livestock, or fowl, as well as pens, facilities, and property before issuance of the permit by ASC staff.
Failure to comply with any of the requirements of this section will result in denial of the necessary permit. Permits are nontransferable and are revoked upon either the student’s graduation from high school, dropping out of the class or qualified program, or nonattendance by the student.
(Ordinance 52-2019 adopted 11/5/19; Ordinance 12-2022 adopted 4/19/22; Ordinance 65-2022 adopted 12/20/2022)
A rabbit permit shall be required for any person owning, possessing, or harboring any rabbit kept outside within the city limits.
Permit holders:
Must ensure a 50-foot setback for any cage or enclosure utilized for housing rabbits from any residence excluding the residence of the owner or harborer of the rabbit.
Must maintain cages and enclosures by cleaning weekly to ensure the area is free of waste matter, insects, and odor.
Must collect droppings at least weekly as necessary to prevent a public nuisance.
Must ensure droppings are stored in an airtight container for disposal at least every seven (7) days.
Must ensure cages are constructed in such a manner as to provide adequate protection from the environment and meet the requirements of section 14-452.
(Ordinance 52-2019 adopted 11/5/19; Ordinance 12-2022 adopted 4/19/22)
For the purposes of this section, the term “potbellied pig” shall mean a Vietnamese potbellied pig. Under no circumstances shall any swine be considered a potbellied pig if its weight exceeds 125 pounds. The owner must provide proof of weight obtained at a licensed veterinary clinic and provide paperwork during any inspection.
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep swine, pigs, potbellied pigs, or hogs in the corporate city limits.
Grandfather clause.
Any person holding a valid swine permit on November 15, 2019, may continue to own/harbor a potbellied pig until which time the animal either dies or ownership is transferred out of the city limits. They must continue to meet all the requirements as set out in this chapter.
The following conditions must be met for any permit holder having a valid permit as of November 15, 2019:
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, harbor, or raise more than two potbellied pigs in any one location within the city limits.
All potbellied pigs shall be kept indoors at all times, other than times for evacuation of waste material or during exercise periods. During the time the pig is permitted outdoors, it shall be confined within the property limits of the owner, and the owner shall be physically present outside with the pig.
All potbellied pigs shall be spayed or neutered on or before the age of 12 weeks. No adult potbellied pig may be kept within the corporate city limits unless its tusks have been surgically removed and the pig has been spayed or neutered.
All potbellied pigs shall receive annual vaccinations for erysipelas. It shall be the responsibility of the owner of the pig or the property owner to provide proof of vaccination at the initial permit inspection and then annually at each permit inspection. The vaccination certificate must be from a licensed veterinarian and include the following information:
Name and address of the owner.
Description of the pig.
Date of vaccination.
Weight of the pig.
The annual permit fee shall be set by the health district and approved by the city council. The fee schedule will be posted at the ASC.
Landlord permission, as evidenced by a signed and notarized statement of the property owner, must be obtained annually prior to the inspection in order to receive a permit for a potbellied pig.
Exceptions to this section shall be as follows:
Veterinary facilities.
Veterinary hospitals, clinics, and related practices of veterinary medicine shall be exempt from this section.
Other facilities.
Stock shows; livestock auctions; slaughterhouses; public zoos; governmental agencies including public schools, laboratories, certain school project animals, and research facilities approved by the director of health may be exempt from this section.
(Ordinance 52-2019 adopted 11/5/19; Ordinance 12-2022 adopted 4/19/22)