Editor’s note–Former section 13.01.002 pertaining to prohibited discharges to storm sewer or surface drainage system and deriving from the 1971 Code, section 16-4.2 was repealed and deleted in its entirety by Ordinance 1908, sec. 1, adopted 1/28/13. This provision can now be found in article 13.07. The remaining section of the article was renumbered at the editor’s discretion.
It shall be unlawful for any person, either as owner, tenant, employee, plumber or contractor, to place or permit the placement of an additive into a water cooling tower or into a boiler, the effluent of which empties or will be emptied into the storm sewer system or the sanitary sewer system, except for discharges for maintenance of a closed system, which additive contains any of the following substances:
Any salt of chromium;
Any compound containing chromium;
Any salt of zinc;
Any compound containing zinc.
(1971 Code, sec. 16-4.1)
It shall be unlawful for any customer, and/or the occupant of premises, to cause or permit to be caused excessive water runoff of Town water from that person’s premises onto streets, alleys, easements, or public rights-of-way. Runoff of Town water is excessive when it extends for a distance of greater than twenty (20) feet from the premises, and/or extends directly into a storm sewer located in and on public rights-of-way.
The Town shall serve a person in violation of this section with a written notice stating the nature of the violation and providing a 72-hour time limit for satisfactory compliance. Notice is properly served when it is delivered to the customer, or the occupant of the premises, in the form of a door hanger, or when it is sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last known address of the customer and/or the person occupying the premises at the time of the violation.
Any person who has received notice of a violation of this section and who fails to comply with the provisions or terms of this section within the 72-hour time limit shall be deemed guilty of violating the provisions or terms of this section.
(1971 Code, sec. 16-4.3)
It shall be unlawful for any person to place or permit to be placed any continuous water discharge into the surface drainage system of the Town that promotes the breeding of mosquitoes or growth of algae or that softens the ground under curbs, streets, or sidewalks contributing to their displacement or destruction.
(Ordinance 1990 adopted 2/22/16)