Prior to the development or improvement of any property which may cause the generation of wastewater, in the service area, the owner shall request a review by the department.
The department shall provide a written response which shall establish the necessity for connection to the POTW, assess the availability of sanitary sewer service in the area and cite the conditions under which wastewater collection and treatment service may be provided by the county. The county’s written response shall be obtained by the owner prior to the commencement of the design of any sanitary sewer improvements affecting the property.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/18/98)
Construction, operation and maintenance of pressure sanitary sewer systems serving private developments, with the exception of small diameter collection lines as described below, shall be the sole responsibility of the owner. Small diameter low pressure sewer lines which serve one or more individual lots and are installed in accordance with these standards and other relevant provisions hereof shall be accepted for maintenance by the county, upon verification by the department that all county-imposed conditions for such an acceptance have been met.
Whenever the installation of a high pressure system is deemed by the department to be in the best interest of the county, the operation and maintenance of such a system may be performed by the county at the owner’s request, if all other county imposed conditions regarding the transfer of ownership of private sewer are met.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/18/98)
Sewers referred to in this subchapter shall be constructed in accordance with the design standards for sanitary sewer construction adopted herein as appendix B to this chapter.[1]
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/18/98)
Editor’s note–Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Persons may construct sanitary sewers on and within the county public rights-of-way and dedicated public and private easements, provided that a state-licensed contractor makes an application to the county which sets forth the design, specifications and cost estimate for the work to be accomplished and receives an appropriate permit.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/18/98)
Any permit(s) required for construction of sanitary sewers under this chapter shall be acquired by the owner at the owner’s expense.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/18/98)
As a condition of receiving a permit from the county for the construction of a sanitary sewer improvements, the permittee shall provide proof of an approved current state utility contractor’s license and a bond or other financial guarantee acceptable to the county for the completion of the improvements.
The amount of the bond shall be not less than the cost estimate for the construction of the sanitary sewer.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/18/98)
Upon completion of construction satisfactory to the county, the improvements shall be formally accepted by the county. Completion of construction satisfactory to the county shall not be established until the department has received the following:
As-built drawings, television logs and tapes which have been reviewed and found acceptable by the department; and
Written certification by the engineer whose design supported the construction permit, certifying that the constructed improvements have been properly inspected during construction and were installed in conformance with the original specifications or with approved written change orders.
If the construction of the sanitary sewers does not meet the specifications, the improvements shall not be accepted by the county and the contractor shall be required to make the corrections necessary for the work to conform to the specifications. All corrective work shall be accomplished within 60 calendar days from notice of noncompliance by the department.
Failure of the contractor to perform corrective work or complete the requirements for acceptance by the county shall entitle the county to execute the bond and complete the work as designed.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/18/98)
The construction activity of sanitary sewers must be inspected by an engineer registered in the state.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/18/98)
Except when the cost of construction is paid from public funding source, such as public bond financing, tax increment financing, or a public improvement district, special assessment district or similar funding arrangement, the actual total construction cost for the sewer extension shall be paid in full by the person undertaking construction of the sewer extension under this subchapter (“applicant”) and documentation of payment shall be provided to the county. The applicant shall be entitled to reimbursement of a portion of the construction costs from new customers connecting to the sewer extension constructed by the applicant within ten (10) years from the date of the county’s acceptance of the applicant’s sewer extension. Each new customer that pays a share of the costs to construct the applicant’s sewer extension shall be entitled to a reimbursement of a portion of that payment from any subsequent customers that connect to the applicant’s sewer line during that ten-year period. The intent of this section is that the applicant and new customers connecting to the sewer extension during the ten-year period will share in the cost to construct the portions of the sewer extension used by each. Each new customer’s share of the cost of the sewer extension shall be determined by the county based on the following formula:
The reimbursement amount shall equal the cost of construction x (linear feet of the sewer extension used by the new customer divided by the total linear feet of the sewer extension), this divided by the total number of customers (i.e., applicant, the new customer and any prior customer connected to applicant’s sewer extension that reimbursed a portion of the cost of construction).
The county shall collect such reimbursement amount and pay the applicant and each prior customer, if any, an equal share of funds collected, no later than the date of the new customer’s connection to the sewer extension. If a reimbursement is determined to be required, pursuant to the foregoing provision, the county shall bill the new customer for the appropriate amount and, upon receipt thereof, shall refund the amount to the applicant and prior customers, if any, due the reimbursement, if it can be determined that the applicant and prior customers still exist and can be readily located. Reimbursements made under this provision shall not exceed the amount of the applicant’s contribution in aid of construction (i.e., the applicant’s actual costs incurred to design and construct the sewer extension) less the applicant’s share of the costs computed under this subchapter. The provision hereof apply to connection to all extensions installed after the effective date of this chapter.
(Ordinance 2010-16 adopted 12/14/10)
Private additions to existing private sanitary sewer systems that ultimately discharge to the POTW and that are required for provision of service to a development or proposed development will be allowed, provided that the following conditions are met.
The private system meets all specifications, design, construction and inspection requirements and applicable health standards as established by the county or otherwise required by law.
The total system design and construction costs shall be the responsibility of the petitioner.
Maintenance of the new sanitary sewer shall be the sole responsibility of the owner.
Developers of new private sewers or services that connect to existing private systems shall provide proof of permission to connect to and/or expand the existing system.
Individual connections to the private sanitary sewer system shall comply with other applicable provisions of this chapter.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/18/98)
The owners of private sanitary sewer systems constructed to county standards may request that the county accept dedication of the private system for public ownership and maintenance.
In this event, the owner must meet the requirements for acceptance of new sanitary sewers in section 52.46 and provide appropriate easements and rights-of-way in accordance with appendix B to this chapter.[1]
Editor’s note–Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/18/98)