This subchapter may be cited by number or as the “County Fire and Emergency Services Administrative Subchapter” and may be cited herein as “this subchapter.”
(Ordinance 1997-11 adopted 8/12/97)
The organization, administration and operation of the county fire department is herein established and governed by the board of county commissioners, through the office of the chief of the department.
(Ordinance 1997-11 adopted 8/12/97)
Joint resolutions, memoranda of understanding, joint powers agreements and mutual aid agreements between the county and other units of government pertaining to fire prevention, fire suppression, emergency medical services and other emergency services as well as dispatching of the same, now in force or being adopted subsequent to passage of this subchapter, are hereby expressly authorized when drawn or made in conformity to the intent and meaning of this subchapter and upon approval by the county commission.
(Ordinance 1997-11 adopted 8/12/97)
The quality of life of the citizens of the county is enhanced by the vigorous administration of effective fire prevention, fire suppression, emergency medical services and other emergency services administered by the county.
The county fire department is organized through the combined efforts of fire district volunteers and career employees to deliver quality emergency services to the citizens of the county.
Providing these services is consistent with the constitutionally prescribed functions of government to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the general public.
It is the policy of the county to provide staffing, funding and equipment for the county fire department and its individual fire districts within available resources consistent with the standards of local, state and national authorities.
The county fire department is administered through the chief of the department who is responsible for monitoring, overseeing, directing and coordinating all activities of the fire department.
The chief shall work in cooperation with each district chief to monitor, oversee, direct and coordinate the activities of each fire district.
Those fire district boundaries presently existing are hereby ratified, subject to the continued power of the board of county commissioners to change the boundaries in the future.
The county recognizes that some private, nonprofit corporations perform useful functions in support of the fire department and fire districts.
Private corporations have no authority to manage the operations of the department, or any part thereof, including fire districts.
The services provided by the county fire department are exclusively governmental activities.
(Ordinance 1997-11 adopted 8/12/97)
In consideration of the services provided by the private, nonprofit, auxiliary organizations in support of the county fire department, the chief, conferring with the district chief, is authorized to enter into agreements with the organizations to allow the use of fire stations by such organizations for meetings, fundraising and social events; provided that, any fundraising activities clearly state that the funds raised are being paid to the organizations and are not being paid to, or under the control of, the county.
The auxiliary organizations may also enter into agreements with the chief to perform other functions related to fire, life, property and public safety.
(Ordinance 1997-11 adopted 8/12/97)
The chief of the county fire department shall be an employee of the county who oversees and directs the operation and administration of the department and reports directly to the county manager through the director of the community services department.
All revenue sources, characterized as public funds, require board approval prior to expenditure. As such, the board has directed the chief to review and approve any expenditure requested by a district chief. The chief, acting as the representative of the board, shall review the requests for compliance with all applicable statutes, ordinances and rules and regulations.
The chief, under the direction of the county manager and conferring with the county chiefs association, shall develop, maintain and upgrade standards, policies, procedures, department personnel rules and regulations and protocols to ensure that the mission of delivering emergency services is accomplished.
These standards, policies, procedures, department personnel rules and regulations and protocols shall, at all times, be consistent with the safety and protection of all department personnel, both paid and volunteer.
These standards, policies, procedures, department personnel rules and regulations and protocols will collectively serve as the minimum standard for the department.
The chief shall be responsible for the maintenance and protection of those licenses and authorities held by the county, as required by state and federal regulators, for the delivery of emergency services and shall set forth the rules, regulations and reporting standards as required to maintain and protect those licenses and authorities.
The chief, under the direction of the county manager and conferring with the county chiefs association, shall be responsible for staffing, recruitment, training, budgeting and all other administrative matters for the department and for the development and improvement of the department to meet local, state and federal standards.
The chief shall be responsible for implementation and enforcement of fire and safety codes and any ordinances designating the fire department or the fire marshal as the enforcement agency as are now in effect or hereafter adopted by the county.
