This chapter shall be known as the “County Personnel Chapter” and may be cited herein as “this chapter.”
(Ordinance 1991-16 adopted 1/8/92)
In adopting any personnel rules and regulations for county employees, the board of county commissioners hereby establishes the following policies.
Employment, classification and promotion in county government for classified positions shall be based on merit and fitness, free from personal and partisan political considerations.
Positions having similar duties and responsibilities shall be classified on a uniform basis.
Actions requiring the application of merit principles shall be based on evaluations of work performance.
Continued employment with the county shall be subject to good behavior, ability to perform required duties, the satisfactory performance of work and the availability of funds.
The personnel manual, as promulgated pursuant to this chapter, shall conform to this policy statement.
All classified employees of the county shall be covered by the provisions of this chapter.
Any employee of the county who violates this chapter or any manual, rule or regulation adopted pursuant hereto shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
(Ordinance 1991-16 adopted 1/8/92)
The board of county commissioners may adopt, by resolution, personnel rules, regulations and/or a manual which further define the employment relationship between the county and its employees, as well as the rights, duties and obligations of these parties.
(Ordinance 1991-16 adopted 1/8/92)