The Council shall have the full power and authority to zone the Town and to pass all necessary ordinances, rules and regulations governing same, under and by virtue of the authority given to cities and legislative bodies thereof, by V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, §§ 211.001 and 211.03 - .013, inclusive, together with existing amendments as hereafter may be made, and acts supplementary thereto.
The Mayor with the concurrence of the Council, shall appoint a Board of Adjustment which shall have all of the powers and authority as set forth in V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, §§ 211.08 - .011, inclusive, together with existing amendments as hereafter may be made, and acts supplementary thereto, and such additional powers and privileges as may be duly assigned to it by the ordinances of the Town.
There shall be created a Zoning Commission which shall consist of five (5) citizens of the Town who own real property within the Town, the Town Administrator or the Town Administrator’s designee, and the Town Attorney who shall serve as ex-officio members. Ex-officio members shall not have the power to vote. The voting members of the commission shall be appointed by the Mayor with the concurrence of the Council for a term of two (2) years. Such appointees shall serve without compensation and may not hold any elective office of the State of Texas or any other political subdivision thereof. A vacancy in an unexpired term shall be filled by the Mayor, with the concurrence of the Council for the remainder of the term. A majority of appointed members shall constitute a quorum and decisions may only be made with the affirmative vote of a majority or more of the members of the Commission.
The purpose and object of the Commission is to act as an advisory board to the Council on matters relating to zoning, platting or subdividing of land within the corporate limits of the Town, opening, widening and changing of streets, routing of public utilities and other matters relating to Town improvements as the Commission and the Council may deem beneficial to the Town. The Commission shall have all the powers and authority as set forth in the ordinances of the Town and applicable State laws.