The chief, conferring with the district chief, is hereby authorized to commit fire department personnel, equipment and resources, wholly or in part, to emergency fire protection and emergency service delivery, including mutual aid, for the relief of danger to life or property from accident, explosion or natural disaster.
The chief, conferring with the district chief, is authorized to enter into agreements, contracts and working arrangements with other units of government for implementing and administering the provisions of this subchapter following approval of the county manager or the board of county commissioners as appropriate.
The chief, under the direction of the county manager and conferring with the county chiefs association, shall promulgate departmental rules and regulations and shall enforce departmental rules and regulations for administering disciplinary action for both paid and volunteer personnel.
The chief is authorized to arrange communications systems and networks necessary to adequately alert, dispatch and/or communicate with facilities, equipment and personnel within the county for the purpose of responding to fires, accidents, medical emergencies, explosions and natural disasters.
The chief, under the direction of the county manager and conferring with the county chiefs association, shall establish through department personnel rules and regulations, job descriptions, an organizational chart and a process for the training and promotion of paid and volunteer personnel.
(Ordinance 1997-11 adopted 8/12/97; Ordinance 2010-01 adopted 1/26/10)
Each individual fire district shall have a district chief who shall be a volunteer duly elected by the membership of the fire district and who shall function as such at the pleasure of the chief and the board of county commissioners.
The district chief is responsible for managing the day-to-day operational activities of the fire district county-owned stations, apparatus and equipment.
The district chief shall be responsible for supervising assigned department personnel, both paid and volunteer.
The district chief shall be responsible for the expenditure of funds allocated to the fire district.
(Ordinance 1997-11 adopted 8/12/97)
The chief shall have the power and authority to deputize willing district chiefs and other willing officers of the department to perform as official agents of the department, including the supervision of paid and volunteer personnel as may be deemed necessary for the protection of the health, welfare and safety of the residents of the county and for the enforcement of codes and ordinances.
(Ordinance 1997-11 adopted 8/12/97)
The chief shall, in cooperation with the county personnel department and conferring with the county chiefs association, administer a volunteer retention program to develop standards for the recruitment, application, training, performance evaluation and promotion of volunteer personnel which are equal, insofar as feasible, between paid and volunteer personnel.
The application of a prospective volunteer shall contain an acknowledgment and acceptance of the conditions of volunteer membership in the county fire department as contained in the rules and regulations.
The chief shall, in cooperation with the county personnel department and conferring with the county chiefs association, develop standards for the recruitment, application, hiring, training, performance evaluation and promotion of department employees.
The standards shall be in conformance with applicable federal, state and county regulations and shall be set forth in the rules and regulations of the fire department following review of the county attorney and county manager.
(Ordinance 1997-11 adopted 8/12/97)
Proposed department rules and regulations, as well as modifications to the department rules and regulations, for the fire department and fire districts shall be developed by the chief, in conference with the county chiefs association, after the final adoption of this subchapter.
Proposed rules and regulations, as well as modifications to the rules and regulations, shall be made and forwarded to the county manager for review.
The county manager will review the modifications and report findings to the board of county commissioners.
The board of county commission shall, through resolution, approve or disapprove any and all rules and regulations.
(Ordinance 1997-11 adopted 8/12/97)
There is hereby created a fire department advisory committee.
The fire department advisory committee shall consist of six members.
The sitting president of the county chiefs association shall serve as the chairperson of the committee.
This member shall serve a term equal to his or her term as president of the county chiefs association.
Each commissioner shall appoint one member from their respective county commission district to serve a one-year term. Each representative shall be a member of the county chiefs association.
The fire department advisory committee shall meet on a regular basis, but not less than quarterly for the express purpose of providing advice to the board of county commissioners and the chief of the department on matters, other than personnel, regarding the county fire department.
Specifically, the fire department advisory committee shall:
Be instrumental in the application and selection process of the chief of the department; and
Be actively involved in the strategic planning for the department, including recommendations for capital expenditures for fire districts, staffing levels, training standards, medical protocols and standard operating procedures.
The fire department advisory committee shall not:
Be involved in the disciplinary action, suspension, demotion or dismissal of paid or volunteer members of the fire department; or
Order the expenditure of public funds.
