The purpose of this subchapter is to provide for the equitable allocation of the costs of conveying, treating, operating and maintaining the POTW. These provisions shall apply to all nonresidential wastewater dischargers using the county POTW and shall be administered by the department.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/8/98)
The department shall maintain appropriate surcharge parameters based on federal and state requirements placed on the operation, maintenance and performance of the POTW.
The parameters may include, but shall not be limited to the following:
Flow, COD and TSS;
A base flow in gpd and concentration in mg/l for each wastewater parameter may be established by the county (The user will be surcharged for discharges in excess of the base.); and
The department may apply any or all of the parameters to the user as appropriate.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/8/98)
The department may place each user in a user category for purposes of developing a category mean for flows and parameters.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/8/98)
The department will estimate the quantity of wastewater discharged by the user. The amount of wastewater discharged shall be assumed to be 90% of the water consumed unless the user can provide acceptable evidence to the county showing otherwise.
The department may require that the user install water measuring equipment and other related items to assist with making this determination, if water service is not provided by the county.
The department may require the user to report readings and allow the county to access the meter.
The user shall provide a safe, secure location meeting the department’s requirements for conducting flow measurement studies within 60 days of receipt of the department’s request.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/8/98)
The department shall determine the location for all wastewater sampling. The user shall provide a safe, secure location meeting the department’s requirements for the wastewater sampling within 60 days of receipt of the department’s request.
The method of sampling shall be determined by the department. Methods may include grab or composite sampling depending on the user’s flow, access, process and other variables. The standard shall be a time-weighted six-day composite.
The duration and frequency of sampling shall be determined by the department.Duration and frequency may include single samples or multiple samples taken over a period of time depending on the user’s flows, access, process, hours of operation and other variables.
The sampling shall be done once every two years or as otherwise determined by the department.
All wastewater analysis shall comply with the requirements listed in 40 CFR 136 and/or the standard methods.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/8/98 Penalty, see section 10.99)
In lieu of wastewater sampling and testing, the county has the option of estimating one or all of the user’s discharge parameters (concentration and mass) based on the information developed from other users or on incomplete information on the user’s discharge.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/8/98)
The department may perform a resample if the results of the analysis do not appear to correspond with the user’s operation or for other reasons determined by the department.
Resampling shall follow the same procedure as for discharge sampling.
The department may perform periodic resampling and inspections to assure continued compliance with these rules and regulations, including inspection of grease trap pumping records.
Individual users may resample their wastewater and have it tested by a department-approved lab and present the resulting data to the department for its review.
The industrial user shall be responsible for all costs associated with the resampling and testing and reporting shall comply with the following requirements:
Testing shall be performed in accordance with 40 CFR 136 and/or county-approved standard methods.
The resampling shall follow procedures described by the department.
Recovery of resampling costs performed by the department at the request of the user shall be reimbursed in accordance with the fees as shown in appendix A to this chapter.[1]
Editor’s note–Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/8/98)
The county will assess the surcharge on the users found to be discharging wastewater above the base surcharge parameters.
Calculation of surcharge will be made in accordance with appendix A to this chapter.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/8/98)
The county shall include the surcharge on the user’s monthly wastewater bill.
It shall be identified as a separate surcharge fee to the user.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/8/98)
No credits shall be given for wastewater discharged at a concentration less than the base domestic concentration.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/8/98)
Violations against these rules and regulations include:
Disregard of notification(s) issued by the department to install proper sampling equipment, sampling port or other items requested by the department;
Upon being shown proper identification, refusing to allow department personnel on user’s property for the purpose of user category verification, locating a sampling port, monitoring, estimating water usage or for developing or confirming other information necessary for the program’s administration;
Removing, damaging, relocating or tampering with sampling and monitoring equipment;
Improperly maintaining a grease trap; and
Nonpayment of surcharge over 30 days past due.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/8/98 Penalty, see section 10.99)