The fire department advisory committee shall be subject to the rules of order for county boards and commissions, as set forth in this code of ordinances, and shall be subject to the requirements of the New Mexico Open Meetings Act.
(Ordinance 1997-11 adopted 8/12/97)
All county fire department personnel responding to emergency medical service calls and/or providing patient care, regardless of level of training or education, shall do so only under the prior authorization and supervision of the county fire department medical director.
The medical director shall have responsibility and authority which includes medical protocols and medical dispatch procedures and protocols.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to give the medical director authority to allocate funding.
(Ordinance 1997-11 adopted 8/12/97)
There is hereby created the county sheriff’s department reserve, hereinafter referred to as “the reserve.”
(Ordinance 1985-02 adopted 9/9/85)
The reserve is under the exclusive control of the county sheriff who shall have sole and exclusive authority to:
Summarily discipline or dismiss members without appeal to anybody or tribunal;
Approve or disapprove all bylaws, rules and regulations of the reserve; and
Approve or disapprove all officers, employees or agents of the reserve.
To assist in making and drafting plans for the reserve and doing and performing all things necessary for perfecting same, the sheriff shall appoint a subcommittee of his or her choice.
The reserve and its individual members shall only have authority in law enforcement on specific request by the sheriff of the county. A specific request must be made for each individual instance of service.
The duties of the reserve shall be to assist in enforcement of law by cooperating with all law enforcement agencies and regulatory bodies.
Should any law enforcement agency or regulatory body desire assistance from the reserve, the request shall be made to the sheriff of the county who may authorize it if:
Reserve members are fully covered by the worker’s compensation insurance policy of the assisted agency or body and this is evidenced by a writing presented to the sheriff; and
Any and all liability that may arise against the county; its officers, employees or agents, the reserve or members thereof as a result of the assistance, is assumed in writing by the assisted agency or body.
The reserve or its members, when acting upon call, and only when acting upon call, of the county sheriff or for another law enforcement agency or regulatory authority shall be possessed of the same powers and duties as a county sheriff’s deputy or officer of the law enforcement agency or regulatory authority.
(Ordinance 1985-02 adopted 9/9/85)
The county manager shall immediately take steps to provide necessary worker’s compensation insurance for the reserve and necessary liability insurance covering liability that may arise against the county, its officers, employees or agents as a result of the activities of the reserve on behalf of the county.
If any or a portion of the liability is to be self-insured, the self-insurance fund shall be increased accordingly.
(Ordinance 1985-02 adopted 9/9/85)
When the sheriff of the county calls up the members of the reserve, the call shall be in writing, list the names of each member of the reserve called, the purpose of the call and the date and time the call begins and terminates.
Unless on call, reserve members shall have no more authority in law enforcement than that of any private citizen.
(Ordinance 1985-02 adopted 9/9/85)
This establishes the official policy of the county sheriff’s department regarding the formation, operating procedures and training of the county sheriff’s department reserve corps.
A sheriff’s reserve corps shall be composed of reserve officers who have been appointed and sworn in as members thereof by the county sheriff.
For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
Trainee. A person who has been accepted into training to qualify to become a reserve officer.
Reserve officers and trainees shall be volunteer workers only and shall not be deemed to be employees of the county or the sheriff’s department for any purpose other than for the purposes of a reserve sheriff’s deputy. All reserve officers shall be bound to abide by all rules and regulations, all general and all special orders of the county sheriff’s department.
A reserve officer or trainee is in an on-duty status when signed in on the reserve duty log and assigned with a regular officer.
The county sheriff shall establish the requirements to be met by persons to qualify to become members of the reserve. The requirements shall include, but need not be limited to physical, mental, aptitude, personality, inventory and character standards and the mandatory training of the persons for a minimum of 180 hours, in all fields of police work and activity in accordance with county sheriff’s department.
It shall be the duty of the sheriff to provide training for the persons and also any training for members which he or she may deem to be necessary or desirable.
The county sheriff shall determine fitness of persons to become and remain members.
Whenever all of the requirements to qualify to become a member shall have been met by any person and he or she shall have certified, in writing, that he or she has read the provisions hereof, he or she may be appointed and sworn in as a member by the sheriff.
The sheriff may terminate any member or trainee at any time and any member or trainee may resign at any time by written notification thereof to the sheriff. Any member who shall cease to be such shall surrender all property of the county which shall have been issued to him or her pursuant to the provisions hereof or otherwise.
The sheriff shall have complete authority and control over the reserves and its members and trainees and may delegate the exercise thereof, in whole or in part to any of his or her subordinates.
The sheriff or his or her designated subordinate may establish, by order which may be changed from time to time, rules and regulations governing the reserve officers and trainees, providing for the maintenance of discipline and the assigning of each member to perform peace officer duties.
Each reserve deputy, while on active duty, shall have status as a deputy officer and with the same power and authority, except as restricted or limited by the sheriff.
However, each member, when off-duty:
Shall not have status as a deputy officer or as a peace officer;
Shall not have any power, authority or duties as a deputy sheriff officer or as a peace officer; and
Shall not represent, identify or hold himself or herself out to be a deputy sheriff officer or peace officer.
The reserve deputy officer’s uniform shall be the same as a regular officers, except a shoulder patch shall bear the word “RESERVE” along with the word “RESERVE” on the breast shield.
Trainees shall be restricted from wearing the same brown belt with sidearms. Trainees shall wear only an underbelt with baton and ring and handcuffs and case.
Each member shall maintain and keep, for his or her expedient use, every item issued to him or her. He or she shall not carry any firearm unless he or she shall have qualified for and received a gun permit signed by the sheriff. Each member, at all times other than while serving as such, shall not wear, display or carry, as the case may be, any such item unless he or she shall have received specific written permission from the sheriff.
Each item which shall be issued to a member shall remain and be the property of the county.
If any member or any trainee should suffer or sustain any illness or injury proximately caused by, arising while out of, and in the course of, this service or training while on active duty, as hereinabove limited, he or she shall be entitled to all of those worker’s compensation benefits that he or she would be entitled to if he or she were a regular employee of the county; provided that:
While receiving the required training, a trainee will be entitled to those worker’s compensation benefits he or she would be entitled to if he or she were a regular sheriffs deputy receiving a monthly salary as such; or
After he or she has been appointed and sworn in as a reserve officer, a reserve officer will be entitled to those worker’s compensation he or she would be entitled to if he or she were a regular deputy receiving a salary as such.
If any such member or any such trainee should die as a result of any illness or injury proximately caused by, arising out of, and in the course of his or her service or training while on active duty, as hereinabove limited, those persons who, if the deceased member had been a regular deputy receiving a salary as such or if the deceased trainee had been a sheriff’s deputy cadet receiving a salary as such, would be entitled to any worker’s compensation benefits, pursuant to the provisions of the worker’s compensation act of the state, shall be entitled, but only upon the conditions provided therefor in the act, to the same benefits, no more or no less.
(Ordinance 1985-02 adopted 9/9/85)
The county sheriff requires all applicants to meet the standards of an applicant that is applying for permanent status as a sheriff’s deputy officer before being accepted as a trainee.
After completing the standard training and is commissioned by the county sheriff, the reserve deputy will work at least eight hours a month to stay in good standing as a reservist.
The sheriff will issue to all commissioned reserve deputies a badge, cap shield and silver or gold cap band. All other uniform items will be at the expense of the reserve deputy officer.
The governing body, on recommendation of the county manager or on its own motion, may, for cause, revoke any license issued under the provisions of this section after notice and opportunity to be heard before the governing body. The following shall be considered as just causes:
If the licensee has willfully violated any provisions hereof;
If any employee of the licensee violates any of the provisions hereof with the permission or instructions of the licensee to do so;
Conviction of any felony or any offense involving moral turpitude, except minor traffic violations; or
Violation of the rules and regulations of the sheriff’s department of the county so far as they are applicable.
(Ordinance 1985-02 adopted 9/9/85)